Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7540: : Acacia

"Pfft!" I almost choked, so I could only hold her shoulders with both hands and push her aside, and said, "Jiang Ran, you are still young, how can Liu Zhong say such unpretentious words casually. ? In the future, even if you meet someone you like, you can't be so straightforward, and you will tell me these words, indicating that you are still in a trade-off between interests, but the crystallization of the relationship between two people, that is, children, should not be Because of the trade-offs of interests, we are born as human beings!”

"But...but I think Brother Xia, you are very good...I love you very much, shouldn't we have a relationship?" Jiang Ran said insistently.

"Jiang Ran, you were born in the Shenyin clan, with only a few of your immediate family around you. In order to adapt to the environment, you chose to use the interests of the ethnic group as a way to continue offspring. I don't know what love is, but I can understand it. Let’s not talk about it for the time being, life is long, and it will come naturally, trust me, I am afraid that you will not think so when you look back at today’s events in the future.” I smiled lightly.

"But what if I regret not keeping seeds with you?" Jiang Ran asked a little aggrieved.

"Then we will see if we have this fate. The world is vast, and there are infinite possibilities for humanity. Just follow the fate." I touched her head, and then said: "Okay, you can give me the Sword of Extermination. , I can't give you anything, but I promise you some things, one is that you can live better in Fengling City, and the other is that I will take care of you individually, so that you can meet me again in the future. See, how?"

"Well...if you can't refuse me anymore, you must keep a seed with me?" Jiang Ran said innocently.

With a wry smile, I knew that I would not agree to this, but I didn’t clearly reject her, so I gave her a considerable amount of Merit Points from Feng Lan City. After all, the sacrifice of the Exterminator Sword is enough to get a contribution comparable to that of a great elder. .

In addition, of course, it also gave her some convenience, so that she could meet me again one day, just like I gave Xianli and Lingzhao to them.

After sending Jiang Ran away, it was the last time with Xue Qingcheng.

When I saw her, she was in some kind of thought, and she seemed to be a little disappointed. It was at this moment that I suddenly froze in my heart.

Although I treat her with Xue Qingcheng, in fact she is not the real Xue Qingcheng.

She is the girl named Shenxue. She can't make decisions like Xue Qingcheng, and she can't cut off unnecessary emotions at critical moments like Xue Qingcheng. She is just a girl with a clear heart.

It's just that I'm so used to her that I think she should be strong at this time.

"You won't be reluctant to give up your man when it comes to a critical moment, right?" I laughed.

Xue Qingcheng turned her head and glared at me, and said, "Why do you always like to be selfish!"

"Oh, it doesn't seem to be, that's just thinking of another man?" I asked shamelessly.

"Stop talking nonsense, be careful I'll beat you up!" Xue Qingcheng said angrily, this time it didn't seem like it was fake, she seemed to be really angry.

I hurriedly approached and said, "It's me who's wrong, it's me who's wrong, why don't you beat me up?"

Xue Qingcheng was so angry that she punched my chest, but she stopped when she reached my chest. Although she was still a little angry, she still said, "Aren't you leaving yet!"

"Isn't this thinking of you, so I'll go after seeing you? I've managed to cross thousands of mountains and rivers to find you, how hard is it to see you? I don't like you very much." I laughed.

"Then you're making me angry!" Xue Qingcheng was wronged again, her eyes were a little wet again, but she held back and did not fall.

"I also want to keep you from being too obsessed with you when I leave. If I feel too much love, won't I feel bad?" I smiled wryly.

"Then you should continue to be angry with me!" Xue Qingcheng stared at me with wide eyes, an expression that would not forgive me.

Of course I knew she was angry, so I kept smiling and said, "If I know that you really don't want me so much and continue to be angry with you, then I'm afraid you will definitely be sad if you stay here, right? After thinking about it, since that's the case, It’s better to face life directly.”

"You!" Xue Qingcheng snorted and turned around.

Looking at Xue Qingcheng's slender back, I couldn't help but walk over and want to hug her, but she seemed to know what I was going to do, she turned around and pushed me away, and the stubbornness on her face was as I remembered. Snow Allure.

I smiled awkwardly: "It's just..."

"Let's go, I'm Shenxue! It's not your Xue Qingcheng! I won't do what you want!" Xue Qingcheng had tears rolling in her eyes at this time.

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