Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7564: : to send

These fate stones full of luck have gone from black as black jade to now crystal clear. Compared with the ordinary fate stones I took out, there is a huge difference in color.

The luck in the entire treasury was still growing, and Ying Yao couldn't help cheering at the miraculous scene in front of him, and checked whether the dozens of hill-like Destiny Stones had all absorbed the luck.

"With these Destiny Stones, wouldn't it be possible to buy all the treasures of the immortals? If so, let alone three immortals in three years! Maybe ten is not a problem!" Ying Yao said happily.

I see that the coverage of luck here is saturated, so I simply cut off the connection of the array map. This secondment of luck has little effect on the giant of Chuangshitian, and it will even recover in a short time. However, starting the array map is a waste of time. My spiritual power is gone, and I managed to recover from it during this period of time, and I can no longer consume the spiritual power in my body.

Zhongyuanzhou's heavy spiritual energy is not suitable for conversion, and it takes a lot of time to absorb it. As for the Yangshen Dan of the fairyland level, I don't have it, so when I encounter a siege, even if I have a lot of treasures, I can't beat my hands with my fists.

The poisonous dragon was thrown out by me to devour heavy spiritual energy. It is my secret weapon, it can absorb all the breath for my own use, because poisonous gas is also the source of its power.

"Why do you buy their treasures? These Steinsstones still have to be used leisurely. With our current strength, we can't bear any of the Three Sovereigns, and what do you think they will do when they find out that we have so many Steinsstones?" I laughed.

The Ying Yao gasped and said, "You can't let them know that the Destiny Stone in this warehouse is enough to make them kill their hearts."

"Well, you can take some and absorb and convert it. Although the Zhongyuanzhou Xianjia is born with extremely strong luck, it is still far worse than the immortal. Adding some will also be of great benefit to your future ascension. As for destiny In addition to the part of the stone that is forged into the treasure of luck, the rest should be used to purchase the treasures of heaven and earth in various territories." After I finished speaking, I took out a jade piece and said, "These days, I have studied the successful people in history. According to the records, the most they bring are the treasures of luck, and among these treasures, these materials are the most resistant to the baptism of catastrophe, and most of them are in our Central Yuanzhou territory. You use the stone of destiny to purchase at market price, Remember to issue a purchase order and let others sell it, not you to beg to buy it, after all, the wealth is not in vain."

"Ying Yao knows, I will let a few acquaintances pass on the purchase request. If they have one, they will definitely come to exchange it. The Destiny Stone is a rare thing." Ying Yao took the order, and then got his own Destiny Stone. For training purposes, the remaining purchase money will of course be recorded.

After I took away some of the Steinsstones, I quickly sealed the warehouse temporarily. After all, it was impossible to take all of them.

Ying Yao went to busy shopping for treasures, and I also went to a cultivation altar in the temple, where Xue Qingcheng is now cultivating. During this time, she has entered the stage of entering the fairyland, and now I will send her some Destiny Stones It is also reasonable.

There are also some spiritual slaves in the temple, all of which are the spoils of the previous temple blessing, but it is not accurate to say that it is his Over time, it has either been lost or destroyed, and now there are only seventeen left.

Now I don't have time to study the spirit slaves, so I use them directly after recycling, and let them guard the temple territory. In addition to early warning, they can also do reception work.

In front of the altar of the earth, two human-shaped male spirit slaves stood there. They were wearing temple robes and looked quite mighty.

As for strength, it is said that the previous six combined can handle one person ascending to the fairyland. Although it can be done now, this number can only handle two at most, which is better than nothing.

When the slave saw me, he immediately gave a big gift. After I nodded, I walked into the altar of the earth. This altar of earth is a gathering point for absorbing the heavy spiritual energy from the outside world.

When entering it, Xue Qingcheng was not cultivating, but was flipping through some books and materials, and there were a bunch of strange materials beside her.

Like me, she is eager to integrate into all aspects of Zhongyuanzhou.

Seeing me coming, she put away the book, and said with some grumbling, "What? I finally thought of me? I thought you would only use a lot of things to kill me."

"During this period of time, I'm also studying the things of Zhongyuanzhou, and I also have to do work such as rune analysis? But now I've basically touched it, and I can almost let you hit the fairyland." After I finished speaking, I piled up a pile of Destiny Stones.

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