Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7568: : Dao anger

All the immortal families began to look for Xue Qingcheng's breath.

I also let go of the breath search, and I caught her breath appearing in the sky above my head in no time.

There were dark clouds rolling in the sky, but there was no sign of Xue Qingcheng. In fact, everyone caught her breath as well, but they didn't see anyone like me.

I instantly knew why she disappeared, and she was so clever that she used her yin and sky robe to ascend to the sky and realize the power of immortality.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time seized the opportunity to counterattack, the poisonous dragon immediately pounced on one of the old men who had not yet recovered from the shock.

Although the old man reacted very quickly, he was immediately cut off by my sky-shattering technique. Dulong didn't care about these space cracks, and swallowed the old man in one bite!

The tragic condition of the old man in the body of the poisonous dragon is self-evident, even if he wants to rush out of the fairyland, it is not easy.

The others were startled, and hurriedly avoided the attack range of the poison dragon, while at the same time trying to capture Xue Qingcheng's position.

Xue Qingcheng is now in a state of calamity, but because the luck is too strong, the calamity looks soft and weak. Of course, this does not mean that the effect of scavenging has not been achieved, because the rules of active integration and passive integration are completely different. .

I went through the calamity of space cracks and finally succeeded in ascending to the Immortal. It was forcibly adapting to the law of time and space with strong strength, not purely relying on air luck, so I finally gained the power to use this kind of law. This is passively letting the law accept me, and it is also passive integration. example of it.

Now Xue Qingcheng's luck can be said to be in a state of great perfection. The law of heaven is almost integrated with her. For her, who has innate adaptability to the way of heaven, this law is almost tailor-made, so actively integrating the law is equal to It is the innate control of this kind of law, and its adaptability is even stronger than my forced integration.

It is equivalent to the law given by heaven, do your part, such a calamity is a matter of course!

Sure enough, just as I thought, just when one of the female fairy madly attacked the area where Xue Qingcheng's breath was, suddenly the aurora attacks spread out like fireworks in the middle, and even she herself was startled, and quickly Several aurora blasted out again!

But these aurorae were either distorted or scattered directly, as if Heaven did not allow it to exist.

This made the female fairy very surprised, not just her, other fairy families avoided the poison dragon attack and occasionally one or two attacks slammed into the area where Xue Qingcheng was.

I secretly said that this law is simply an omnipotent tool for destroying the law. It is unheard of to destroy other people's laws, and it is even more terrifying than my space cracking law!

Neutralizing an attack and destroying an attack are two different things. Now, the Law of Heaven is obviously affected by the laws under Heaven, which means that Xue Qingcheng is close to being promoted to Immortalland.

Of course, these Heavenly Dao Law attacks were not used by Xue Qingcheng, but within the range of her calamity. Other laws touched the effect of the Heavenly Dao Law. If Xue Qingcheng controlled this Heavenly Dao Law, the result would not be so gentle!

As I thought, Xue Qingcheng had already used her power when she canceled the yin and sky clothes. She appeared in the sky in a purple dress. She stepped into the fairyland with amazing power, and even the laws of heaven made her. The surrounding space was distorted, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be afraid of her existence, and took the initiative to scroll around her.

All the Xianjia watched this scene in shock. They already knew that things backfired, and it was impossible to stop them. They should have never imagined that Xue Qingcheng would be promoted silently. There is only one possibility for such a smooth promotion, and that is the fit with the Tao of Heaven. The degree exceeds 90% or more!

The only thing is that she has not yet proved the Tao to become the Tao of Heaven itself, but if she has strong adaptability, if she uses these laws of the Tao of Heaven, one can imagine the horror of her Tao and Soul Domain!

"Do you think I'm easy to bully!?" Xue Qingcheng asked in a cold voice in the sky, and a group of immortals scattered left and right in fright.

But it was obviously too late. Xue Qingcheng, who had pulled out the Tuxiao sword, slashed with his sword, and with a bang, the sky was also twisted. The whole body turned into particles because it could not withstand the disintegration of the powerful laws of heaven!

"Fellow Daoist Shenxue, spare your life! This is because a certain family fell ill and ran into fellow Daoist!"

"Fellow Daoist please calm down! Territory baby, everything is easy to talk about!"

The power of this blow is huge, and the consumption is of course not small, but it is worth it, because its deterrent effect is far beyond imagination, these escaping immortals are begging for mercy while running away, and their face is worthless to them.

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