Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7570: : to welcome

After being provoked by the immortals and demons this time, the Destiny Stone originally left in the warehouse is not safe anymore. I hesitated again and again. No matter how large the number is, I have to take it away at this moment. And of course.

So I left a small pile in the warehouse to prevent the need of the heroic monsters. Half of them and Xue Qingcheng were placed in the storage bag. The other half found a pool in a mountain stream and poured a large amount of Destiny Stones directly into the deep pool. Among them, and did some cover up of luck.

And the entire temple area was also hollowed out for me to make a special extra short-range teleportation point.

This is also to prevent the temple from being controlled in the future, and I can break in from the underground area through the secret teleportation point.

Years of fighting made me prudent in doing things, and Guan Hui, who did not dare to rely on the other person's humanity, was more likely to leave behind.

Because I still have a lot of friends from Mu Xianzhou to come up. If I go out and serve them to others, wouldn't the people who come here become prisoners?

And I won't let one or two new people be welcomed here occasionally. It solves the problem of luck, and it is inevitable to open up new channels. Sooner or later, the teleportation point of this temple will be abandoned by me, because at that time, people who entered the hidden land of the gods That array device was also secretly set up in the temple teleportation array by me.

After feeling that everything was safe, Xue Qingcheng and I went to accept the territory we had acquired earlier.

"I didn't expect you to be so cunning, and as an enemy with you, you can only be counted." Xue Qingcheng said sincerely.

"I never thought that this temple could become my own. If it is really taken, it would be more reliable if we try to make one ourselves, and we still can't guess the thoughts of the three emperors. They will not be immortal if they stay. What's the reason? If it's just to protect my own family, it's too great and not in their interests." I laughed.

"It's true what you say." Xue Qingcheng also felt that it was very reasonable, so she thought about it and said, "You said about Si Zhengxian, could it be related to their intentional failure to ascend to immortality?"

"It may be related to their ancestors. As for them staying, it must be due to the inheritance from generation to generation. I believe that this time I go to the World of Warcraft God's Domain to get some information." I said.

We went all the way to the territory that was divided into our own. The situation there was much more stable than expected. The materials were all under the protection of the spirit slaves without any omissions.

You must know that Xianjia resources are not like planting fruit trees that can bloom in a year. Some harvests can be calculated in ten years or a hundred years. Even if it is ore, it takes time for spiritual slaves to dig, refine and purify. After the finished product, most of it goes into the storage bag, so who will rob the manufacturing process?

After wandering around without the slightest problem, Xue Qingcheng and I were going to head south according to the classics to the most explored southern region in the World of Warcraft Gods in Zhongyuanzhou.

After all, it is also the most exiled area in the fairyland. Most of the climbers who want to survive will enter the World of Warcraft through there, and there are even those who are waiting for the challenge to live there.

Although I, as a temple concubine, coordinate the division of the territory, even if I am not there, the spirit slaves have the authority to handle official duties. This has been the practice for many years. Of course, there are natural witnesses, and these heroic monsters will of course handle it on their behalf.

As the last territory in the World of Warcraft Gods, seeing Xue Qingcheng and I crossed our territory, the owner of the territory also came out to say hello.

"Who is the old man? It turned out to be Xia Miaozhu, and the Taoist Shenxue who killed Fairy Pan Li just now. The two came to the old man's territory today, but do you have any advice?" The old man looked like His eyebrows covered his sight, and it was surprising enough to guard the border area at a very old age.

This kind of existence either has a good relationship with the Warcraft God Realm in the border domain, or there are many brothers in the surrounding domain, so that they can help each other in difficulty, and finally live to this age.

So I didn't dare to neglect and said: "It turns out to be fellow Daoist Meng Shuang, we really want to explore the World of Warcraft God and find some magical beast materials that can make treasures, so I don't dare to give advice, and we even want to ask fellow Daoists for some advice. Woolen cloth."

"Hehe, Xia Temple is very kind. I don't need to say anything to the old man. Most of the ancient books in the temple must have been recorded, so I can't say anything about advice, but the old man has lived a little in this territory. Although I am old, I still know some things that are not recorded in the classics, but I don’t know if Xia Miaozhu and fellow Daoist Shenxue want to know more about it?” Meng Shuang, the old man, can get everything from all directions, but the etiquette is just right, not flattering. Nor is it condescending.

"I also ask fellow Daoists to give some pointers." I brought Miyue to the front of the old man.

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