Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7578: : when money

After leaving the cave, Meng Shuang took me all the way to the south to the second cave. On the way, he could be said to be complacent. While noting the changes in the surrounding scenery, he said happily: "Xiamiaozhu, you just watched it too. Come on, these extraterritorial immortals are all treasures, even if you find one, you can actually hang up the immortals in our temple domain, but do you know why they don't come back?"

"Why?" I pretended not to smile.

"Hey, firstly, there are more opportunities here, secondly, it's easy to not be disturbed, and thirdly, one day, you can wait for a rich man like Xia Temple to pray. Xia Miaozhu doesn't have to think that they have a good life. In fact, there are no such immortal families. Most of the immortals who have entered the Demon Realm are basically dead and alive, and those who are alive are rare, so they have the protection of the three emperors. It is better to have less chance. It’s better to be scared and scared every day, like this immortal, although he knows a lot about this place, he would rather stay in the temple territory.” Meng Shuang looked envious.

"Like you, you also pay taxes to the Three Emperors?" Xue Qingcheng asked in confusion.

"Hey, during the New Year's Day, in addition to the tribute temple, the immortal families of all ethnic groups naturally have to send gifts to each other's leaders. Otherwise, how can we make a living in this temple area? Don't say it, just like the Taoist friend Fenggu just now, Don't look at his appearance as a baby, and he also manages the surrounding parties behind his back, in addition to occasional visits, he even pays tribute to the big beasts in the area, so that one side has no worries." Meng Shuang said with a mysterious smile.

"Oh? Don't those monsters understand people's language? Do they attack the Xian family when they see it?" Xue Qingcheng was immediately amused.

"Of course this is the case, but if you send too much and don't drop every year, those beasts also know that eating marrow knows the taste, right? So don't look at the blood invested in Fenggu Daoist's nest, the cost outside is actually several times larger. !" Meng Shuang said.

"No wonder you are greedy!" Xue Qingcheng snorted softly.

Meng Shuang smiled embarrassedly, and said, "Fellow Daoist Shenxue is not entirely right, the more dangerous the place, the more opportunities, but in fact the cost will also increase, I am an example, although I earn 10% Destiny Stone, but in fact, it will be stable for three or five years, and it is not counted as one's own use..."

I secretly thought that it was because we were going to take the cut, and Xue Qingcheng was about to refuse, so I threw away the cut that belonged to Meng Shuang: "Fellow Daoist Meng, this is your cut, and next, I will trouble fellow Daoists too. already."

"Oh, so polite, Xia Miaozhu is much easier to talk than that old guy Fenggu! Don't confuse him with this face, when I was still a junior, he had already wandered outside the territory! Hmph, but Xia Miaozhu can rest assured, As long as you don't lack the Destiny Stone in your Qiankun bag, even if the two fellow Daoists are under the mountain, I will let them turn the mountain over!" Meng Shuang, the old man patted his chest and assured.

I smiled and said, "That's work."

Meng Shuang is very happy. He doesn't dare to think about Xue Qingcheng's and I's Qiankun bag. After all, each of us has a divine sword forged by the God-destroying Sand, and our strength is unfathomable. Apart from being able to get a commission from us, there is nothing else. other law.

Along the way, I studied this ancient coin. It looks round, about the size of a child's palm, with an oval-shaped mouth in the middle.

However, as a master of space magic, I know very well that this ancient coin contains the power of space, and there must be a universe in it.

So there are two reasons to spend a lot of money to buy it. The first is like opening a lucky bag. If you can open the space inside the ancient coin, no one will know what treasures will be inside. The second is that the surface of the ancient coin is in addition to the ancient inscriptions. , the whole is like a flattened front fish head and fish mouth, which is also the first impression of calling it an ancient coin.

In ancient times, when there were no coins, fish was the most commonly used thing in exchange, so after productivity came up, coins made of precious metals in the shape of fish were everywhere.

Right now, this fish and ancient coin has fallen from the sky, and it is suspicious enough to invest in it.

As I kept throwing the Destiny Stone into the mouth of the fish, this ancient coin gradually became clear from its old appearance, and the number of feedings went from hundreds to thousands. Shuang also sees blood dripping from the heart.

Xue Qingcheng was very interested. This coin-injection became new. It really made the girl feel like playing a game, so after calling me to go there, she kept pouring money into it.

However, this ancient coin is a bottomless pit. After two or three days, it is roughly estimated that there are tens of thousands of Destiny Stones, and there is no sign of the ancient coin being activated. Meng Shuang couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, the little lady is real. Don't you treat the Steinsstone as money?"

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