Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7583: : Lei Kui

The movement grew louder as we moved forward, and there was no doubt that it looked like a war between Warcraft.

Otherwise, there would not be any movement like a landslide.

Human Immortal Fighting often uses breakthrough as an attack method, condensing strength to attack the enemy's weakness, but the monsters are not small, so the attack method can't be controlled so much.

When it got close, it turned out that a giant beast like a wild boar was colliding with a cow-like beast. Fragmented.

The fighting between the two monsters shook the Suyuan Mountains.

Just when Xue Qingcheng and I were puzzled, the old man Meng Shuang hurriedly called out, "That hyena is the original body of fellow Daoist Chenghye!"

"The original body?" I was stunned for a moment, and then said: "There are not many people who can change back to the original body, right?"

At this moment, the wild boar was obviously down. Although this cow has three legs, each of them is very sharp. When the pestle accelerates and bounces on the ground, it is steady and fast, and it is full of thunder, and it will hurt a lot if it touches it. Even if this boar is covered in scales, it is difficult to resist the attack of attributes.

"You're right, but you can use treasures as your original body, and you can change your form by relying on the formation. This is the most powerful killing move of fellow Daoist Cheng Ye, it seems that the Kui beast may not be easy to deal with. Yeah, let's go help quickly!" Meng Shuang said hurriedly.

I flicked my finger, and the Heavenly Furnace Worm on my shoulder immediately fluttered and flew towards the Kui Beast.

Both Kui Beast and Cheng Yan heard the roar of their wings, as if they had encountered a terrifying opponent, and immediately looked over after they separated.

Cheng Yan's expression finally got better after seeing Meng Shuang, but the Kui beast was still like a formidable enemy.

The next moment, Kui Beast turned around and fled, but how could Tian Furnace let it go and chased after him frantically.

Not to mention, the Heavenly Furnace Worm was very fast, and wherever it went, it was like a wind and a cloud. After a while, even the head and Dao core are gone.

The Kui Beast, which was the size of a small mountain, disappeared before it took more than a dozen breaths.

And the scaly mountain pig watched this scene with his eyes open, and it could be seen that its eyes were complicated. After a while, the scaly mountain pig began to fall off like soft soil, and finally a beautiful woman appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Chenghye! Are you alright?" Meng Shuang said with a smile.

Cheng Yue's face was a little pale, thinking that he had been fighting for a long time just now: "It turned out to be fellow Daoist Meng Shuang, I haven't seen you for thirty or forty years, and you are a bit old."

"Hehe, in this place in Zhongyuan Continent, no matter how long the human immortal is, it will only be a dozen or so in a hurry. How can there be immortality." After Meng Shuang finished speaking, he introduced the two of us.

"It turned out to be the new temple blessing of this generation, but it is rare. I thought that the temple blessing of the territory was not bold, but it is also, like Xia Miaozhu, who has the means to control the heavenly furnace insect, it is indeed possible to go anywhere." on me.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng Hye has a lot of tricks." I looked blankly at her, snapped her fingers, and took the pile of dirt back into my hands, turning it into a small scale-armored wild boar.

"Hehe, no matter what, I would like to thank Xia Miao for blessings first. This friendship will be repaid one day. By the way, I don't know what is the purpose of several of you entering the World of Warcraft God?" Cheng Yan looked at me with a profound meaning. at a glance.

I smiled and said, "Repayment or something, there are opportunities, such as doing this, maybe it is your chance to repay."

"Oh?" Cheng Yan looked gentle and elegant, not like the wild boar that was rampaging just now.

Meng Shuang hurriedly said: "The purpose of our trip is to ride on you, Daoist friend, Xiamiao wish to follow me here, just to buy some treasures to protect yourself, we have already gone to Daoist Fenggu's place before. , I also bought a lot of treasures, all of which were settled with Destiny Stone, I think Daoist Cheng Xian should have a lot of treasures, so I brought them to Suyuan Mountain."

"That's it, unfortunately you came a step late. I originally had a few extremely powerful treasures, but a few days ago, I stabbed a monster king's lair here, and all the way to escape was damaged, so I was still wandering near the cave. The Kui beast was ambushed by him, and now he has nothing left." Cheng Mane had a pity expression on her face.

"Ah? There is still such a thing? How can it be good? We came here from the realm, but it took a lot of time..." Meng Shuang was still a little unwilling, and after thinking about it, he said: "I don't know how to take advantage of it. Do Daoists have other Daoist friends to introduce? We can go to visit!"

Cheng Yan shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I'll disappoint the three of you. I'm afraid I can't avoid it when I meet the Immortal Family in this World of Warcraft God. It's also my understanding, but it's only limited to you, fellow Daoist."

"Oh, what a pity."

I thought about it for a while and asked, "Fellow Daoist Chenghye, even if it's not a protective treasure, some other things that you can't understand can be traded, like the treasure found in Suyuan Mountain."

"I found some strange things in this Suyuan Mountain, but I didn't quite understand them, so I left them in the mansion... What's the value of these?" Cheng Yan was curious.

I was secretly delighted, and said, "Everyone has their own preferences for treasures. Maybe Daoist Chengxian thinks that things are worthless, and I may need them."

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