Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7601: : steal fruit

"I see, is this what you're talking about?" Xiangrui took out the straight roll box from his sleeve.

After I took it, I opened the lid. Inside was a map. After it was spread out on the ground, blocks of three-dimensional land and clouds appeared on the map.

At this moment, everything on the blueprint is displayed, the broken floating island, the equipment that is rotten everywhere, and even a careful observation, there are also tiny little things.

Take a serious look at these little things, they are actually some huge monsters in our eyes. As for the first-class scattered immortals, you can only identify them by opening the eyes of the sky, because they are condensed into a map, and the individuals in them are also small. will be difficult to see with the naked eye.

I secretly thought that this portability is much more powerful than Yunmeng Wonderland, and it seems to be more convenient and intuitive to control.

After I got the method of control, I immediately stretched out my hand and shouted directly to these beasts and loose immortals: "Every immortal family, the Heavenly Dao Palace has no valuables, you can't stay for a long time again, please ask me to say something later. Within the three sticks of incense, leave as many as you can! Those who leave can stay at the door for a while, and I will give each of them a thousand Destiny Stones as a gift to express their gratitude! And if anyone wants to defect, he will reopen the Heavenly Dao Palace. You can come and register according to the rules of publishing the list, and the applicants will be selected to enter the palace! Having said that, if anyone does not obey this order, I will impose a heavenly punishment to ask them for their guilt!”

When my words fell, all the immortals in the Tiandao Palace looked around. Of course they heard the sound. After all, I used the space sound transmission here. According to Xiangrui, only the ancestors here are qualified to use it.

Next, I opened several space portals and guided these immortals to leave. Not long after, a group of immortals went to the door and waited.

I looked at Xiao Xiangrui and asked, "What would happen if I threw something from here?"

"It's a divine artifact from heaven. In the past, the patriarch of the Heavenly Dao Palace would also directly use this treasure to give to meritorious disciples. It's easy to use," said Xiao Xiangrui.

I immediately found it interesting, and immediately took out a few bags of 1,000 Destiny Stones and threw them to the Xianjia who obediently went to the exit. These bags seemed to have passed a layer of light and instantly became very small, but in the There is no way to hide in my world right now, it seems that I personally interact with each other's hands, and it is very convenient to control.

"It's very interesting, what if I secretly picked some fairy fruit?" Xue Qingcheng was a little girl after all.

Xiao Xiangrui immediately rolled her eyes at her and said, "So you are not qualified to get this picture, are you?"

"You!" Xue Qingcheng snorted angrily, then glared at me with her cheeks bulging.

I smiled awkwardly and said, "How can we do great things? Of course we can't do these petty things, can't we?"

"Can't you even hear a joke!?" Xue Qingcheng was even more angry.

"No, I'm just..."

"What's wrong! You are! I just said it casually, why do you think I'm a thief? Ah!?" Xue Qingcheng stretched out her hand and pinched me.

I pretended to be in pain and said, "Okay, it's just a joke!"

"Humph! I don't care about this picture!" Xue Qingcheng was very angry.

"Of course I believe you, so, this thing should be controlled by two or more people, or I will be responsible for driving away the immortals and monsters that are staying, you come to locate the floating islands here, and put them in suitable places. How about the location?" I changed the subject and turned to my interests.

"No." Xue Qingcheng still had an unhappy expression and muttered, "Are you looking for coolies on purpose?"

"No, it's just not easy to rebuild the Tiandao Palace. You were once the eldest lady of Tiancheng. Aesthetic Online, how can you do it if you are not the art director of the Tiandao Palace?" I strongly praised.

"If you still have some vision, then I'll be reluctant?" Xue Qingcheng actually wanted to experience this three-dimensional martial arts construction control panel.

"I have to be reluctant!" I said decisively, and Xue Qingcheng suddenly felt a little proud.

On the other hand, Xiao Xiangrui looked at me unwillingly, and whispered: "You can't let her come around, it is the fairy fruit that is planted, and it belongs to the sect, not her own."

I couldn't help laughing, and Xue Qingcheng rolled his eyes angrily: "The devil is greedy for your fairy fruit!"

"Then you are not allowed to steal." Xiao Xiangrui raised his bar.

"You little girl! It's unreasonable!" Xue Qingcheng was completely defeated by the little girl who didn't know how to joke in front of her. It seemed that there would be places for disputes in the future.

But having said that, with this intuitive map, rebuilding the Tiandao Palace will become much easier, otherwise, it is far less troublesome to find someone to assign tasks.

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