Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7621: : arrogant

"This...how do I know that you are pure water? I thought you were just an artifact of the Jingtiangong Great Formation..." Although I was full of happiness, this was not my wish.

"Then... Then it depends on how I give birth to the divine water of the Heavenly Dao?" Xiao Xiangrui's flawless white jade skin trembled slightly, and the slightly thinner figure showed the most graceful posture of a woman.

I took a look at this Heavenly Dao Divine Water, how did the Heart Dao come into being? Could it be pee or something? I've tasted some myself before and this...

Thinking of this kind of 'holy water', I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my heart.

During the hesitation, the little girl jumped into the water with a 'puff': "Well, it seems that you are not allowed to see it, you must be unwilling..."

When I saw her in the water, I was relieved. Fortunately, it was the bath water. Xue Qingcheng and I had also been in the water before, so it was not too difficult to accept.

Just when I was thinking about some messy things in my heart, my expression was inevitably a little dignified. The little girl saw my expression and her face suddenly slammed: "What is your expression? Don't you think that the divine water in the deep pool is mine? ...is it convenient for me?"

"How could it be? Haven't you already been in the water?" I wondered whether to laugh or cry.

But soon the little girl hummed again: "Or do you think I'm used to being in the water...convenient?"

I said speechlessly: "How is it possible? Am I so wretched?"

"You're not rude? If you were a gentleman, why would you want to see how I gave birth to the divine water?" Xiao Xiangrui turned around immediately.

"This... a misunderstanding."

"I don't think so!" Xiao Xiangrui said, with a dark green light on his body, which should be a sign that the divine water is being produced.

I can't always stare at her smooth back, so I said, "I'm clear now, you can come up, I'll go find Tiandaozhu."

"Then go quickly!" Xiao Xiangrui said hurriedly.

It's not good for me to stay here. I'm going to teleport away soon, but at this time, Xue Qingcheng suddenly teleported in. Seeing my shocked expression at the moment, she looked strange: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Aren't you going to the underground river..." I thought to myself that she should be over the temple.

"Oh, before I go, I'm going to get some divine water from the Heavenly Dao, and then I will teach the temple's new temple blessing to use watering, and then I'll go to Earth River to find the eye of the palace guarding formation." The suspicion in Xue Qingcheng's eyes was already very strong. There was dodging in my eyes, she looked around suspiciously, but she couldn't see where Xiao Xiangrui was, and her face was even weirder: "Where is Xiao Xiangrui?!"

I didn't speak, but Xue Qingcheng pulled me away. After all, I blocked her view of the water pool at the moment.

As a result, there is no doubt that this scene reminds me, and the old face is a little red.

"Xia Yitian! You!" Xue Qingcheng was so angry that her face darkened, her eyes widened when she looked at me like a hooligan: "You are shameless! I thought you were just promiscuous, but I didn't expect you to even let Xiao Xiangrui go. pass!"

"I...I just wanted to..." I suddenly felt guilty.

"I don't know what you're thinking?! You're a promiscuous lover! Look at you when you returned to Muxianzhou, you brought back your love first!" Xue Qingcheng pushed me away, and then looked a little depressed. Looking at Xiao Xiangrui, he asked, "Xiao Xiangrui! What's wrong with him!?"

Xiao Xiangrui turned around with an inexplicable look on his face, and said, "He said it depends on how I give birth to the divine water, but I don't want it, and he doesn't want to. Since he's already the palace master, I'm an artifact, so naturally I can only let it go. he."

"Ah?! How could he do this!" Xue Qingcheng turned her head angrily.

I secretly thought that I couldn't explain it clearly this time, so I instantly picked up the cotton candy on the ground called the Treasure of Eight Tribulations, and then chanted the teleportation spell to leave here.

I just left the Tiandao Palace, and Xue Qingcheng followed closely. Seeing her so angry, I didn't dare to stay for long, and immediately rushed out of the Tiandao Palace.

"Xia Yitian! You even prepared the bath ball for taking a shower! You are so shameless! I thought you were a good person, if it wasn't for me coming back soon, you! You must have already started! You have the ability to do such things. How dare you run away! Are you still planning to come back!?" Xue Qingcheng questioned from a distance.

I couldn't help laughing bitterly. She saw that baby as a bath ball. This was a big misunderstanding!

However, a beautiful woman was bathing naked, and there was such a thing left on the ground. Anyone would think so, and it was only because this treasure looked too much like a bath ball.

Now explaining to her is to cover up, the little girl is arrogant, it is better to let her understand the situation slowly.

And after coaxing her, she will also make a noise with me to go to the north. It is better to find the Tiandaozhu in the north. At that time, she lost her anger when she thought about it.

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