Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7634: : sunny or rainy

"How is that possible? Who can make such a big space? And such a floor drain, don't the beasts in the sea resist?"

"Just saying that casually, even if manpower reaches the sky, how can it go against the heavens and the earth?"

"That's right, besides, our Zhongyuanzhou is not completely without water, although there is no sea."

Tongtianshan looked at me and asked, "They don't believe it, do you believe it?"

I looked at the ground and the surrounding succulents, thought for a while and said, "Such a large space means, I am afraid it has something to do with the Tiandao Palace."

"Hey, you're right, this kind of space method can make my former owner suffer a lot, and even I have no good end, trapped in the Innate Outer Territory for countless years, don't you want to know the end How is this space made? If you know this kind of supernatural power, you can change the world." Tongtianshan laughed.

"What else do you know?" I asked.

"I know more, but if you want to know more, you have to pay something, right?" Tongtianshan pointed to the map in my hand.

"Haha, in just a few words, you want to deceive me about the map?" Of course I was vigilant in my heart. Others are afraid of an artifact, but I am not afraid.

Even Tiandaozhu can't do anything about me, let alone him.

"That's not true, only with this thing, I can continue to explain, right? The Item Spirit of Daozhu didn't tell you that day?" Tongtianshan asked rhetorically.

I shook my head: "That's not true, and I don't even believe him, nor do I need to believe you?"

"That's true." Tongtian Mountain didn't rob me of the map, and continued: "After the huge leak was excavated, the sea continued to spiral into this space, including some fierce beasts, which were also not immune. They have all lived in the sea for endless years. If they don't go with the sea, do they die in Tongtian Mountain? Therefore, Zhongyuanzhou has lost endless creatures and treasures, and even some treasures that are only found in the sea. So you think it's worth exploring the Earth Sea?"

A group of loose immortals heard their eyes light up, and they all started chatting with each other.

I secretly said that this artifact spirit and the artifact spirit of Tiandaozhu are really half a catty, and the two are very cunning.

"Is the space of the earth and sea really endless? Who can master such space spells? Aren't they afraid of the sea rising?"

"That's right, what if the space is unstable? We broke an exit, and the water leaked for a while, but we would become a sinner in Zhongyuanzhou!"

"It's not unreasonable! This is a conspiracy! You can't break the Earth Ocean space for a few treasures!"

"If heaven and earth become Heze again, my generation will not be able to steal treasures, but I will lose my life and harm future generations!"

A group of immortals were suddenly alert and began to suspect the Tongtian Mountain who had been instigating everyone.

Tongtianshan giggled for a while after hearing this, and after everyone was suspicious, she said, "Broken Zhongyuanzhou? It's up to you? You really don't have a big tail, and you will sway around. If you don't go to Dihai, Go ahead, there are other people who want to go, but others will regret it when their bags are full!"

A group of immortals were suddenly stunned.

"Go! Why don't you go, we are going to supervise everyone not to damage this space!"

"Makes sense! We have to go too!"

There are many thick-skinned people, so how could everyone miss this opportunity.

Tongtianshan looked at me with a smug smile, and said, "You want to go too, right? If you don't go, this group of immortals will break through this space with me, won't you be embarrassed then?"

"Hehe, you are very good at taking advantage of people's dangers, but you are just a tool spirit, what do you want to do in this sea of ​​earth? If you want, I can help you rescue the body of the tool spirit. Of course, the premise is that you want to help I'll do something." I asked.

"You want to get my body back? It's a warmhearted person, but this step is unavoidable to go to the Xiantian Outer Territory, and it is the easiest to go to the Xiantian Outer Domain from here, because after such a long time change, the Tongtian Mountain's The space of the earth and sea has been distorted, and part of the sea water has risen into the Xiantian outer domain, do you know what will happen?" Tongtianshan laughed.

"What happened? Could it be possible to break through this space?" I was curious.

"It will break long before it breaks, but it is inevitable that the tide will rise, and the overflowing sea water and the water inside will be constantly reversed. Isn't this horned fairy kun flying on the sea just because it is uncomfortable in the sea? It is equivalent to this Rain or shine in the space, the shorter the time of diving into the water and the longer the time to emerge, it means that the space is more inhospitable, and the beasts in the sea will either adapt, or have already died, or else how come there are so many treasure bones?" Tongtianshan asked back.

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