Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7642: : to raise talent

"Ashamed, I originally heard that Xia Miao wished to rebuild the Tiandao Palace, and I should have come to join in. Who knew that I was so greedy for a little bit of comfort for a while, so that the comfort didn't come, and I waited for the sea that splashed the sky! These days, some magical beasts on the seabed can be No less tossing us!" Fairy Bai Ji sighed.

I said: "It's not too late for everyone to join now. Most of the people who can stay are not close to the Three Emperors, and the immortal families who have a gap with them have the same vision with me. As recommenders, check for me. So that those who are of pure quality can enter my Heavenly Dao Palace, and those whose minds are floating, where should they come from, and where should they go.”

"Don't worry, we will select pure and good people for Tiandao Palace to prevent minions like the Three Emperors from mixing in!"

"Yes, I am extremely disappointed with them now, and I will never be able to join forces with them again!"

Fairy Baiji, Shanlin and other immortals were all happy and agreed to my request.

I took out a bunch of entry orders and distributed them to several immortals, and then said: "It is also my idea to lock the gates of the Taoist palace today, but after this entry order is in place, it will be different. Men Yingxian's family will know, and will allow everyone to enter the Tiandao Palace according to the situation."

"The test is natural, and I will definitely live up to my mission."

The immortals hurriedly agreed and happily accepted the order of heaven.

"Everyone, take it easy, take the Tiandao Palace as your own home, and we still need everyone to build it in the future. I still have some things to go back to the Tiandao Palace. If anyone of you can't support it, you can go back to the palace to rest first. ." I looked at Fairy Danqing and a few weaker immortals.

Fairy Danqing had a pale face, and smiled bitterly: "Thanks to Xia Miaozhu for saying this, I encountered a submarine monster before, prey and charge, and fortunately a few fellow Taoists saved my life, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stand here at this moment, so I'll go first. Alright, please also ask the Xia Temple blessing to lead the way."

"Alright, that's it, the Daoist friends who are out to help assess the immortal family. After this is done, they will all have merits. The rest will come in, so hurry up." I nodded, and there were a few Daoist friends beside me. Unable to hold on, I came first.

As for those who stayed, although I didn't know what the merit would be, I knew that it was a good opportunity to reciprocate, so I stayed with peace of mind.

Most of the Daoist friends I lead are female fairies, all of them are as beautiful as flowers. Of course, they are all a little embarrassed at the moment. After all, monsters are also picky eaters. They look thin and have jade-like skin.

When I returned to the Tiandao Palace again, it was different from when I went out. It looked like **** outside, but it was sunny and sunny here, as if I had come to a fairyland.

A group of female fairies all showed amazing expressions, and they all praised the scenery here.

In fact, who would have thought that when it was not rebuilt, it was still a piece of ruins, with floating garbage and rubble everywhere, but after a period of reconstruction, the traces were erased.

"Look! That's our temple! Xia Miaozhu really moved it!"

"Haha! I thought I would never see the temple again in this life, but I can't imagine how long it will take?"

"This is the real temple, as I said, the temple will always reappear."

"Think about it now, if the temple remained in the Land of the Three Emperors, it would have sunk into the deep sea at this moment!"

"Yes, but now it's sitting there well, you look at it, there are a lot of immortals, so many"

There were many disciples around the temple, all of whom came from Muxianzhou, and now they are all looking at us curiously.

Apart from my neat clothes, the immortals behind me are inevitably in a lot of embarrassment.

Of course, when I return to the palace, I have to welcome them. The palace masters of the palaces came over very quickly, and most of them were loose immortals who had been disliked by the Three Sovereigns in the past.

When the loose immortals saw that I brought a group of immortals over, they naturally asked some questions. After learning that it was the realm of the Three Emperors, they would inevitably feel unhappy in their hearts.

"Palace Master, these guys came to attack us with the Three Sovereigns, do you want them to join in like this?"

"Yes, when we were not loose immortals before, the immortals over there rejected us a lot!"

Some of them were outspoken and immediately criticized, and all the Xianjia behind me were embarrassed and guilty.

I smiled, signaled everyone to be quiet, and said: "Okay, everyone has their own difficulties, but those who can join our Heavenly Dao Palace at this moment are undoubtedly those who have grievances with the Three Sovereigns, and those who have grievances with the Three Sovereigns are our fellow Daoists. , you can't be rude, and they all have the ability, now, the Tiandao Palace is only talented, and you are also short of mentors, don't you? Try to arrange to live in the palaces temporarily according to your ability."

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