Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7656: : Mu Chu

Tongtian Mountain doesn't look like the size of a slap, but when Nian Meng raised her head above her head, it immediately increased in size as if it were inflated!

The gigantic Tongtian Mountain exudes a terrifying aura of preaching the Tao, even if it is in the fairyland in front of him, it is like an ant.

The oppressive force is like the fear that dominates everything, and all the immortals watched this scene in horror!

But without giving people too much hesitation, with an instant bang, the bodies of the two closest immortals were hit by the Taoist power, and the Taoist gods were defeated on the spot!

And this power of preaching is still advancing, all immortals are either resisting with treasures, or constantly retreating for fear of suffering.

Xue Qingcheng and I are deeply terrified by this power, after all, this is the power that can subvert the battlefield.

In the sky, Tongtian Mountain has already covered the sky and the sun, and no one can withstand this terrifying aura, including Suqi and Kuiene, both of them are shrouded in Tongtian Mountain, and it is impossible to escape!

The powerful proving power suddenly fell, and all the immortals present suddenly became short, and their energy was rapidly consumed.

"Stop! I surrender! Xia Temple wishes to stop quickly!"

"Xiamiao Zhu! I knew I was wrong! They were all forced, so why bother me?"

"Yes! Xia Miao Zhu! We don't fight anymore, we are convinced!"

But the magic pressure of Tongtian Mountain did not stop, and the terrifying power has spread to an area of ​​tens of meters in a radius!

"Okay! It's enough to keep it up!" I hurriedly stopped.

But at this moment, there was a loud bang, and the bottom of the sea was suddenly frozen for thousands of miles, and the crackling sound of the frozen ice covered up the surrounding sounds!

And on the ice, a huge Heavenly Dao formation suddenly appeared, and after bursts of beams of light rose into the sky, Tongtian Mountain was like the target of public criticism, hitting countless rays of light!

"Are you looking for a beating?" Nimeng snorted lightly, and immediately made complicated gestures with both hands!

Afterwards, the power of Tongtian Mountain also crashed down, and the power of heaven and Taoism slammed against each other. A group of immortals in the center suddenly cried out in agony. At the same time, one by one, the sound of explosions continued one after another. This is the destruction of the treasure. sound!

Even the treasure at the bottom of the box can only be used as a body protection at this moment. The treasure is dead, but the person is alive. If the treasure is gone, it can be rebuilt. When the person dies, there is nothing.

"Naimeng, take back Tongtian Mountain!" I hurriedly said, now the two energies are banging against each other, and the result is the ordinary Climbing Wonderland that suffers. If they don't stop attacking now, they will be wiped out immediately.

I stopped and continued to suppress, but it was obvious that the power of the heavens did not stop at all, and still slammed into the Tongtian Mountain, which made Nimeng a little angry, and quickly said to me: "Master! I want to kill them!"

"No!" I hurriedly stopped.

At this time, even Kuiene saw the current situation, and hurriedly shouted to behind him: "Father Xia! You promised us to protect us! What do you mean now?!"

"Father Xia! You dare to breach the contract!" Su Qi was also a little angry, but at this moment Father Xia had no intention of stopping. This attack continued to attack Tongtian Mountain, and he didn't care about the lives of these immortals.

"Jie Jie, you really deserve to be the generation of the Immortal Queen, Father Xia, you have done a really good job. If you sacrifice all these immortals in blood, Tongtian Mountain must be taken."

A boy's voice came from the sea, I frowned and looked at the bottom of the sea, and the white-haired boy was also looking at me with a smile.

Father Xia snorted coldly, then waved his hand towards the young man, and in the next moment all the power of the Law of Heaven disappeared.

It seems that he wants to sacrifice the demon emperor and the demon emperor in blood, and he is afraid that he is not willing.

"Don't go back yet?" Fu Xia's voice was cold, and at this time, the demon emperor and the demon emperor looked at each other, then clenched their teeth and retreated sharply.

Including a group of immortals who were about to surrender just now, they have also retreated at this moment!

Xue Qingcheng also didn't understand, and hurriedly said: "Do you still have any morals? Just now you said you would surrender, and you also said that you would join us! Has this changed all of a sudden?"

A group of immortals are either disheveled or arrogant, but few of them are willing to join the Tiandao Palace, which makes me secretly scold them for being tough.

However, it is very likely that there is some agreement between them, otherwise, why would they do such shameless things?

"There's no need to stay, since they don't want to join, they can only destroy these living forces first." I frowned at Nianmeng.

Nimeng was already so angry that she immediately controlled Tongtian Mountain to kill these guys who were facing Qin Muchu.

"Little guy, your opponent is me."

At this moment, the Heavenly Dao Pearl Artifact Spirit slowly floated up from the water.

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