Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7713: : off-site

What does it mean to lose seven out of ten? This is to eliminate the separation of thoughts. You must know that these top gods mostly release the separation of thoughts, and when they grow up, they will devour and complete their own laws one by one.

Although the growth is not obvious most of the time, there are also special cases. For example, the Supreme Universal devoured all the worlds and the world. It was in this way that he prepared to unify the Taoist universe. If it doesn't swallow me, it's not enough.

But those thoughts that haven't grown are of course not good to eat. After all, eating now is equivalent to depleting the lake and fishing. If you eat it when you grow up, it will be different.

According to the description of the Taisui Xianzun, the Authentic Supreme began to extract points without rules and reason, which is simply killing chickens and taking eggs.

So we all don't understand why we do this. In fact, including Sanqing, there are many different thoughts, but it's not so crazy.

"Isn't the Authentic Immortal Venerable trying to stay strong and strong to resist... that one?" Shang Qing Immortal Venerable said solemnly.

"That won't be possible, right? Even if you hold a group to keep warm, but if you rely on it, it's impossible to stick to the consciousness. When the main soul is scattered, the tree falls and the hozen is scattered. What is the use of other consciousness? ? This is the reason why the divided souls continue to disperse?" asked Immortal Venerable Taiqing.

"No way, do you think that one might miss? Naturally impossible, it's just a matter of resisting for a long time. The Authentic Supreme is already the best among us. She will choose this method, and there must be a slight turn around to make her like this. Do it." Immortal Venerable Yuqing was much clearer, and then he asked Immortal Venerable Taisui: "After ten to seven, the Daoji is still there? Can the Taoist Supreme be enhanced by a point?"

"Never..." Immortal Venerable Taisui shook his head.

"The disappearance of the soul and the solid foundation of the road show that she wants to stabilize the overall situation. In this case, she must have a way to survive, but it is not something we can think of. It seems that we can only wait. This matter has continued." Immortal Venerable Yuqing looked at me.

I frowned and said, "It's ok to wait, but what if it collapses like the sky in the end?"

When Taisui Xianzun heard what I said, he panicked: "Are you saying that we may collapse like Tiandaotian?! Or who did it? God, our intention to wait and see has been discovered?"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether the intention is discovered or not. Since Huan Yutian wants to swallow you, of course he won't worry about other things. He usually waits and sees and gradually nibbles away. That's because his strength is not strong enough. Now he can swallow anyone he wants. , of course you don't have to pretend." I sneered.

Immortal Venerable Tai Sui's face suddenly changed: "Of course we know this, but we only do it now, how can we resist it? We can't help!"

"If the earth falls apart, which camp do you Sanshatian and Sandisi go to?" I asked.

"Chuangshi Immortal Venerable, now of course we know that you are an emerging force, but everyone has existed under that person's power for a long time, and they are more inclined to the side of the universe..." Taisui Immortal Venerable also dared to be specific, But the situation is not optimistic.

"There is no immortal who can't live without it. There are thousands of Taoist laws, and there are naturally too many Taoist foundations. Who will die for whom? Only ruthless and live." Shangqing Xianzun shook his head and said.

"That is to say, we Sanqingtian are so united that we have struggled to this day. If it were replaced by others, they would have been defeated one by one." Immortal Venerable Taiqing looked at me: "Does Immortal Venerable Chuangshi think that others will join you in creating Can the Immortal Venerable of the world die for you?"

"Of course not." I said lightly.

"Actually, even if Sanqingtian can hold a group, the immortals below may not all be the same, just like we are in the same way, so the powerful ones have their own benefits, I hope the creation immortals understand, and when you wait for me in the future, don't do it. It's better to kill them all." Immortal Venerable Tai Sui said with a wry smile.

"Of course." At the same time as I answered, I felt a little uneasy in my heart, but this is the way of proving the way of life in the universe.

And just when I was thinking about how to think of ways to deal with it before the disintegration of the tunnel, a thought from the tunnel suddenly connected with my thoughts.

"Brother God!"

"Brother Tian, ​​are you there?"

Zhao Qian's voice!

I took a deep breath and hurriedly responded along the sound transmission: "I'm here! Where have you been! I'll pull you back immediately!"

"No, you can help me with every thought! I need your help to pass the level!" Zhao Qian's voice was full of urgency, as if something happened.

"What's the matter? What's bothering you?" I asked, looking at Sanqing and Taisui Xianzun.

Several people looked puzzled, not knowing that I had contacted Zhao Qian.

"Just treat me like I'm asking for help from the audience outside the venue!" Zhao Qian said anxiously.

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