Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7745: :Popcorn

Zhao Qian is going to fight to the death with the other party.

Seeing Zhao Qian suddenly open her eyes to resist, the counterfeit could not help frowning, but she also knew that it was impossible to swallow Zhao Qian, so she did not hesitate.

Whoosh whoosh!

The transparent realm force rays shot straight to Zhao Qian, and the direction of these transparent realm forces can only be determined from the impact of the dust in the space, but if they are hit by this invisible realm force, they are likely to be squashed.

Zhao Qian also has a lot of fighting experience. She stretched out her five fingers towards the opponent, and the next moment, with a bang, the surrounding dust was like ice cubes freezing, and it grew directly and infinitely. It formed a flower that seemed to spread, blocking the impact of the opponent's realm force!

Bang bang bang!

The world power of bombarding flowers directly pierced through these sands, but there was no power to penetrate.

And most of the realm beams are blocked on the flowers, and the flowers are still being generated, as if a flower interface has begun to transform, and it has become a stone flower the size of a football field!

Just like the activated soil, the flower of the realm is constantly blooming, and it has begun to push the counterfeit!


The attack of the counterfeit is not a vegetarian, and now there are only two people left. Whoever can survive to the end is the most authentic and supreme.

The external world force pressure attack and the world force resonance are still affecting everything around them.

So the power consumption is unimaginable.

Under the offensive of the Law of Infinite Force and the Law of Atavistic Force, Zhao Qian's new law kept shattering and destroying, as if one was an unparalleled all-out attack, and the other was a crazy defense.


After all, Zhao Qian's stone flower was hard to resist the opponent's strong attack. After being smashed by a single blow, the counterfeit also appeared in front of Zhao Qian.

However, Zhao Qian was not to be outdone. Before the other party could rush towards her, countless flowers of realm power bloomed in front of her again, and the little dust seemed to be transformed into soil and grow infinitely.

This is even more miraculous than the infinite realm of the opponent.

"What law is this?!" The counterfeiters couldn't help but feel shocked when they kept releasing their world power attacks.

Zhao Qian has not used this rule before, and I am also very curious.

"I don't know, I suddenly learned it." After Zhao Qian finished speaking, with a flick of her finger, the dust growth rate was ridiculously fast, and the powder in front of her instantly grew like popcorn.

This is not a simple dust expansion, because the hardness is definitely not weak.

And it's not just the front, the dust around Zhao Qian is soaring wildly, and before I can react, the surrounding area is inexplicably surrounded by flowers of realm power.

The counterfeit saw the crazy growth of a bunch of World Power Flowers, and even there were countless World Power Flowers around her to run her, and she was so frightened that they hurriedly blasted these World Power Flowers with World Power.

However, these flowers of realm power do not only know how to grow savagely. When Zhao Qian's eyes moved, the flowers of realm power chased the counterfeit goods and flew away!

Even the remaining part of the interface began to grow continuously, as if it were inexhaustible. Once the flowers of these realms were connected, they would immediately grow together, or even grow infinitely. If they were given time, they would form flying flowers all over the sky.

The colors of these world power flowers are different, and the color of the derived substance shall prevail, and the colorfulness is dizzying.

"You can actually comprehend such a law. Could it be that this is the legendary endless land!?" The counterfeit was obviously panicked. Her own law of infinite power gave her endless power, but that kind of endless power is also Relying on the conversion, but if the world power is robbed, she will have nowhere to mobilize the world power.

The growth of Zhao Qian's flower of realm requires realm, as long as it is dust or any substance exposed to realm, it will absorb realm and eventually grow, resulting in the flower of realm, so Zhao Qian directs the dust to grow continuously. It is equivalent to squeezing the opponent's infinite power conversion.

This is going to change, Zhao Qian will rely on these flowers of world power to win the final victory!

The counterfeiters were also panicked, so they hurriedly used the world power to destroy these flowers of world power.

I can understand why Zhao Qian was able to create these flowers of world power. After absorbing Qixian's law of world power and adding her own world power law, she obtained most of the derived world power laws. .

Therefore, whenever she touches all substances related to the Law of Subsidiary Forces, they will be enhanced and catalyzed by her.

Therefore, about one-tenth of the interface cannot be derived from her, and that part is obvious, because it does not absorb the law of affiliated world forces of counterfeit goods.

Once the counterfeiters are defeated and rely on Zhao Qian, then Zhao Qian will be able to complete the real law of rejuvenation.

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