Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7749: : front car

"Chuangshi Immortal Venerable, how!?" Yuqing Immortal Venerable asked hurriedly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." I said lightly.

Shangqing asked with a confused look: "No, what's the problem? You are talking about what happened to the earth!"

Seeing that Sanqing was still there, I also knew that it didn't take long, so I said: "The one from Huanyutian has indeed moved his hands and feet against Tundaotian, and Tundao Supreme couldn't avoid this catastrophe and perished, but it was also activated. The backup plan is to summon all the divided souls together, and select the person who is most suitable for repairing the sky, that is, Zhao Qian."

"What? Then you mean that Zhao Qian has become the authentic supreme?" Taiqing asked quickly.

I shook my head uncertainly and said, "I didn't say that she is the Supreme Being, but she has awakened the law of mending the sky, so if the repair is successful, the Earth will not be divided."

"Hundreds of points of soul melee, she won in the end?" Immortal Venerable Yuqing asked worriedly.

I nodded and said: "Well, I won. Now I am using the law of repairing the sky to repair the earth. If the repair is successful, it should be able to avoid the division of the earth."

"That's great! It's also true that Taotian has such a law of repairing the sky, and it is replaced by other Taoist universes. I'm afraid this time it will be inevitable!" Yuqing was excited and stunned, with a look of fear.

In fact, it's not just him who is afraid, why am I not? Zhao Qian is not only over five levels and six generals, each of the sub-souls has an ability no less than hers, and even the counterfeit and Qi Xian have a better foundation than her, but in the end Zhao Qian relies on her own strengths. The effort finally survived.

Of course, this is not only about strength, but the right time, place and people are almost indispensable.

Everyone also began to sense the changes in the real world, and the Taisui Immortal Venerable appeared around us with two Immortal Venerables.

The two Immortal Venerables are not much different from Taisui Immortal Venerables in dress, and they are also in the same camp.

"Taiquan and Tai Yao have seen Immortal Chuangshi, Immortal Yuqing, Immortal Taiqing, Immortal Shangqing." After the two strange old men glanced at us, they immediately bowed and saluted.

I nodded and glanced at them, thinking that this is Taiquantian and Taiyaotian of the three divisions.

"What did the three find?" asked Immortal Venerable Yuqing.

"What's going on over there in Huanyutian?" Shangqing also hurriedly asked.

The three looked at each other, and Immortal Venerable Taisui took the lead in saying: "Huanyutian is still approaching us, but the stubbornness of Authentic Supreme has played a role. If Huanyutian wants to get something, we have to do it by ourselves first. "

"Then now..." Taiqing hesitated.

Immortal Venerable Taiquan said: "The supreme respect of the authentic way brings together thoughts, and the result has been determined, and the new supreme supreme of the authentic way has now been born."

"I heard about this from the tunic supreme, it is really a move to die and live, but since it was selected by the tunic supreme, it must be a qualified tunic supreme." Tai Yao Xianzun said.

"Have those three Immortal Venerables decided to stand on that side?" Immortal Venerable Yuqing asked happily.

"Our three divisions have discussed it, and naturally we are willing to follow the new Authentic Supreme. After all, this Authentic Supreme is from the Creation Heaven. Besides, Huanyutian is so Supreme to us, how can we be his minions?" Taiquan Xian Zun said.

Taiyao Xianzun also said: "Yes, the new Tunnel Supreme has successfully repaired the sky and repaired the original cracked tunnel, and we have the confidence to follow her."

"Okay! Then we are partners of the same faction. I don't know how Sanshatian is there?" Immortal Venerable Yuqing asked quickly.

"Sanshatian is still watching, but they don't dare to switch to other places easily. With the experience of the Supreme Being, they also know that they can't get good if they go there, but at present, the universe is suppressed, and their minds will inevitably fluctuate. "Tai Yaotian said.

"Since the new authentic supreme has begun to stabilize the situation, how can we do nothing?" Taiqing Xianzun said quickly.

"Taiqing, have you forgotten what your situation is at the moment?" Shangqing saw that he was excited, and hurriedly poured a basin of cold water.

I said, "If today the Daotian and the Authentic Daotian have all entered our camp, and there are six Daotians fighting side by side with my Creation Heaven, plus the Sanqingtian, we have already occupied more than half of the Creation Heaven, so what are we waiting for? Can't it be divided into this world's supreme being? It's better to fight him to the death!"

When my words fell, not only Sanqing was stunned, but Sandisi was also stunned.

"Haha... Chuangshi Immortal Venerable is very confident. Sanqingtian has already been devoured by me, and Tiandaotian and Tiandaotian have also lost a lot. Both sides account for half. Just because you are wounded soldiers and disabled generals, I plan to make peace with each other. The deity has a decisive battle?" The voice of the Universal Supreme came from among us.

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