Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7825: : gambling country

I secretly said that I was hooked. These few people can’t afford to be unprofitable. They clearly want to steal the country in the name of Tubei Sheng Divine Kingdom, so how can they leave easily?

Now that they are together to bully such a weak woman as Du Ying, of course, they intend to forcibly pick them up.

How could I possibly let them succeed?

"Since Mr. Zhan has a good proposal, I don't think Du Guo-jun will not listen to it, so I don't know what kind of proposal it is?" I laughed.

Seeing that Du Ying was stunned, he still allowed me to make my own decision to let me go on. In his heart, Mr. Zhan was afraid that he felt that his plan would be sold, so he smiled proudly and said, "It's not such a good proposal, it's just a compromise. The way, let's do it this way, since Du Ying Guojun is not willing to marry, he is not willing to join the country, and he does not want to see the war coming, then let's change the way and use the country as a bet, how about a big bet?"

"Okay! The king of this country agrees with this proposal! This is a good way! Not only does it not need to hurt your own master guards, but it can also maximize the strength of the northern kingdom, so that you can use the greatest strength to deal with the surrounding countries! What a good way! "Ling Guojun immediately clapped his hands and applauded.

I secretly said that this King Linguo is confident, so I looked at the remaining King Feng and asked, "What do you think of this method, King Feng?"

"This method is good, but how do you decide the winner? Shouldn't it be the old method, where the gods fight to decide the country? But if the gods are injured or even die, it will be a huge loss for a country. ." Feng Guojun said cautiously.

"If Feng Guojun doesn't want to, then you can get out of the game. I agree with Zhan Guojun's statement, this is fun! Let's bet on this! I don't know if Du Guojun dares to gamble! Huh?" Ling Guojun looked at Du provocatively. reflect.

Feng Guojun interjected and said, "The monarch of this country is suitable to say that you don't want it? I just think about it! Besides, it also depends on how much you gamble? If you lose, the country will be destroyed. Who plays so much?"

"Humph! If you don't bet on a country, what's the point?" Lord Lingguo sneered.

Feng Guojun couldn't bear it anymore, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't dare to bet on a country for a while, don't be mad in front of your own country in the future!"

"Betting on a country, even if we are willing to gamble, the gods may not accept it. It's better. Let's each take one-third of the land bordering the Beisheng Kingdom. As for the Beisheng Kingdom, we will also take out the land adjacent to our three kingdoms. The same country is a bet on us, how about it?" Lord Zhan looked at the other two monarchs.

The two hesitated for a while, then nodded immediately. Which monarch is not addicted to gambling? Not to mention that one-third of the land is readily available, which is simply a waste of money.

After all, in their opinion, the strength of Beisheng Divine Kingdom has always been weak, and the gods who should be poached will be poached. Now, most of the remaining gods are newly graduated from the Imperial Academy.

In addition, the Slaughtering God Society has disrupted the Beisheng Divine Kingdom all the year round, and the attendance rate of the priests is outrageous. Either injury or death, it will inevitably become an endless cycle, which has also made the country weaker and weaker these years.

On the other hand, the other three countries have not been affected by the war for many years, not only the Zhongsheng Divine Kingdom, in order to contain and weaken the Beisheng Divine Kingdom, they must also give them some benefits.

With this trade-off, even me, they thought that Du Ying picked the general from the dwarfs, but he was just fighting for his own blood. In fact, compared to the elites of their country, they couldn't compare at all.

I looked at Du Ying, Du Ying was not stupid, and hesitantly pretended to say: "Senior, I'm a newcomer, I don't know the gods of the countries, and the matter of gambling with the countries is quite involved, or else Let's discuss it for a few days, and then wait until the end of the court, how about making a decision?"

I said firmly: "Du Guojun, I am very confident in my own strength. As long as you give me a chance, I will not let you down."

"This..." Du Ying dared to decide.

Our double reed immediately made the Three Kingdoms monarchs happy, and Zhan Guojun immediately said: "What's the hesitation? If we lose one of the three kingdoms, we have to give you one-third of the land. If you win all of them, then more A country!"

"That's right! That's right, Du Guojun, if you win, you will have a lot of land!" Ling Guojun couldn't help it.

After all, Feng Guojun nodded and smiled: "We can still afford to lose one-third of the country, and Du Guojun, since the masters around you are so confident, you should also give him some response. If you don't believe him and don't gamble this time, I'm afraid that if you pass this pilgrimage, he will go to another country. After all, the Beisheng Divine Kingdom does not dare to spread the word about gambling, it will become a weak country, and its reputation is not good. it is good."

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