Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7842: : Chaos Sea

"Does it have to be like this?" Du Ying looked at me sadly, and when she saw me nodding, she finally gave in: "Okay, then I'll take the child to find you."

I breathed a sigh of relief, but Du Ying put her arms around me, her lips immediately leaned over, I quickly tried to break free, but she didn't give me any leeway at all.

I could only turn my head away, and it was like a normal hug with her: "Du Ying, you have to think about it, this is not the best choice for you. Now that we are separated, it is actually the best."

"I know... but I just can't help it. I want to leave an heir with you. It only takes a while." Du Ying pressed my face with a scorching heat.

I thought to myself that this little beauty is taking an inch, and I don't want to have more three-eyed children, although there is no discriminatory meaning...

"Du Ying, don't think about these things, everything is still the most important thing." I pulled her away from my arms with a wry smile, with a very serious expression.

"Why...you can have so many children, so why let me have one?" Du Ying felt that I was going too far.

I was dumbfounded for a while, and said, "It's not the problem, but we didn't get more than three days of contacting each other, so I'm not used to it so quickly."

"I'll just get used to it." As a monarch, Du Ying always does what he wants, without any woman's tweaking.

I smiled bitterly: "Okay, don't think about it, I'm just a breath of divine power now, something like giving birth to a child is absolutely impossible, even if it's ambiguous, you're just the air with me. It’s just entanglement, and it’s not me. Maybe because this breath is not mine, my feelings may have been plagiarized and supervised by others. If you really miss me and break through the divine way, I will wait for you in the sky. , As for now, Beisheng Divine Kingdom still has your work to do in the future, we should really calm down."

"That is to say, you borrowed someone else's body now, so you don't want to get close to me?" Du Ying finally understood.

I nodded very seriously, since she already thought so, of course I gave a boost: "Yes, that's the body my friend developed, and now he wants to forcibly enter this body and experience my feelings, then I don't either. Another way."

"Ah? That won't work, I can only belong to you, I can't accept others..." Du Ying said quickly.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I managed to get Du Ying to accept my departure. In order to hurry up, I didn't return to Lake Shore City, but rode a Lin Beast straight to the Forbidden Chaos Sea.

A few days passed in a flash, and after traveling through many countries, I came to the end of the legendary alliance: a place where a black cloud covers the sky and the earth.

There is no turbulent sea here, let alone the activities of fish or mythical beasts, because the Forbidden Chaos Sea is not a sea in name, but a place similar to a sea of ​​fog.

And here is not a flat river, only partly different from the mountains and rivers of the Divine Kingdom Alliance, at most it is an exotic place.

Because after I walked into the black sea of ​​fog, sometimes there are high and steep mountains, sometimes there are trickling streams, and even some small mythical beasts.

However, relative to the area where the Divine Kingdom Alliance is located, the aura of divine power here is much weaker, and it is not even comparable to border areas such as the Valley of Exile.

As I went deeper, this feeling became stronger and stronger, and even the divine power from less than 70% to 80% gradually weakened to 30% or 40% with the deepening, and even the speed of my movement began to be partially restricted. The law of divine power here has changed. .

Originally, I thought that the Divine Kingdom Alliance would be able to exert most of its strength in other broken worlds after reaching the Demigod Yuji Realm. In fact, when I entered the depths of the most remote forbidden sea in the records, my strength was even reduced. Weak to the imperial realm.

Of course, it's not just me who is weakened. If any mortal **** from the Divine Kingdom Alliance comes here, I am afraid it will be difficult to move.

And here, not only is the air thin, there are even some strange sounds of insects, birds and beasts, and you can still hear the movements of Susuo Suo from a distance.

Chaotic seas naturally have the law of their existence, like brute force!

With a swoosh, a four-eyed beast in the darkness rushed in front of me, and immediately stood up. It was almost three people taller than me, with a huge body and solid muscles, all of which showed its terrifying destructive power.

Some beasts can't use divine power in the Divine Kingdom Alliance, but once they come here, even if they can't use their victory, they can become a tyrant by brute force, and even other divine beasts break in by mistake, and they may become their meals!

The beast in front of him is exactly that kind of existence!

"Ouch!" The beast roared, and rushed towards me the next moment!

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