Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7845: : Vein bone

"Their king knew that I was from the Divine Kingdom Alliance...and forced me to tell the story of the Divine Kingdom Alliance...I said it once, and they really wanted to occupy the Divine Kingdom Alliance, so their king arrested me, or told me I drugged or ripped my body, trying to understand this divine power... They were all savages... I was able to escape with the help of my friends here... I hid here." Speaking of this, Li Yin's face suddenly burst into tears Wang Wang.

"So it turns out, this is quite reasonable. Knowing the power of the gods, it is natural to study the power of the gods." After I finished speaking, I thought of something, and asked: "Our gods are powerful, or are they stronger? "

"Each has its own merits... Hunting and killing us, they are powerful, and we can't beat them at all when we are close. I have already opened my eyes twice, but some are too powerful, I can't beat them." Li Yin said.

"Your method of bouncing stones was learned by opening the second divine eye?" I asked.

Li Yin nodded, and then said: "My current strength is about equal to their cultivation to the bone, and they also have different realms. They call themselves a cultivator, or a cultivator. Refining the spirit, breaking the emptiness, consolidating the veins, the heavens, and the sense of the spirit in the middle of the spirit realm, and later becoming the color body, the great achievement, and the divine body of the spirit realm.”

"Self-contained body cultivation? What kind of realm is this vein and bone?" I heard the realm of this spiritual cultivator, and I already felt that they were a cultivation system that originated from the inside.

"The veins and bones are the infiltration of the spiritual veins into the bone marrow, so that the flesh and bones of the gods have all kinds of divine power. It is a realm of internal and external integration. Our spiritual veins are stronger than theirs, but the root bones are not as good as theirs. Therefore, after the veins and bones are combined, the realm is actually Compared with the heaven and earth here, we are even weaker than the ordinary cultivators of the blood vessels and bones." Li Yin looked helpless.

I secretly sucked in the air, I didn't expect to come here, we only have the level of spiritual cultivation of blood vessels, if this is beyond this realm, we must not be hanged?

Of course, everything can’t be measured by common sense. I haven’t opened the divine eye here, but I have a pulse in her heart. Maybe if the divine eye is opened, there will be unexpected joy.

"Can you show some special performances in the Divine Realm and the Middle-Solid Divine Realm?" I thought to myself, since I have opened my eyes for the second time, I can even enter the realm here, so I will definitely have a special understanding.

And once I learn it, I can also get in here without having to catch them and study it.

"Yes... But I'm just a cultivator of the veins and bones, and the power I can show is at the stage of the veins and bones at most, and even I have been stuck in the realm of the heavens for a long time... Because there is no body refining pill in the realm of the heavens, it is difficult at all. Break through the realm." Li Yin smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, then it's good to show the veins and bones." I thought to myself that there is still an improvement in the body training pill, but it is very different from the Divine Kingdom Alliance.

If the Divine Kingdom Alliance is a magician based on magic, then the body refining monks here are probably warriors.

"Okay, I'll start with Tongmai first." Li Yin nodded and stretched out her delicate hand. When she exerted force, the blood vessels on the body surface instantly became prominent, and the pores were slightly opened. Although the appearance was not so exaggerated, you could feel it. An abnormal divine power flows outside the body.

This is Tongmai, and the spirit vessels all over the body communicate and mobilize the surrounding divine power, which should be the most basic.

And the next God Refining is much more subtle. Under her control, the surrounding divine powers either flow extremely fast, or slowly form vortices one by one, or even change as she pleases. According to my understanding, it should be able to control the divine power outside the body. effect.

These two realms have actual combat effects. After all, luck is like dark energy. Generally, a mortal takes a punch, as if air is punched into a blood vessel, which is going to kill people.

Then Po Xu was even more exaggerated. At this time, Li Yin also waved his fist and sword palm, and every time he attacked, he would make a screeching sound. Doubt at this time to control the divine power to break the void, has reached the level of quite sharp and domineering.

I have no doubt that giving a knife to Zhong Shang is definitely no less than giving a swipe to the battle wheel! If it gets cut to the neck, it's deadly.

So this first entry into the realm of gods should be the way to control the surrounding divine power.

"What about the veins?" I asked.

"God-entering realm controls divine power, while consolidating god-realm means divine power flows from the outside to the inside and is released from inside and out. The veins and bones are very complicated. When cultivating the self-breaking realm, the spiritual veins in the body are already very dense and tyrannical, and the spiritual veins penetrate into the bones. It is the most painful process, but once it is completed, the divine power can be ossified from the inside out." Li Yin said, and immediately showed his veins.

Just listening to a few clicks, a layer of virtual divine bone armor appeared on her body in an instant!

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