Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7848: :heresy

The two women and one man are wearing light armor, which is made of the fur of ordinary mythical beasts.

If the veins and bones are just beginning to form, there is no need for light armor at all. Even if it is used, it is at most powerful divine beast scale armor such as heart protection or forehead protection.

And Li Yin didn't show me the Divine Vein before, now these three are undoubtedly the best reference points.

Watching them walk into the woods, I silently stared at the three people passing below from the treetops.

"Yuanda, is it your first time to patrol?" The woman asked the boy.

The boy said restrainedly: "Sister Lu, this is the first time."

"Hey, it's the first time for you to be so young, right?" The other woman seemed to be an old driver.

I looked down from the top, and the clothes the two women wore were really close-fitting, and their bodies were full.

The teenager looked like a little brother who had just entered the society, so when he heard this, he was a little overwhelmed.

The woman called Sister Lu took the boy's hand directly: "Really? That's dangerous. You have to get closer to your sister, or some magical beast will take you away in a while."

"What are you doing? Sister Lu, we're on patrol, do you think it's shopping?" The woman looked at the other party more directly than herself, and she was inevitably anxious.

"Hmm, isn't it patrolling? I'm protecting the newcomer. If you're not convinced, you can come too."

I stood on the tree watching the two girls fight, and I secretly thought that the folk customs here are sturdy.

The two women teased and teased the young man for a while, and it seemed that the young man was afraid it would be difficult to get out of his mouth today.

Sure enough, after entering the grove and covering it up, people's desires will inevitably magnify. After a few words, the two women suddenly became irritated with the young man.

The teenager was so frightened that he cried, but he estimated that his strength was not very good, so he was directly pressed to the ground, and he was about to be brutalized.

I wonder what is this unfolding?

I, who didn't intend to watch such a dirty thing, swooped down with a swish, and the woman who was kicked in the neck flew up first, knocked down a tree, and fainted on the spot!

The other woman didn't react, so she drew a gourd for me and flew away. The two women who passed out were disheveled and looked very embarrassed.

I don't have the slightest interest in them. In fact, the boy looks prettier than either of them.

Just like a white jade boy, just when the young man was stunned, I suddenly noticed the difference in him.

"You don't have an Adam's apple, girl?" I saw a strange flash in her three eyes, and instantly affirmed my judgment.

"I... I'm a man!" the boy said hurriedly.

I secretly thought what kind of divine operation this was. I haven't seen a woman disguised as a man for a long time, but I am more interested: "I'm not interested in why you disguise as a man, but I saved you."

"I know you saved me! But who are you and why are you wearing such weird clothes?" The boy saw that I was different this time.

I pointed to the two women who had passed out and said, "Do you want to know? You put on their clothes, then take yours off and give it to me, and I'll tell you the secret."

"No! No!" The girl hurriedly refused.

I stared at her with a frown, but it was as if she was going to kill her, and she didn't want to change her life or death.

"Why don't you wear women's clothes? Aren't you afraid that I will break you like I would break their necks?" After I finished speaking, murderous intent flashed in my eyes.

The girl was almost scared to tears, but she still said: "I can't be a woman! I'm only a few missions away from entering the Holy Army! It's only a few steps away! If I can't be called the Holy Army, my mother will I will be forced to serve the other Holy Army!"

"You want to join the Holy Army?" I thought to myself, is there no woman in this Holy Army?

No wonder the girl in front of her is disguised as a man.

"You can't be the Holy Army, what does it have to do with your mother? Why should she serve the Holy Army?" I asked curiously.

"You... you don't know the Holy Army, could it be an alien heresy?" the girl asked anxiously.

I smiled and said, "Little girl, I am a foreign heretic, and you are a woman. We all have big secrets now, how about we discuss it with each other?"

The little girl looked at me in a daze, I glanced at the signs that the two women had woken up again, picked up the little girl, and quickly left the place.

After a while, we came to the other end of the woods, and seeing the silence around me, I put her down.

"Bone of the Vessel... You've cultivated to the bone of the Vessel! How could it be... The book says that foreign heretics are very fragile, just like our Pan-Democrats!" The girl was extremely surprised.

"You have some knowledge." I was surprised, and I guessed that this little girl's identity should not be simple.

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