Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7856: : Source blood

"Li Yin!" Dale gritted her teeth and repeated the name angrily.

"Li Yin has been hiding in the moat for more than ten years, and he will not easily wander around the periphery. If you ask him where your father died, you will know whether he was killed by Li Yin or by you. My uncle was killed by someone else." I glanced at the Spirit Sect and thought that this guy is smart, but it's only for a little girl, how could I just watch him lie to a child?

Dai Er reminded me of these words, and immediately understood the necessity, raised her hand, and prepared to use force to force the Spirit Sect to submit.

Lingzong was so frightened that he hugged his head and replied, "It's outside Huhuang City!"

"Hehe, then this matter is very delicate. How did your father take on the mission and then ambushed? I'm afraid you can't get rid of it, right? Who did this mission? Only the Holy Army can order the Holy Army. Right? Just check a little to see if the above order has been given, and you will know if your father has gone to search for Li Yin."

For more than ten years, if there was a large-scale search, it would have been searched long ago. Although Li Yin is in the realm of veins and bones, but it is close to the Forbidden Chaos Sea, the Holy See will not be able to jump up.

The closer this chaotic sea area is to the kingdom of God, the more powerful the mortal gods of the kingdom of God will be, forcing Li Yin to run back in a hurry. .

"Ben Lingzong...Ben Lingzong has received..."

"Hmph, if you can't find the above order document, you can only live a little longer." I said coldly.

Lingzong has no documents at all, he will give this order, it should be all Kai Yuan suggested him to do so.

Sure enough, in front of Xiao Ming, there was no evidence of death by biting a dead person. He immediately lay on the ground and said anxiously, "It's that little brat of Kai Yuan! He brought a lot of blood to our spirit hall, and then asked me to give your father the blood. This order! Let him enter the forest alone, and it is he... He took his servants and entered the forest with your father to carry out the mission! When he came back, he told me that your father died at the hands of Li Yin!"

Dai'er's face was ashen with anger, this Lingzong indirectly killed her father, should she continue to take revenge?

"It seems that the Holy See has been rotten to the root. Since he is a small spiritual sect, he dares to frame and kill a Holy Army so casually. It is impossible to come without some foundation, even if you are sent back to the top. The shrine on the first floor, I'm afraid this matter will be over, right? How could the shrine kill a spiritual sect because of the death of a holy army? Isn't it fragrant to use it to collect blood? Besides, you have been scraping all these years. A lot of source blood, right? I'm afraid it's possible to release it in a few years." I sneered.

The source blood is the serum, and the serum is the transparent yellowish protein liquid that floats on top of the blood after the blood precipitates and coagulates.

The main function is to provide hormones and various growth factors, which play some protective and promoting roles when culturing cells.

Among them, serums of different grades have different effects, similar to the God Creation Stone of the Divine Kingdom Alliance, except that the Creation Stone is injected with the original force, and these source blood are the substances deposited by the cultivator after bloodletting.

Of course, cultivators of different levels have different source blood. As for the source blood of divine beasts, the effects are actually similar. The only difference is the level and attributes.

Because the high-level source blood will be directly converted into the power of the cultivator after swallowing it, so it is also equivalent to the public currency of the Holy See and the guild.

Selling blood is definitely not a good thing, but if it is appropriate to release some blood to make source blood when the body has accumulated too much divine blood, it will be beneficial.

After all, unlike Mortal God’s transfer-type release spells, cultivators and the divine beasts here are a source of divine power absorption, and a large amount of complex divine power is often accumulated in their bodies.

Therefore, after bloodletting, a large amount of water supply or other blood-thinning medication behaviors can be regarded as a process of cultivation and accumulation of money.

The Holy See and the guild will also set up relevant institutions for sales, and even have special prisons, such as the Spirit Sect in front of them, if they are sent to it, most of them will not be executed, and they will become criminals who collect blood and live on.

If the relationship with the above is very good, no one will ask about it after a period of time, and it will be unwittingly released for another reason.

Hearing my words, Dai Er no longer has the slightest chance of luck, this Spirit Sect in front of her should be damned.


With a wave of Dai'er's hand, the space knife slashed Lingzong's head, and the other's three eyes couldn't believe that a little girl dared to kill him, he was Lingzong!

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