Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7866: : Owl kill

After the explosion, the temple was in chaos. I rushed straight from the main gate to the main hall without hesitation. Looking at the map, the Eye of Origin was actually in the main hall. Although the gate was locked and sealed, it was enough to smash it.

And just as I rushed into it, a group of ten people wearing new Holy See clothes also burst into the temple.

Among them was the president of the General Guild, who looked at me with a smile and said, "What? Are the God Eaters already scared to the point of protecting the eyes of God? Don't worry, we will have ten of us to deal with the Ten Elders in this battle. , will not give you a chance to fight."

"Really? It's just a joke for the president of the general guild. I am really too careful with this equipment." I said innocently.

"But then again, will the battle you've made be too loud? But that's fine, everything is blown up in all directions, but the Ten Elders don't know where we broke in. This spreads the force and waits for us. Once they get the source, they will be one step behind." The president of the general guild smiled proudly.

"If I can take the source away at this time, I won't give you a full discount." I sneered.

The president of the General Guild laughed and said, "Don't worry, the Ten Elders Association is the Ten Elders Association after all, look at the top!"

Sure enough, around the huge temple, there are actually many huge pillars with a diameter of not less than 10 feet, and a height of not less than 10 feet. At this moment, there are several members of the Ten Elders who are already condescending, watching us break into the scope of the temple. .

"So, we can't get around them, they only guard the origin?" I asked.

"That's not necessarily true. There are five here. They think five people should be enough. Haven't you seen the leader? The leader of the Ten Elders Association, that is, the leader of the God Slayer, Xiao!" With a long smile, he greeted the person on the highest white jade stone pillar.

The other side was expressionless, and then jumped down for life, as expected, as amazing as Ye Xiao.

As a result, before he landed, I suddenly found that I couldn't control the speed of falling. I couldn't help but sneer: "What? When I saw me, I was so scared that I jumped off the building?"

"I said God Devourer... This is Owl..." The president of the General Guild heard that I dared to mock the first powerhouse so much, and suddenly felt that I was too arrogant.

"Actually, I don't mean anything else, I just want to say that it is still very dangerous to jump from such a high height." I smiled.


Just when the president of the general guild was about to say something to refute me, there was a loud bang, and the owl was slammed to the ground like a dog eating shit, jumping off a pillar of more than ten meters, still unable to control his divine power, did not fall into flesh Mud, that's also the amazing energy in his body!

boom! Bang bang bang!

The remaining four also jumped off the building with Xiao, and they never imagined that they could have used the divine power in the air to slowly fall, so that they could pretend to be in a forceful pose and draw their own style. Divine power interference, you can't use the **** hunting technique directly!

"Is it fun? Can't use divine power?" I shot instantly, and the space sword blasted out on the spot, only to hear a crack, a bang, and Xiao Xiao was beheaded by me on the spot!

Being able to be selected as the ten elders' association, they are all masters who will not surrender. Instead of talking nonsense with them, it is better to kill them directly.

Seeing that I killed the leader of the Ten Elders in an instant, the president of the General Guild was dumbfounded. As for the other ten people, they also looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to say!

And when they instinctively wanted to make a move, they actually found that they couldn't use the hunting technique!

"What's wrong... I don't seem to be able to use God Hunting!"

"What's going on! Did I get poisoned?!"

"My eyes!"

The ten people present and the ten elders were all terrified. This was far more shocking than when Xiao Xiao was killed when he appeared on the scene. This meant that they were now lambs, and any cultivator who could break the defense could easily defeat them. They kill!

"God Eater! What the **** did you do?!" The guild president exclaimed suddenly, after all, only I can use the **** hunting technique, which means that this may be what I did.

"Hehe, it's just polluting the air of the temple, so the pan-popular people outside the temple will be fine, but you in the temple, before you cancel these auras, you must be unable to use the hunting technique. From now on, everyone's life and death can be decided by me, don't act rashly." I sneered, the scope of this decision is not only the ten elders, but also the ten people in front of me.

I'm not a philanthropist either. When they calculated me, they didn't ask me, and now I'm calculating them, it's just a tit-for-tat.

"You are wearing goggles just for this moment!?" The president of the General Guild suddenly realized.

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