Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7894: : Slaughter Armor

In the woods, the sound of the explosion became more intense, and all kinds of shouts and calls continued.

Two colored beams of light that looked like the seventh index shot toward the sky, but no one passed through the passage above.

The light quickly disappeared, and it was estimated that the index on the seventh floor was invalid.

Index Summoning is a convergent type, and only has a guiding role for a short period of time. At this time, it can take away the weight of about two people. If it is too much, it may even fail.

And the weight of the two people should not be too large, otherwise it will slow down first, and secondly, they may fall down due to the load.

After activating the index, it takes a certain amount of time for the large array of rays to irradiate. People need to stand under the index and wait, but no one can go up at the moment. It can be seen that the index should be used hastily, but the person failed to stand under the index beam in time. location, so used the index and failed to send people away.

There must be a lot of anxiety over there.

Sure enough, when I arrived there quickly, an armored beast like a giant pangolin was attacking the team of four. The armored beast was like an elephant, but it was unusually flexible, and its claws were bloody. It was obvious that someone was injured.

My speed was too fast, and both You Ruo and Hai Tao were left behind.

Seeing that this team was in danger, I didn't bother, and shot directly.


The armored beast was directly bombed and turned over, and suddenly jumped up with a roar, and blasted several beam cannons at me!

I avoided it in an instant, and I was quite surprised by this monster. It was obvious that I had used the long-distance implosion technique just now, but I failed to kill it. It seems that its outer scales still have certain spell resistance. of.

If the implosion technique is to be released successfully, it is best to use close-contact spellcasting. The farther the distance is, the more it is needed. It also depends on the opponent's spell armor, which is similar to the strength of the color body.

Therefore, it is reasonable to not be as easy as killing centipedes.

I instantly flew down the battlefield with a thick sword in my hand, and at this moment, when two men and two women saw that I had blocked the armored beast, they immediately fled. One of them held the index of the seventh floor and immediately released it.

"Bo Lu! Come to me!"

"Why do you still have an index!?" One of the women hurried over.

When another woman saw this scene, she was a little dissatisfied: "You first said that you would crusade this armored beast, killing the captain, and the first one to run away!"

"Don't run if you can!" the man using the index retorted.

"A famous Cang sage on the list is so shameless, I'm afraid all your points will come out!?" Another man said angrily.

He secretly took out a seventh-layer index disc, and secretly buckled it behind him, presumably waiting for something.

"Hehe, what's the use of points after death? You know this yourself, right?" That Cang cleric sneered.

The armor-slaughtering beast seemed to be particularly concerned about the light of the index, and immediately rushed towards the Cang cleric.

As expected, another man immediately activated the index when he saw the slaughtering beast pounce on the Cang sage: "Come to me! Lemmy!"

"Okay!" The woman was so happy that she immediately flew to the man.

These four people were rescued by me, but they wanted to run. I also knew that they were irresponsible masters.

When the slaughtered beasts rushed over, I didn't stop them from saving them, but I wouldn't let them lose their lives so badly.


I directly blasted the men and women standing on the index light with the negative creation technique, and knocked them away on the spot!


And the slaughtering beast had just arrived at this time, and it shattered the ground in an area with one blow, and even the index array was directly destroyed.

Although the light of the index did not disappear, even if the giant beast stood on it, it could not fly up the Lost Valley.

"What are you doing!" The woman named Bai Lu shouted angrily, and the man looked at me angrily.

I sneered and said, "If it wasn't for me, I would have killed you by now."

At this time, the slaughtering beast also pounced on the other two men and women who were already on the ascending passage.

This made the faces of the two who had just escaped from their lives show the color of the rest of their lives.

Seeing the armored beast flying off the ground, the men and women in the ascending passage turned pale with fright.

"Hurry up! Why is this... ah!"

The woman had planned to complain, but before she could finish her words, the man threw her out: "You are too heavy! I'm sorry, at this critical moment, even if you and I have a romantic night, it's nothing!"

"You are despicable and shameless!" The three eyes of the woman who was pushed away from the passage were all red with anger.


The woman who threw it at the slaughtering beast slapped her huge claws.

The man accelerated on the ascending passage, but this armor-slaughtering beast was very powerful, running in the air and quickly chasing after the man!

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