Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7950: :God willing

Yuqing, Taiqing and Shangqing Xianzun looked at each other, their faces were extremely pale.

If Xia Ruize is the master soul of Yuan Zuxian and a terrifying existence holding the universe in his hand, he is indeed qualified to say this.

"Several seniors! Definitely don't trust him!" Li Poxiao immediately demolished the stage, but Xia Ruize didn't seem to be angry at all, his eyes were burning with a sincere expression.

"My Sanqingtian's sphere of influence has dropped sharply now. It doesn't really matter whether I lend it to you two brothers. If you really want to resurrect Yuanzuxian, we will eventually be annexed by Sanqingtian... But we don't know what to do. Who do you trust?" Xianzun Yuqing looked haggard.

Xia Ruize and I now have a wide sphere of influence, both of which are at the level of giants. Now there is no existence that can fight us.

It is not surprising that they Sanqing would think so.

Li Poxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Xianzun Yuqing, if you hand over Sanqingtian to him, he may not keep you alive, and it is not uncommon for you to borrow or not to repay at that time!"

"Xianzun Qiongtian, if you say that, it will hurt our mutual feelings too much. Since our debut on Earth..."

"Shut up! If you really don't have any ghosts in your heart, why don't you set an example and contribute to the universe first! Let the day be well coordinated, and everyone will keep their thoughts in the vast two yitians. After the resurrection of Yuanzuxian, we can all be together. Try who is the real and fake Yuanzu Immortal Master Soul!" Li Poxiao said flatly.

"It seems that you still have to stand there for a day." Xia Ruize shook his head.

Li Poxiao snorted lightly and said, "Neither of you are the absolute justice party. In my eyes, you are both heroic overlords! It's just the possibility that the situation depends on the situation, and which side is more inclined."

Xia Ruize shook his head, then looked at me and said, "One day, you know the character of the eldest brother, at least he will not care about his family and children. The eldest brother uses his family to guarantee that once he becomes an ancestor, he will keep his promise!"

"Xia Ruize!"

At this moment, Yu Xiaoxue appeared in the main hall. She looked at Xia Ruize with a bad face, and her eyes again had an expression of more sorrow than death.

"Xiaoxue...Why are you here?" Xia Ruize was stunned. She tried to hold Yu Xiaoxue's hand, but she avoided her.

"Why can't you be fine... It's clear that the Supreme Being of the Universe has already been wiped out by Brother Tian... Why do you have to go into this muddy water again? Is it because your life is not good enough? Or your desires will never be satisfied..." Yu Xiaoxue asked sadly.

Xia Ruize sighed and didn't move forward: "Xiaoxue, this is my innate mission... If I don't do this, Zhengdaotian will be completely wiped out in the battle of the universe, now, I will carry it It's time to start this mission! I want to have a long relationship with your children, and I want to live a normal life with you, but the mission is in me. If I don't follow the mission, everyone will die, including you, including our children! I only To be able to fight with a mission, to strive for happiness..."

Yu Xiaoxue shook his head and sighed: "Xia Ruize, what do you think in your heart, what you have done to me, and what you have done to the child, I am very clear about the mission, and the mission, when have you thought about me and the child? You Now you want to annex Zhengdaotian and resurrect the Yuanzu Immortal who may not be your deity. I gave you a chance before, and now you have to do it, Brother Tian will naturally do these things..."

"Xiaoxue! Why do you trust him so much all the time? On the contrary, I said that I acted for my mission, and you feel that I am tossing me?" Xia Ruize's mentality also collapsed.

"Brother Tian is the master of the world. As long as he is here, everything will be solved easily, but you always create all kinds of troubles. How many times has he forgiven you, how many times has he endured you? Don't you think that Don't believe him?" Yu Xiaoxue shook her head.

Xia Ruize gritted his teeth and said, "Hehe, it's not that I don't believe him, but he doesn't believe me either, not even you!?"

Yu Xiaoxue stopped talking.

Grandma also came at this time, patted her on the back, and said, "Good boy, you don't have to argue with him. Since we don't believe each other, we will inevitably have a fight. Let's stand behind and watch, let them fight. good to go."

Yu Xiaoxue nodded, already letting Xia Ruize go.

Xia Ruize's eyes sank, and he said, "One day, eldest brother has already said everything, it is helpless to do so, but it is also for the good of you and everyone present, but since the conflict of trust is irreconcilable, let's each take what we need. , fight hard!"

My face was sinking like water, and I said, "Xia Ruize, when I plan to win Huanyutian, I won't trust you. If you say that you are the master soul of Huanyutian from the beginning, I will not hesitate to help you get it. Back, but you chose to use us all to fight, and finally rely on your own strength to win."

"If I don't fight for it by myself, will you give it to me? You will also find ways to use your own method to unify the Taoist heaven, or you will stop because of this! Have you ever thought about it? Everyone will eventually be because of your arrogance. It's over! The battle of the universe is just around the corner, can't you figure out that your innate luck will lead our two brothers to this final battle?" Xia Ruize asked decisively.

"It may be the guidance of fate, or it may be a mistake, but in any case, I will not let you unify the Taoist heaven, or that sentence, I will not resurrect Yuanzuxian, and I will not just because of your words. Go and swallow the rest of the sermon universe, or at least before I'm in real danger, or before I've got a certain fate! It's going to be loud." I looked at everyone.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Yuqing said suddenly: "As expected of the Immortal Venerable Creation, his aura is magnificent, which is admired by this Immortal Venerable."

"In contrast, Immortal Venerable God Throne is a bit too much, and it is not close to human affection to let us devolve to a world and let out the Heaven of Proving Dao!" Immortal Venerable Taishi snorted coldly.

Taisu and Taichu have the same expression of righteous indignation.

Others such as Shi Qi, Yuan Qi, Xuan Qi Immortal Venerable, etc., probably also affirmed my words.

Unless it is a last resort, I will not devour any Taoist universe, which really attracts all Immortal Venerables.

Xia Ruize shook his head and smiled, and said: "One day, it is useless to gather the people's hearts in the battle of the universe. When the soldiers are on the neck, they will not consider whether you want the people's hearts or not. Since you don't have a unified mind to prove the Tao, in order to prevent When the Heavenly Eternal Soldier arrives, the big brother will just be a villain!"

"Xia Ruize, don't regret today's decision!" I said coldly.

Xia Ruize laughed and disappeared immediately.

It can be felt that there is indeed a change in the gods, which is obviously unstoppable, because the forces of the universe are all around!

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