Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8012: : Homeowner

"If it wasn't for you, how could we become like this? Who are you!" Ling Xian asked through gritted teeth.

"Naturally it is the immortal friend who took you out of the sea of ​​misery. You know, if it wasn't for me, you would have been sold by the Lingshan Taoist Institute for money!" I laughed.

"What did you say? What was sold for money?!" Ling Xian asked with frowning.

Including Xingyao was also surprised: "Do you know something? Can you tell me in detail?"

I looked at the two of them and said, "That Lingshan Daoyuan is a spies sent by other immortal cities outside. What I don't usually do is to make friends, but this time the immortal tide broke out, the five immortal regions collectively came to plunder the major immortal cities. , they have become the accomplices of other immortal cities, together with you, if I come one step later, I am afraid that you will also help evil and abuse!"

"What do you mean? They didn't do anything. How dare you frame a good person? It's obviously this Xiandao Xiancheng who ordered us to allow entry and not leave!" Ling Xian said anxiously.

"Yeah, we are just helping everyone escape from the Taoist City, and don't do other bad things!" Xing Yao also said.

"When you get stuck, who cares if you have done evil? And there was an immortal who died in your hands before?" I asked.

The two looked at each other, and then Xing Yao said: "We didn't kill him, he followed us, and the master of Lingshan Taoist institute made his move."

"So that's why you guys are willing to help her stir up the situation in this immortal city. You don't know anything, so you plan to help her, and you're too daring." I smiled.

Ling Xian said coldly: "You don't know anything, you are sent by this city's Xianjun!?"

Xingyao also looked suspicious.

I smiled and said: "The matter of Xiandao Xiancheng is not what you think. Well, let me tell you the whole story first, and then you can think about it. What's your plan for the future?"

"You said it!" Ling Xian looked impolite, guessing that it didn't make sense and had to report it to the head of the house.

On the contrary, Xingyao is much calmer.

I told these two people what Xianjun Yunlu had said before.

The two of them were stunned when they heard it, and they asked the reason several times, and even asked questions.

Because I got a lot of information, I quickly explained the matter thoroughly.

Knowing that they were being used, the two behaved differently. Ling Xian gritted his teeth and said, "If this matter is true, I will naturally not participate! But before another immortal comes back, you can't prove yourself. That's right!"

"Ling Xian, but they are going to act tonight, how can we let them prove it? Let's just wait and see, and we will know whether it is true or false in two days!" Xing Yao chose to believe me.

"But you can also see that the master has high expectations for us, and isn't it right to seek out the immortal city? Seizing the immortal family and charging ten times the gold is also the result of its own cherishing of its wings! If If we are not greedy and let everyone go, why is it today? And since we have promised the master of the house to take everyone away, we naturally can't keep our word, otherwise how will we stand in the immortal realm of the sky in the future?" Ling Xian asked coldly.

Xingyao could only nod his head in agreement: "You're right... but the head of the house is using us..."

"Who in this world isn't taking advantage of me? Even my own father would take advantage of me without hesitation! Let alone anything else!" Ling Xian said with a frown.

"Well... But you still let me go out, listen to what he said, and help him?" Xing Yao felt a little conflicted.

"Hmph, he is ruthless to me, so I can't ignore the overall situation!" Ling Xian snorted coldly.

I smiled bitterly in my heart, this child is not too small for my opinion, and has his own reasons for being stubborn.

"If you've been deceived, you have to follow through with your mistakes. You are a fool. The point is that if you're wrong, you have to lead the people around you into the ditch. You seem to be quite ruthless." I mocked.

Ling Xian glared at me and said, "When did I take the people around me into the ditch?"

"Going farther and farther on the wrong road, what is not harm?" I asked.

"There are not so many right and wrong in this world. The positions of each station are different. Who is right and who is wrong, and who can tell clearly? I lost to you today, it does not mean that you are right!" Ling Xian is planning to say the same thing. Go dark.

"You want to do something bad, but have you asked the little girl?" I looked at Xingyao.

She blushed and said quickly, "I will definitely follow Ling Xian!"

"Oh? Whoever is right or wrong with this, you're going to follow him?" I asked.

Xing Yao quickly nodded.

Ling Xian was overjoyed and hurried over to hold Xing Yao's hand.

I stretched out my sword to stop him from taking a step forward and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Miss Xingyao, where do you want to go, I can actually take you there, even faster than him, how about that?"

"You can't send it, only he can!" Xing Yao said.

"If he dies, how will he be sent?" I asked rhetorically.

"You're going to kill him?" Xing Yao looked at me in surprise.

As for Ling Xian, her face was ashen, but she knew she couldn't beat me.

"I don't need to come, I'm afraid he won't survive tonight." I laughed.

Xingyao looked at me in shock, with a look of disbelief.

"If you don't believe me, then you can leave. I will come to save you tonight, but I won't save him," I said.

"Xingyao, leave him alone! Let's go!" Ling Xian snorted coldly, grabbed Xingyao's hand, turned around and flew back to Lingshan Taoist Academy, regardless of her still looking at me suspiciously.

I watched them leave and returned to the palace to find Li Guxian.

"How?" Li Guxian was very interested.

"What can I do, I can't tie them back, but they already have cracks." I laughed.

"Oh? Tell me what's going on." Li Guxian asked quickly.

I said what happened just now, Li Guxian laughed and said, "You have to be the villain. If I go, I can't be cruel. Then, what should I do tonight?"

"Tonight, let Xundao Xiancheng destroy Lingshan Daoyuan, and you will kill them both with your true colors, how about that?" I laughed.

"Ah? I want to be this villain too? But what if I can't do it?" Li Guxian said hurriedly.

"I didn't let you really kill him. I will save them myself." I laughed.

"Why even I have to become a bad guy? I have helped him a few times!" Li Guxian wondered.

"It is because you helped him that he thinks you are righteous, but he is on the opposite side of justice. What do you think he will think?" I asked.

Li Guxian blinked and smiled: "Zhu Xin, if this child knows that you are his father, he will not hate you in the future."

"If you don't cut jade, you can't make a weapon. This kid can't say anything right now." I shook my head with a wry smile.

"Okay, hurry up and do your work, or the owner of the house will suspect you." Li Guxian said.

When I hurried back to Lingshan Taoist Academy, the banquet hadn't gone away, and the head of the academy really talked about important things.

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