Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8024: :information

"What about the others?" I asked.

The remaining immortals who had storage bags threw them in front of me. Without storage bags, they did not dare to resist, and stood in place obediently.

"Where is your headquarters, and how many percent of the money you have received now?" I asked with interest.

The other party hesitated and said: "If we tell these things, we will definitely face the thunder and anger of Immortal Venerable when we go back. What can you give us?"

"Haha, it's not easy for a fairy tide to break out once. Once you have collected enough money, you can hide yourself. When the next wave of fairy tide breaks out, who knows when? Are you happy?" I laughed.

The other party narrowed his eyes and said again, "Do you think we have no disciples and grandchildren?"

"This has nothing to do with me. If you want to be perfect, do you think it's possible?" I asked rhetorically.

All the immortals present were silent. It was not that they did not understand my words, but that they had to maximize their benefits for betrayal.

"The headquarters is in Yuntian Mountain. When we came out with the gold, we received about 70%." That Xianjun took out a jade coupon, recorded the news and threw it to me: "This is the data I know."

After I read it, there are indeed a lot of income and expenditure details, but it is only rough information, and there is no detailed information about the headquarters.

"The staffing of Yuntian Mountain, and how you plan to return to your respective Immortal Realm, let's talk about these." I asked a few questions in a row.

These immortals also know that even if they don't sell their own people, they will be betrayed by their own people, so they quickly know everything and say everything I want to know.

Although they have suffered many setbacks in collecting gold now, the number of people they have sent is more than when they plundered the major immortal realms in the past, so it basically did not affect the harvest.

And it is scheduled to leave in ten days at the time when the fairy tide erupted the most.

Sure enough, as I thought, after my constant harassment, they also knew that it was unrealistic to leave separately, so they planned to leave Yunxiao Immortal Realm together.

"To open the routes of the major immortal domains, the consumption is huge, and it is naturally convenient to get together and go together." An immortal family explained.

"If I go to your headquarters to loot, do you think I can take all the money for myself?" I asked rhetorically.

As a result, a group of immortals all had expressions of disbelief.

"Desolate Ancient Immortal Venerable is just an Immortal Venerable running errands among other Immortal Venerables. When other Immortal Venerables came down so early, they wanted to use the eruption of Immortal Tide to cultivate or refine the top Immortal Stones in their hands."

"Xia Shen Shang Xian, you are very strong, even compared to other Immortal Venerables, you are even better. However, our major immortal war zones are not vegetarians, and there are ways to deal with the strong."

"This time, our war zone has even taken the treasures of the Immortal Territory's shock and deterrence. If there is an immortal family who dares to offend, I am afraid that there will be no return."

A group of immortals are inexplicably confident, and I am too lazy to argue with them for a while.

"Who will give me a map of the five major war zones, so I can plan it?" I laughed.

After listening to several immortals, they quickly handed over a map. After I glanced at it, the footholds of these war zones were marked.

The five war zones settled along Yuntian Mountain, which is also convenient for the war zone to collect gold.

In the central area, taking care of each other is not a problem.

After I got the map, I took out a bag of bonus gold and said, "This bag of bonus gold is given to you. You can divide it according to yourselves, or you can hand it back. It's my reward."

Several immortals came to get the gold, and the five immortal regions can now collect ten times the amount of gold with one bag. They can actually make a difference when they go back.

But that's not what I want to see.

Sure enough, these Immortal Monarchs came from different Immortal Territories, and soon they quarreled because of differences. After I flew away, the battleship and Immortal Beast suddenly attacked each other, and there were signs of a battle.

In fact, I have collected all the information, I don't care what they are called.

Unintentionally planting willows and trees, not to mention that I deliberately killed three scholars with two peaches.

Soon, several battleships and fairy beasts flew towards me. After all, it was expected, so I waited for them to come.

After the first immortal lord flew over with his subordinates, he said to me: "Xia Shen Shang Xian, this immortal lord Chonghe, the others are my best friends, we are not welcome in Xianyu Li. , the battle just now, but I didn't get any benefits, it will definitely be more difficult to integrate into it when I go back. Several of the leaders of the Immortal Realm are going to bring these gold back to the business, but we have nothing to gain. Alas, it is better to go to the Xia Shen. Shangxian... And didn't Shangxian just say that if you cooperate, you can get more?"

"You can join Qinglu Xiancheng, and you will get more, but I am not raising you for nothing, you still have to work." I said.

There are at least two or three hundred of these immortal families. If they join Qinglu Immortal City, they will be a huge force.

Now that there is not much time left, I don't want any problems in the middle. To gather them up and arrange to insert them into the enemy will definitely have an unexpected effect.

"Please also show me the next." He was overjoyed for the leader.

"Go back to the Five Immortal Realms now, collect everything that you think you should know, and send it to Qinglu Xiancheng once a day, and then wait for me to come." I said.

"Ah? We thought we were going to meet you in Qinglu Xiancheng..." Immortal Chonghe and the others looked at each other, feeling a little incredible.

I shook my head and said, "What can you do when you stay in Qinglu Xiancheng? I figured what can you do?"

Several immortals are inevitably a little puzzled and discouraged.

I smiled and said, "Don't worry, go back and develop more immortals who are willing to stay in Yunxiao Xianyu. This bag of gold should be regarded as the activity funds I gave you."

"Use this to manage other Immortal Monarchs?" Immortal Monarch Chonghe was overjoyed and took so much activity funds in vain. Good impression of them.

Next, I went over some of the details, including how to connect to each other, etc., before letting them go back.

And in the days that followed, Immortal Chonghe kept sending news as agreed, and even when the five major war zones left and where they would set up a large formation to leave, they all inquired clearly.

It seems that after the money is spent in place, the interior has been corroded by me again.

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