Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 803: : Xianguan

The phoenix phoenix tree branch was given to me by Dragon Eleven, a small thing that was improved from the soul urn to allow Xijun to shelter temporarily. This gadget is made only wonderfully and beautifully. There are her finger bones in it, which means ‘the phoenix humming, in the high hills. The phoenix tree is born and is in the sun.

Xijun likes this little thing very much, and often takes it out of my hands to play with it after transforming it out. Anyway, it's just casual to her, I don't mind this.

Wang Yan is now a little scared of Xijun. After all, Xijun doesn't like to play with her, so she hugs my neck along the way, occasionally looking at things in front of me, and then watching Xijun silently observe the Wutong branches.

"Xijun, do you like this thing?" In fact, when Dragon Eleven hurriedly gave it to me, I was shocked. This small piece of wood was not the size of a soul urn, but it was really exquisite and golden. The appearance, the materials are absolutely not stingy, and there are countless rare gems inlaid on it. I heard that this root is worth a small city god, it is really corrupt.

But money can't buy everything after all, like other ghost coffins, the production costs are also high, but as the lord of Tianyi City, I actively ignored the amount of money.

"Well, I like it, does my brother know what this is?" Xi Jun took the phoenix tree branch and stroked it, but her big beautiful eyes stared at me closely.

"Indus tree branches, where the phoenix rests." I replied.

Xijun condensed her eyebrows, but didn't reply to me. Instead, she stretched out her index finger, and suddenly condensed a scarlet sharp energy, quickly drawing something on the phoenix tree branch!

I was shocked. Did she just talk about it, but she didn't like it? But there's nothing you can do if you don't like me. Who makes this thing used to host her body? Maybe she prefers to be alone? After all, the arrogant divine bird like Phoenix might not like being with me, a human being.

Sitting and waiting for Xijun to paint on it, I calmed down, pretending that I didn't mind it, but watching her finally stopped the "carving knife" in her hand.

She didn't destroy the phoenix tree branch, but gave it to me.

I was puzzled. I looked at the part of the phoenix tree that had been drawn to her. I thought it was some scribbling, but my face changed after reading it. It said: Every night tastes bitter hunger, the frosty sky shocks the lonely phoenix, and the dreams of love and good habitation."

"Poems you wrote yourself?" I was shocked. Whether it was the neatness of the strokes or the coherence of the words, it completely subverted her feeling in my heart. The pen is brilliant and the words are alive. This is by no means pure Children can even be said to have more delicate hearts than ordinary girls of the same age.

Xi Jun didn't answer, but stared blankly at the changes in the surrounding scenery and fell into contemplation.

I pondered the poem, as if I was back in Yinfeng Town, where she was alone. At that time, her loneliness and helplessness also rushed into my mind. I don’t know what happened to her, but she suddenly became a dozen. The half-year-old kid can suddenly write books and poems. This is a bit unbelievable. Could a psychic monster like her have the instinct for self-evolution?

"Xijun, I can understand your past, so I always hope you can live happily every day... But my brother has limited ability, but he always makes you sad. I'm sorry..." I sighed, thinking of many things before. Countless friends and relatives have passed away all the way down, but they are helpless and feel uncomfortable.

Xijun turned her head, her eyes flashed with a faint mist, and then reached out and put my head into her chest: "Brother, how can I blame you? It doesn't matter, as long as my brother is mine, I will Love my brother for a lifetime."

Feeling the ups and downs of her chest in amazement, my heart suddenly jumped to my throat: "Don't... Xijun, you..."

Suddenly, the wind was raging behind me, blowing on me for a while, and my wife actually had a reaction at this moment! This time, the daughter-in-law whose defense against Xijun had been reduced to a very low level could not help but broke out at this moment, and it seemed that Xijun's peculiar sentiment had already stimulated the daughter-in-law.

However, Xijun didn't want to let go, she hugged me tightly, as if ignoring the strong wind: "Brother...Xijun really likes you the most..."

"I like you too, you are my good sister forever." I said quickly, patted her on the back, and she let go of her hand, as if she didn't understand.

I put her in my arms: "Xijun, you have to be good, now you are still young, and there are some things you can't talk about after all."

"It's a pity that Jun will grow up, bigger than Sister Qian, isn't it?" Xi Jun said unwillingly.

Wang Yan sat aside, staring at me and Xijun in a daze, a little dazed and shy, and at a loss.

"Yes, you will grow up, and you will have someone you like, and your elder brother is still your elder brother, isn't that bad?" I unraveled, regretting that my love for the first time has opened up, and I have become a problem girl.

"I don't want it, I only like my brother, I don't want anyone else!" Xi Jun broke free of me, with a hint of unwillingness on his delicate face, pouting his mouth, and finally turned into a red smoke into the branches of the phoenix phoenix tree.

I picked up the phoenix tree that carved the verse, sighed heavily, and hid it in my arms.

"One day in the summer, we will continue to go north, but now we will go to the forest to the east, from the uninhabited one hundred thousand mountains." A voice from an earth fairy came, and immediately the breath went to the east. Give me a choice

Along the way, I started to study the use of the immortal shield, but I summoned the sky thunder several times, but it was unsuccessful. This surprised me a bit. Isn't the frequency of my magic weapon correct?

But the daughter-in-law said that I can use it. Maybe it can only be activated by Xianqi?

It took another half day after about to touch. When it was almost early in the morning, the sky coffin had already entered the depths of the 100,000 mountains. When I was thinking about how to activate the Bound Immortal Cover, two earth immortals approached me.

"We have to stop before, we need to transfer the progress from above, follow up." One of the earth immortals said, and then disappeared into the vast sea of ​​trees again.

The sky coffin moves fast and uses both hands and feet. It can walk as fast as possible even in the chaotic terrain, and even run on trees. But because of the stability, I can stand it jumping up and down even if it is on it. .

"Little guy, playing with my magic weapon like this doesn't seem great. It looks like you still want to take it as your own? Come on, let the deity see what you have made it into."

Sitting on the sky coffin scurrying up and down in the forest, studying the bound fairy mask, suddenly a voice came from behind me!

"Tu Xianzun, be careful of this kid, I have cast down twice, and both times you have pitted him to death. Although you have cast a lot of souls this time, you must pay attention to this kid pitting us!" The golden light suddenly enveloped a large area of ​​the surrounding forest, and for a time the fairy energy boiled, like being in a fairyland!

"The town ambassador, you don't want to grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige, so let me go down and take this little thief's soul consciousness, and retake my immortal bound **** thunder cover!" The strange voice sounded again, unconsciously This time it has already reached me!

I looked over, but only saw a layer of obscure transparent body moving fast. If it weren't for the big trees in the primeval forest, I'm afraid this thing would still be invisible!

But the golden light in the sky lowered the town gate envoy Zhou Xianming. This guy still held a Qinglong spear, but this time his cultivation base was much better than before, and it seemed that he was at least ascended to the Liangyi state!

The four Xuantian generals at the back also have the strength of the immortal-level Hunyuan realm, each with a sword, a spear and a sword, and they look majestic!

But at this time, a blue flying sword buzzed from the forest in front, at an ridiculously fast speed, the transparent body gave a soft sound, and then immediately avoided!


As the flying sword passed, the big trees fell in pieces, the sword entered the earth, and gravel flew everywhere! Visible power is terrifying!

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became chaotic, and dozens of earth immortals all surrounded, and Zhou Xianming and that Tu Xianzun were all stunned, why were so many earth immortals suddenly surrounded? What a coincidence?

"Zhou Xianguan! Tu Xianguan quickly save me! The group of spoiled rogues playing with flying swords in front of me wanted to kill me!" I rolled my eyes and screamed.

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