Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8051: :head

I immediately joined the battlefield. As for the other Eternal Gods, I can only count on them not to lose too quickly when they are fighting against each other.

As for the matter of waiting for the resurrection of the Eternal Demon, I actually did not report too much expectation. Although it has been parasitized for a round, whether it will be killed immediately after resurrection is a question, let alone whether it can form combat power. .

So now you can only rely on yourself!

Lu Jianchou was fighting Shuntian. After I joined the battlefield, she immediately relaxed.

"I can't think of a day when I will join forces with Brother Tian to attack an enemy!" Lu Jian was sad and happy.

I smiled silently, and at the moment when Zulongjian and Shuntian confronted each other, I finally understood why Lu Jianchou did not choose to face this enemy head-on.

Shuntian didn't use the Meteorite Double Great Swords to look good. At the moment when they touched each other, the strong vibration made my Ancestral Dragon Sword let go on the spot!

Fortunately, the Zulongjian turned back to protect the master and collided with the Meteorite Iron Sword again, otherwise I might cut off Shuntian in the middle!

As the leader of the great power, this Shuntian is far stronger than Xingyao and Lu Jianchou!

With the feedback from the first hit, I immediately adjusted my strategy, starting from melee roaming to a long-range attack mode.

As soon as I read a hundred swords, I quickly slammed. Shuntian didn't dare to underestimate my sword qi, even if he was rough and fleshy. The crackling sound rang out. At the same time as he roared and rushed over, the bone spurs from his back also shot out, and then formed a Attack props similar to flying swords, chasing me and Lu Jianchou everywhere!

"Do you think I can only fight in melee?!" Shuntian chased the two of us at random while controlling the spurs.

I know the power of bone spurs is not bad, of course I didn't dare to approach, but Shuntian's bone spurs exploded with a bang, and separated into millions of small burrs!

Lu Jianchou and I were hit by hundreds of thorns in an instant, and the electric current flashed, as if we were electrocuted!


With a crisp sound, one of Lu Jianchou's swords was directly smashed. If the two swords hadn't crossed and attacked, her forehead would have blossomed now!

But Shuntian didn't care at all, and another sword immediately slashed towards Lu Jianchou's waist. This was meant to be a cross cut!

I arrived in an instant and blocked the opponent's second sword, but because my body was covered with thorns, and I went all out at this moment, it was inevitable that my whole body would be electrified and refreshed!

And the four flying bone spurs immediately turned to me and Lu Jianchou after harvesting the two Eternal Gods, ready to kill us both on the spot!

Lu Jianchou and I both saw in each other's eyes the will to fight that was about to erupt when we were trying to survive, and the terrifying experience brought about by a near-death battle. I haven't encountered it for many years!

In an instant, Lu Jianchou and I took a step forward and rushed directly to Shuntian!

"Seeking a dead end!" Shuntian immediately waved the Whirlwind Slash, covering himself with airtightness!


I directly attacked Shuntian, but the Ancestral Dragon Sword shattered instantly!

While Lu Jianchou immediately faced the second sword, he was preparing to deal with the opponent's desperate control bone spur attack!

Just when Lu Jianchou and I felt that we were doing our best to know our destiny, the four bone spurs slammed into each other!

"Oh, it's almost too late." Yaoyue's voice came from a distance. After she controlled the four bone spurs to collide with her fingers, she immediately floated towards me.

"Why are you..." I thought to myself that Yaoyue had actually been resurrected in the form of the Heavenly Eternal Demon.

"Why can't it be me? I've been begging your tech madman for a long time to get an answer, and I came here after a lot of hard work." Yaoyue is good at reading mind control, and it is not a problem to affect this type of aircraft.

At this moment, Yaori holding a giant bone sword also appeared in the distance, rushing to fly over.

"Why are you here?" While I was fighting against Lu Jianchou, I also noticed the appearance of Lunar Sun.

Unexpectedly, both Yaoyue and Yaori came out as Heavenly Demons.

However, this is also very reasonable. The laws of the sun and the moon cannot be regarded as the Eternal God in the strict sense, and the possibility of becoming the Eternal Eternal Demon is higher.

So in the early days, the parasitoid of the Eternal Heaven God couldn't get them, and now they will naturally have a chance!

With the addition of two powerful Celestial Demons, the situation did not change much, but Lu Jianchou and I were temporarily out of danger.

"To deal with this guy, count me as one." After Yaori came over, he also joined the battle!

Sanying fought against Lu Bu, and Yaoyue had no time to join. Although she was also good at melee combat, she was good at light sword skills, and she was better at control, so she went to assist other Eternal Gods.

With the addition of Yaori, the battlefield has gradually changed. She is the type with heavy swords, and she is not inferior to Shuntian Hard Steel. She has resisted the opponent's onslaught several times!

Of course, the newly resurrected she is not good at fighting fiercely. She has been beaten several times and she retreats again and again. If Lu Jianchou and I hadn't filled in in time, it would have been difficult for her to withstand the second wave of attacks!

"No, it seems that there are fewer and fewer Eternal Gods here!" Yaoyue said anxiously outside.

"Haha! Shouldn't that be right?!" Shuntian has been frustrated many times when he wielded his great swords. !

Lu Yingxue and I both heard that Yaoyue was clearly trying to lure the enemy into despising us, so we immediately pretended to be surprised, and repeatedly sold our flaws!

Although Yaori likes being reckless, it doesn't mean that she is not shrewd. Seeing our behavior, she did not miss this opportunity. With Shuntian's big opening and closing, she instantly bullied her and directly blocked the opponent. Great sword!

And I immediately greeted me, and the re-condensed Ancestral Dragon Sword also directly blocked the opponent's blow!

As for Lu Jianchou, needless to say, the quick double-sword slashes left several highly poisonous traces on Shuntian's body!

Sainty roared and hurriedly retreated from our attacking circle!

"Xiu Tian, ​​come and help me!" Shun Tian shouted for help, the spirit of killing us just now was long gone!

The Heavenly Eternal God, who was killing me, rose up, and when Shuntian was repelled, he was shocked by three points.

As for the other Celestial Demons, most of them are horrified. After all, for them, the leader should not have fallen into such difficulties!

I am actually more aggrieved than this Shuntian. Now I am in the range of strength that is not superior or inferior, and I am actually forced by a Shuntian into a siege to gain the upper hand.

If it is replaced by the peak of strength, it is more than enough to kill him alone!

But now there is no regret medicine to take, and releasing Xijun and Song Wanyi would still have more advantages than disadvantages. Now I can only be glad that Zu Long didn't release her, otherwise my life might be at risk now.

The next step may not be to expand the power, but to increase the strength of my head power first.

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