Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8090: : thousands of loads

Driven by luck, with me as the heart of the sword, the sword intent swirled continuously to form a sword tornado that faced Li Guilai. The moment the opponent slammed down a sword, my hand also pointed at him!


A slash of golden sword aura came towards me, but in an instant, countless evil auras and sword auras were coaxed up one after another!

Li Guilai's sword was pressed down violently, but he couldn't make half a point. There is no other reason. His golden sword energy is constantly melting, and under the action of my energy, there are signs of collapsing!

"This is impossible!" Li Guilai's face changed drastically, and he continued to gather sword energy, but the luck was not on him, and it was difficult to control the sword energy to continue falling.

In the first place, luck depends on each other's luck. When luck is under my control, the opponent will face the most unfavorable situation for himself, and secondly, he must gather his own strength to recast the sword intent!

This is not my active attack, but luck is drawn to the sword. When it gathers to me, the opponent will fall into a useless negative effect!

"Grandpa! What's the matter?" The girl exclaimed, and seemed to realize that the sword hadn't worked!

"Son, get out of the way, I'm afraid I'll accidentally hurt you with this sword." After I finished speaking calmly, the sword in my hand didn't fly out immediately.

"Leave first! This evil spirit has become a spirit!" Li Guilai ordered loudly!

But the girl looked at me strangely, and said, "If you have kindness in your heart! Why did you attack our city of return!?"

I smiled, and saw that she was unwilling to leave, and did not intend to continue to dissuade her. At least this little girl is Li Guilai's successor, and her strength is beyond doubt!

So I flicked two fingers, and the sword energy was no longer under control, and rushed towards Li Guilai!


Li Guilai had a white long sword in his hand, and the hem of his clothes was rattling, but at this moment, there were traces of sword qi scratches everywhere, and blood was all over his face and body at this moment, the blow just now directly seriously injured him!

The girl was protected by Li Guilai, and a group of disciples all exclaimed, including the girl, crying to check her grandfather's injury!

"Grandpa! How are you?!" the girl said anxiously.

"So I let you get out of the way. Swords don't have eyes. You are just a burden to your grandfather when you stand here." I moved my **** again, and with the control of luck, the evil spirit around me immediately formed tens of thousands of swords. A small sword designed to move quickly under the command of my sword!

"You dare to hurt my grandfather! I won't let you go!" The girl hurriedly stood in front of Li Guilai, and with a wave of both hands, the surrounding sword energy flew out from the spacious sleeves and released from the skin of her body!

The sword energy no less than mine made me understand why she was able to come out with Li Guilai, and she could occasionally make complaints about it.

Her potential ability may be even stronger than Li Guilai!

"Naturally born with a sword body, he is a good embryo." While I was talking, the sword energy also quickly blasted towards the girl!

The girl quickly waved her ten fingers in my direction, and the sword energy suddenly poured out crazily!

However, under the control of my luck, most of the sword energy actually started to change direction!

In front of my luck control, the sword qi either collided with each other, or was taken away to counterattack, and the girl couldn't help but stare.

"What a powerful evil spirit! How can the old man let you succeed easily!? I am willing to guard the haze of swordsmanship, and the famous cities of Baiyue are competing to come, but there are only a few left in the sky, and I can't enter the sky to destroy the heart of the sword! Come back! Thousands of swords are my heart!" Li Guilai yelled, dragging his seriously injured body to circulate his sword energy soaring into the sky!

The golden air wave climbed up quickly, and he sang the sword song quickly, and the sword air followed closely behind!

The high-pitched sound of the sword vibrated down from the clouds, and a golden dragon with sword aura was churning in the clouds, looking very mighty!

The surrounding immortals were very excited. It seemed that this move had an extraordinary shocking effect on them, or over time, Li Guilai could defy the heavens with this sword!

As soon as I retracted my sword finger, the sword energy rushing towards the girl suddenly dispersed, and under the control of my luck, the sword intent of the earth river suddenly rose, making the river of the moat from the beginning to be quiet, to the back forming a dragon-like Scale-like shape!

The ferocious river made a roaring sound, and then the sword intent quickly turned into a giant red dragon, which began to hover on the ground, echoing the golden dragon in the sky!

"If you want to take the river and the sea as the sky, the sound of thousands of volumes of heaven can be heard between your fingers, and the Tao of Longquan comes out of your heart, and the endless secrets of heaven accompany the sound of the dragon! My way! The wind blows away the autumn!" I also sang the sword song after him.

When Li Guilai controlled the golden dragon to blast down, my **** dragon also roared into the sky!

The two giant dragons roared and collided with each other, and then bit and fought, each other's sword energy was constantly shattered at this moment, but the red dragon bit the golden dragon while turning all its flesh and blood into a part of itself!

This is obviously a bloodthirsty and brutal blood dragon!

All the immortals were shocked, and even Li Guilai was in chaos when facing the blood dragon, not to mention that Jinlong's injuries were getting worse and worse, and even several bites were missed, or it was covered by the clouds, and the blood dragon caught him. Timing, being bitten out of shape!

This blood dragon finally devoured the golden dragon completely, forming a blood dragon three or four times the size. It can be seen that in addition to devouring the golden dragon, with the help of the surrounding innate luck, it also gathered the energy of the world and turned into a more terrifying The fierce dragon!

I controlled this giant dragon to charge towards Li Guilai and his granddaughter, and surrounded them!

Li Guilai had no way to resist anymore. Now that his strength was exhausted, he could only be supported by his granddaughter, with a death-defying expression on his face!

"I, Li Guilai, moved my sword between heaven and earth, and finally achieved great success in the way of swordsmanship and returned to Tianguan. Over the years, Tianguan has become the unfallen return city of the northern kingdom! Unexpectedly, I was defeated by you today! But I am dead, and my son My grandson guards the country! Even if you kill us again, there will still be hundreds of millions of people in the northern country!" Li Guilai roared, and then prepared to burn his life to deal with this blood dragon: "You go south! Bring in rescuers, I, Li Gui, have come back for revenge!"

The girl and the disciples broke down in tears and tried to dissuade her.

"It's just a sword fight, and it's not about killing you. I have no interest in your return to the North Kingdom." After I finished speaking, I waved my finger and scattered the blood dragon!

"You..." Seeing that the blood dragon was gone, Li Guilai looked around in a daze, even the girls and disciples didn't know whether to go or stay.

"I just want to ask you, what is the strength of the other two sword kings in the world? Are you taller, or are they stronger? If there is only a small difference, I won't go looking for it, but it's a waste of time!" I finished speaking With a wave of his hand, Li Guihui's body began to recover quickly, including the girl, who was also favored by the previous luck.

"This... isn't here to kill me, Li Guilai?" Li Guilai was taken aback, but soon saw that he recovered, and quickly said: "So...you met the senior who asked the sword? Senior! Another sword king Tianshiba The strength is the same as mine, but Yuan Qianzai, the sword king of the East China Sea, is much stronger than me!"

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