Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8117: : women's group

"Following Qingcheng? She left for a while, and you only proved the Tao later, I'm afraid I really lost you." I thought to myself that this is really marginalized. She is the child of acquired destiny, so she can get close to God Zhao received the same inheritance.

"Right...then what should we do?" Di Yiqin said aggrievedly.

"It's enough to say hello again. The Women's Legion re-registered on the list before and after the preaching. It is inevitable that I can't take care of it for a while." I laughed.

"Well, I'm the one who slipped through the net. I'm an old man by your side." Di Yiqin smiled wryly.

"As for what you said about going to Netherworld, it's not a bad thing if you don't go, and there's nothing wrong with being here." I took a look at her. There aren't many Daoists from the Emperor's family, and it's pretty good if she can keep up. up.

Of course, the Women's Legion has always been valued for the resources of preaching. Even if they come at night, it may just be delayed by something, so that they are missed.

It just so happened that Xue Qingcheng also went to Liangyitian to testify for a while, and the elite soldiers and generals under her command had no leader, and there were many fighters.

After arranging the inheritance teaching, I also asked Ruxue to arrange the territory of Yunwanxi by the way.

After the inheritance discussion was over, Di Yiqin followed me back to the world of the Creation Temple.

Walking on the repaired mountain road, the surrounding mountains are densely forested, and there are many birds and animals, just like a large forest scenic spot on the earth.

Walking here, I feel that my body is much lighter.

"I'm going back to Hades Ancient Universe soon. The outcome will be an intuitive change. If luck is unlucky, all of us will not have a few days to live." I said.

Di Yiqin followed me and put her arms around my arms. When she saw me looking at her, her face was slightly red: "Can't you?"

"That's not what I mean, it's just that I suddenly feel quite fresh." I laughed.

Di Yiqin looked at my face, feeling embarrassed for a moment: "I'm not really able to find opportunities to get close to you like them, so a few members of the women's army like me even set up a small group..."

"Oh? What group?" I asked in surprise.

"It's just...it's just to study how to face you, how to deal with you and so on... The sisters in it are proud, some are thin-skinned, and some are not good at talking...Anyway, they are not very good at being like others. They are brought by others, and they can come by themselves Something..." Di Yiqin smiled wryly.

"Hehe, I'm not a scourge. If you are so afraid, which of these types of personalities do you belong to?" I wondered.

"The proud one?" Di Yiqin smiled.

"Proud? What kind of category is that? What will you think of me? Do you think I'm not handsome enough, or that my image in my mind is not great enough?" I laughed.

"That's not true, it's just our kind, the background may make me a little bit arrogant, but I can't be humble and cute, or... I can't take the initiative to pull down my figure and do things that I would never do normally, such as catering to Cheng Huan ?" Di Yiqin looked complicated.

"Like now?" I pointed to the arm that was wrapped around me.

Di Yiqin nodded, and said: "We have done research, and the probability of being rejected by a member of the Women's Legion holding your hand is zero."

"Huh? There are still people who study this probability?" I was taken aback.

"Of course there is, not only the probability of this matter, such as the probability of asking you, the probability of asking for a kiss, and even the probability of accepting... Then everyone began to study if there is a chance to be with you, You should go with the one with the highest probability first, and then gradually explore the one with the lowest probability..." Di Yiqin said.

"Wait... There is a probability of asking for a kiss?" My eyes widened.

"Yes, what are the circumstances and what is the calculated probability?" Di Yiqin laughed.

"Three views have been shattered by you, will it be so complicated?"

"Why not...Many sisters joined our organization after being rejected by you, but they couldn't go out later..." Di Yiqin said with some complaints.

"If I refuse, will I be hit hard?" A trace of guilt suddenly appeared in my heart.

"Of course, you may not know it yourself. Many women's minds are fragile and delicate. If you reject them, they will easily lose their heads... and our trial and error costs are not as high as others Gao, Sangong needless to say, for example, sister Wanyi, sister Shanshan, they are of course more valued by you..." Di Yiqin's eyes were full of grievances.

I nodded and said: "If this battle is won, you can let the members of this organization come to see me, and I will give you the right to recommend them, okay?"

Di Yiqin couldn't hide her excitement, and said: "This is better than giving me anything... The sisters will be very happy to hear the news... There are a lot of them that you can't remember, and you have no chance to meet Some of your sisters even think that you definitely don't like them, so it's not easy to meet them..."

"Well, it seems that I have unintentionally delayed their great youth." I said bitterly.

"No, everyone misses the days when we were with you very much, and the benefits and treatment of the Women's Army are very good. We can't enjoy the care of benefits, so why are you dissatisfied with this? And you are the Supreme Creator , it's not like anyone else can compare, we are all very proud of it, and we don't want to fail ourselves and drag you down." Di Yiqin said hastily.

I turned around and gently hugged her into my arms: "It's really hard for you."

"How come... You have been working hard for everyone, we just don't want to burden you." Di Yiqin said anxiously.

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