Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8189: :refresh

Not to mention that I came here alone, without any proof, and it’s normal not to believe it. The most important thing is that the congenital and post-temporal luck cannot be seen or touched. It is mysterious and mysterious just by feeling. As long as there is a little bit of pre-natural fortune, There is no Daoist immortal who dares to say that he is absolutely sure.

I let out a sigh of relief, stood up and stretched, and said, "Forget it, I can understand that you guys think so. Now the matter has come to an end, and I'm about to leave when I think about it. In the future, you will have a chance to recognize me." It's not too late to see you again, the years are so long, why do you care about the day and night?"


The two sisters were stunned after hearing this. I tried my best to tell them apart just now, why did I give up all of a sudden?

"Shenri Xianjun, how can you do this?" Lan Cheng muttered.

"How? I can't defend myself, I can only leave. Is it possible that I call myself Xia Yitian every day, and you believe me to be true?" I laughed.

"Hmph, it's definitely not true to just give up so easily." Lan Cheng couldn't help humming.

She is using the aggressive method, I spread my hands and said: "Anyway, I don't expect to get any benefits from you, the betrayal of God's Domain will help you, the traitor will be eliminated for you, and Zhenhai Devil's Domain will also be cleaned up for you. Asking you to pay the fairy order, secondly, I don’t intend to be your guest minister, and thirdly, I don’t want to be greedy for your body, so it’s okay to wave your sleeves and not take away a cloud? You don’t plan to force me to stay, do you?”

"You..." Lan Yan was at a loss for words for a moment, and seemed to think that it made sense after thinking about it, so she could only cast her eyes on Lan Ran.

Lan Ran looked at me with a frown, and didn't know what to say for a moment. She didn't seem to be as straightforward as Lan Yan, but thought further.

"I believe you are real." Lan Ran said suddenly.

"Why?" I looked at her in surprise, her eyes were clear, and she no longer had any doubts.

"Because I don't judge people by their cover," Lan Ran said.

"Then how about I become Ye Xuan?" I laughed.

"Why do you still like to play pranks like that?" Lan Ran couldn't help complaining.

"Like turning into Luo Han? Speaking of which, ever since you knew this Luo Han was not Luo Han, what did you think when you saw my disciple in the future?" I couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"You... you really are that hateful guy!" Lan Ran said angrily.

"I didn't say I wasn't, it's just that you all think so." I said helplessly.

Seeing that we were chatting so naturally, Lan Ran hurriedly took Lan Ran's hand and said, "Cousin, are you really sure who he is?"

"Your own husband can't even recognize him, so what do you ask me for?" Lan Ran shook her head.

"Ah? What do you mean I can't recognize my husband? Obviously, I haven't spent a few days with my husband, okay? All of you have higher qualifications than me, or are older than me..." Lan Qiang said helplessly.

After going through many things before, of course I also know that what Lan Cheng said is true, because not only her, but many women's corps are not easy to even meet me.

Lan Ran sighed, and then asked, "It's so easy for you to come back, so what are you going to do this trip? Is there anything we sisters can cooperate with?"

Hearing this, I couldn't help feeling a pain in my heart, and Lan Cheng also lowered her head, probably thinking that I am really not a person who has nothing to do. is passing by.

"That's right... I think it's too simple. If you come, it's because something important has happened. It's not like you have nothing to do for so many years. After all, there are three thousand enlightenment days..." Lan Cheng couldn't hide his thoughts and said directly out.

I let out a breath and said: "I came here on business, but I'm not in a hurry, and this trip is not all for Sanqian Zhengdaotian's affairs."

Lan Ran and Lan Cheng looked at each other in blank dismay, and turned their gazes to me again.

"Or do you think I came here for such a big event?" I asked again.

The two thought for a while and nodded.

I smiled and said, "Really? Then you are wrong, I really came here for you."

"Really?" Blue Amaranthus showed some surprise.

"Yeah." I nodded resolutely. Nothing happened in the past so many years, and nothing irresistible will happen just because I stayed for a few more days. It's better to stay for a few more days, which can be regarded as making up for the lack of not being with them. .

From the beginning, Lan Ran couldn't let go, but gradually became more warm-hearted. As for Lan Ran, although she has grown a lot over the years, her temperament is still there, and she will never change her temperament if she speaks softly.

Although I will leave sooner or later, I dare not mention this before the construction of the Eternal God's Domain.

In order to make Lan Ran and Lan Cheng happy, it is necessary to help rebuild the work.

In addition to renewing the God's Domain, when I thought of leaving the Eternal God's Domain, some treasures that didn't mean much to me simply stayed.

After the Eternal Star Sea Map was destroyed, God’s Realm lacked its background. Mie Ri Zhushen was formed by the combination of two great laws and alien beasts. Another general attack by Zhenhai Demon Territory will still fail.

As for the golden pagoda, I didn't stay because it contained Xia Ruize's good luck, although this golden pagoda is not a very powerful treasure to me.

During this period of time, either building the God Realm with Lan Ran, or carrying out the reconstruction work of various fairylands with Lan Ran, the relationship with them is gradually warming up.

The feeling of strangeness accumulated over the years has gradually subsided, which is as gratifying to me as the rebuilding of God's Domain.

Lan Cheng hugged my hand and sat on the golden pagoda. She didn't know what to think, and suddenly said: "Husband... If it is possible... that, will you go to Lancang God Realm?"

"What? You want to go back?" I asked.

"Now that Ye Xuan is dead, I wonder if it's time to go back, and it's not easy for you to integrate the three thousand Proving Dao Heavens into one place. I can't let God's Domain fall into a state of no owner because of my own private thoughts. I have to go back. Do something, plus the matter of the Demon Realm Alliance..." Lan Cheng rarely talked about the overall situation.

I was startled and said, "Are you willing to leave here?"

"What's the matter, anyway, it's good to come back occasionally." Lan Cheng put her head on my chest.

"Alright, just do what you want, isn't the end of the gods just to let you be free?" I smiled.

"If the husband has no goal in the next step, then..." Lan Cheng asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong with going to Lancang God Realm with you? You have guarded me for so many years to prevent me from wearing a green hat, and I am ashamed to abandon you?" I reached out and stroked her hair.

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