Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8215: : standing guard

"Compared to before, she has improved a lot in fighting for what she wants." I returned to the wine table and motioned for Liulisha to join me.

Liulisha floated to my side, and said with a smile: "I have drunk this wine before. It is fermented from blood-dispersing fruit, which can greatly reduce the effect of the blood coagulation law. After drinking it, the antiphagia will decrease, and the intensity of the law will increase."

"You know it very well, but is it okay for the gods to drink these?" I asked curiously.

"Of course it's okay. The Tiancaidibao of the Demon God's Realm is of course very surprised, but the connection points between the laws are basically interoperable. As long as you don't touch the reverse law that you are allergic to, it will have a tonic effect." Liulisha condensed a new wine glass , poured the wine and said: "I am really lucky. I thought I was going to die this time, but I never thought that you would save me. I will drink this glass of wine anyway."

After Liulisha recovered, her spirit became much more lively. She also had the same temperament. Compared with Wang Yan, she was much more optimistic. In addition, her character was upright and upright, so she was quite happy in the women's army.

"Didn't you ever think that Li Poxiao would come to rescue you?" I couldn't help but argue.

Pa, Liu Lisha reached out and patted my thigh: "I'll ignore you if you talk nonsense again. It's all a matter of rotten millet, okay? The youngest child is thousands of years old, besides, I was young back then , He does seem to be much more righteous than you, no, your jealousy is almost choking me."

"After so many years, the mountains and rivers will change. I can't feel good about myself, can I?" I laughed.

"You are the best, although the worst thing is that you can't be by my side all the time, but now that everyone is in the position of being alone, it may not be a bad sense of distance, it's just that you have stayed in Mingtian Ancient Eternal for too long It's a little bit better, but fortunately I'm not the only one who misses you, and when I think about it, I feel a lot more balanced." Liu Lisha leaned her head to my shoulder.

I had no choice but to smile bitterly: "It's hard for you to meet me."

"No, in fact, thinking that you have settled the three thousand heavens, don't be too proud, you belong to our man." Liu Lisha raised her hand and hooked my chin: "Look, I'm even the supreme Even the gods can tease you."

"Shasha, now I wonder if you are actually the Lord of the Glazed Glass." I couldn't laugh or cry.

"What? Could it be that being a **** master doesn't allow you to have a private life? Besides, I've lost even the domain of gods now, what kind of **** master is not a **** master?" Liu Lisha chuckled.

"If you don't have it, you can get it back. In terms of competitiveness, Yan'er is much stronger than you." I laughed.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I run here like a bereaved dog? But don't worry, you won't be ashamed to get up from where you fall." Liu Lisha stuck out her tongue.

I looked at her speechlessly, and thought to myself that she was really open-minded.

"I have to go. Before you and I go to Liuli God Realm, I won't take advantage of others. Otherwise, I will be too sorry for the two lifesavers." Liulisha stood up with a smile , Before leaving, he patted me on the shoulder, motioning for me to look at Rouge.

I watched Liulisha leave at the door, and when I turned around, I found Yan'er sitting up, with her five fingers resting on her forehead, her hair falling down between her fingers: "Shasha is gone?"

"Well, do you want something to drink?" I picked up the fruit on the side, and instantly melted it into juice and poured it into the glass.

After all, she only drank a glass of wine, no matter how weak she was, her body could resist it. After drinking the drink, she seemed to feel better, and lay down on the bed again, but covered her eyes with the back of her hand: "If I had known that I would have listened to her, I shouldn't have drink this wine..."

"She said the same thing just now, it seems that you are quite compatible." I laughed.

"Brother, who doesn't have three or five friends? It's not all wars in the Demon God's Realm. In fact, the backstabs between the same kind are the most deadly." Wang Yan looked at me and said, "So we can make this place relatively peaceful. I'm very satisfied, and with the tyrant you captured for me, brother, who would dare to be reckless and come to trouble you in the future?"

"That's right, when the peace here is stable, you shouldn't have to watch it every day."

"It's okay if you get used to it, brother, you don't have to worry about me so much." Yan'er put her arms around my hand, and said: "Besides, there may not be no way to stay together in the future. I believe that as long as brother comes down, he will definitely It will solve a lot of things that people only dare to think about but can't do."

I caressed her face and said: "I will definitely, I will not let you fall into the days of living for thousands of years, one day, there will be a day when you want to see each other, and stay together when you want to stay together."

"Really? Then brother go find sister Shanshan, as long as you are with her, Yan'er feels that everything is possible!" Yan'er became excited, but quickly muttered: "But can this really come true? It feels so difficult, I really miss the time when I was with my brother when I was young..."

"At that time, you were in charge of standing guard, and I was in charge of sleeping?" I just smiled.

"My brother seems very tired every time, and sometimes he is either exhausted or running for his life. We rely on each other back to back." Yan'er suddenly talked about the past.

"Indeed, if you weren't here, I would have died long ago." I laughed. Although I had an unforgettable experience with other members of the Women's Legion, the time with Yan'er and the others was the most memorable. Through the years of life and death.

"Now I finally understand why sister Wanyi always liked to cling to brother at that time." Yan'er showed a sunny smile.

"There will always be a chance to bring everyone together. By the way, are you still feeling uncomfortable? If you have a headache, just sleep for a while." I measured the temperature on her forehead with my hand.

But Yan'er took my hand, put it in her arms, and said softly: "Yan'er doesn't have a headache anymore, but I always need to sleep for a while, and sometimes I have to take a step forward to live up to the time." , live up to your youth, don’t you?”

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