Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8228: : complex method

I thought in my heart that if this continues, the gods in the domain of gods will suffer heavy losses, so I looked at the goddess and said, "You immediately tell everyone to retreat, and I will dismantle it violently."

"Ah? The deity wants to dismantle it violently?" The Goddess Jun was a little confused, but she didn't dare to disobey, and immediately ordered everyone to leave here.

Seeing that the gods began to retreat, all the demon gods inside cheered, and they probably felt that they had the chance to win.

The gods who originally planned to be the internal response did not dare to make other noises at this moment.

During the time I came here from Liuying God's Domain, I didn't get tired of being with Liulisha every day. After I got the law of Youyingzhuzhao, I also began to try to synthesize it with the laws of the blood coagulation tyrant, Mieri Zhushen and other major gods. .

After all, gods are not blown out, anyway, you need some strength to be called gods.

The synthesis of laws requires the basis of synthesis, just like the previous law of turbulent sea and turbulent currents, it is the product of countless years of running-in at the border of two enlightenment heavens.

However, after passing through a few days of proving the Dao, my understanding of the law of the frontier, and the previous mutual devouring of Mie Ri Zhu Shen and Fei Hong Ta Cui, all gave me the basis for synthesizing the top compound law.

And the core of the compound law is of course the congenital luck itself.

Therefore, when cultivating the compound law, an unimaginable amount of innate luck was consumed. If it were not for the accumulation of a large amount of luck, it would not be able to support the completion of the compound law.

The compound law is the process of changing one's own laws, and if you want to maintain the illusory state of the compound law at all times, you have to give up the original method of entering a Taoist heaven and iterating the law.

That is to say, no longer completely abandon the original top-level laws, and then only integrate all the laws, but it will not exceed the limit that each Taoist heaven can accommodate.

In the end, the perfect integration of the laws will be achieved, and the difficulty will be no less than the splicing of three thousand Taoist heavens into a whole.

Of course, once the Phantom God fuses all the top laws of the Three Thousand Demonstrations, its strength can be imagined.

Composite laws can easily destroy all laws and achieve the effect of law annihilation.

Just like the derivation of various worlds from the colored glaze to the Daotian, like mountains, rivers, clouds, and sky, they will cease to exist when faced with the annihilation of laws, and everything that exists based on laws will be destroyed.

And now that I have obtained several laws of Proving Daotian, it is equivalent to having the ability to annihilate the laws based on them, and the purer the laws, the easier it will be for me to destroy them.

Of course, in order to reach the level of destroying the Daoist Heaven, all the top laws of the three thousand Daoist Heavens must be integrated. This is actually the self-protection mechanism of the gods to prevent the existence of the god-level existence from wanton destruction.

So at present, with my ability, if I want to destroy a certain law, I must have the top-level law based on this law in advance, otherwise it can only be a normal attack attribute and cannot achieve the purpose of law annihilation.

Gathering the power of annihilation in my fingers, the pure void immediately came into view.

The breath of the void is actually because the laws in the space were destroyed and fell into a state of nothingness, so this also shows that there are a lot of laws of glass in the sky of Liuli Dao, but the energy is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

After my annihilating power appeared, all the subsidiary laws based on the glass law were broken down, that is, the state of disintegration.

And when the aura I condensed shot at the shield of the Glazed God Realm, I was instantly submerged in it!

"It must not be able to penetrate the Great Formation of the God's Domain. It was built by our God Master with great painstaking efforts."

"God, it's useless, this power is not enough at all..."

A group of gods still thought it was a child's play, but before the voice fell, they were speechless. Although the light did not enter the different space, but only for a moment, there was a terrifying noise, and then the light directly penetrated It broke the shield and shot into the ground below!

All the objects formed by the glass law, such as floor tiles, houses, glass stone crystals, etc., were instantly turned into powder and piled on the ground!

This is exactly the result of the annihilation of the law!

Without the support of the glass law, the composition of other laws will become a pot of loose sand!

Soon, my rays will pass through everything like a scalpel!

And when I drew a huge circle on the big formation, the different space collapsed first!


It's like a domino effect. After one piece is pushed down, the other dominoes will also collapse, and the entire formation cannot be reconstructed at all!

Therefore, even if the light curtain still exists, the different space has already been destroyed, and even the surface area that has been crossed by the light is like a cake being cut, falling into the abyss in an instant!

The collapse of the black hole is the destructive power caused by my light, and this is just my tentative attack.

Looking at the remaining power at my fingertips, I couldn't help but gasp in my heart. If all the laws of the three thousand proofs of Daotian are integrated, and this light sweeps across, there may be no barriers, and the world will turn into nothingness!

The gods behind me were all shocked from ear to ear. It's really unheard of to have such a huge effect with just one ray!

"What kind of law is this... God's Domain Formation seems to have been disintegrated from the inside?!" Goddess Jun asked in surprise.

"Yes, even if it is a different space, it is not endless. Once it is pierced, the space it maintains will be disintegrated." My light did destroy the core of the formation.

"In the world, there are such laws? Just now, the beam of light seems to have passed through the beast statue made of glazed iron! The beast statue fell apart as soon as it fell apart! It is something that even phantom soldiers can't easily destroy!" Inhale the cold.

"The formation has been destroyed, why don't you rush to attack the city?" Seeing that she was still deeply shocked, I naturally urged her.

Of course, the ray is not the way to embody the power of annihilation. It can also appear in the form of flying sword energy, or even in any form. The power is to annihilate the law, so in Liuli Daotian, it has the ultimate destructive power!

Liulisha was still fighting fiercely, but she had noticed the collapse of the Great Formation of God's Domain, and even Sword Master Cang Lu's face changed greatly in shock.

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