Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8230: : Intervention

Sword Master Canglu is not a fool, looking at these flying swords with the aura of devouring law, he also knows that he can't easily catch each one.

"Why does the **** block all the escape routes? The gods must be very clear about the truth of a trapped beast. Besides, even if the old man dies, he will eventually be resurrected. So what if he loses consciousness? The old man can bear such a result, but God Can you accept the Lord Liuli?" Jianzun Canglu looked at all the demon gods present, and said: "From now on, all the gods of my Canglu God Realm will not be allowed to step into this place. Leave, everyone on the way, don't make trouble! Otherwise, I, the **** of Canglu God Realm, will pursue the responsibility myself!"

His words undoubtedly gave all the demon gods a way to survive. Some of the demon gods who reacted first immediately ran away. After all, we don't know what will happen next moment.

And once they are broken into parts, even if I want to hunt them down, I will be useless. Sword Master Canglu knows this very well.

"I'll give you a breath to leave her, you die, they live, but if you still don't do it after a breath, none of them can escape." I controlled the flying sword with five fingers, and aimed at the backs of all the demon gods flying away from various angles.

"Hehe... the gods are decisive in killing, even the shadows of You Yingzhu can be killed. This time, the old man bumped into him, and he knew it was hard to live. Please ask the gods to be merciful to the gods." Cang Lu Jianzun abandoned his sword and stood where he was In an instant, with a bang, his whole body was annihilated in the storm of energy mutual devouring!

The remaining Liulisha stood there with a complex expression, watching the demon gods escape completely at the moment, and looked at me with a dull look.

I also felt a little guilty in my heart, so I could only say: "I am in a hurry to deal with Xiaogu's matter. I hope you can understand. As for letting go of the demon gods of Canglu God Realm and Shengxiao Demon Realm, I have no choice but to do so."

"I see, I can't blame you, anyway, you are right..." Liu Lisha's tears still fell after holding back for a long time.

I thought to myself that she must feel very wronged now, so I didn't explain much, and stretched out my hand, Xiaogu's body at this moment shrank drastically, and I finally put it into a transparent space bead.

In this palm-sized bead, Xiaogu floated leisurely in it, looking like an ignorant and ignorant ordinary creature.

Seeing me handing the beads to her, the mouth of the glazed gauze also flattened, and whimpered: "It's still a child, it doesn't understand anything, so you just wiped it out, woo woo..."

"You should turn your head and see how many partners you have lost. They can kill Xiaogu because they are still young?" I reminded.

"But I just feel bad... These days... Woohoo, it's always so obedient, maybe it just didn't pay attention!" Liulisha said stubbornly.

Of course I know the reasoning at this moment, and she won't listen to it, so I can only say: "If I didn't take action at that time, many companions would have died, and I couldn't bear it. Lost part of its consciousness, you see, it will still grow now, I only hope that from now on, you can teach it from the beginning to the end, we have an old saying, a loving mother loses more than a child, too much indulgence is a bad thing, if you I listened to me to suppress it with a bracelet before, how could it end up like this?"

"I know I was wrong, but why didn't you persuade me well before..." Liulisha cried again.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. Now that God's Domain has been recaptured, let's focus on rebuilding it." I thought to myself that although she has become a God Master, she is still a little girl with a temper in front of me.

This is of course a side effect of giving too much security.

"I know how to do it." Liulisha saw that my expression was condensed, and she didn't dare to be too attached to this matter, so she went to order the gods to deal with the next thing.

On the way everyone came, they had already discussed the matter of taking over the God's Domain, so after taking over the God's Domain, all things are progressing steadily.

I also sent dozens of immortals to investigate the situation of the fleeing demon gods along the borders of the Daotian Heavens.

Of course, most of the energy is still put on the reconstruction.

It is unrealistic to store Youying Candlelight in the bead space for too long, no matter how much energy it has, it will absorb it, so releasing it after training is the first thing to do.

In order to appease Liulisha, I re-cultivated Xiaogu's personality with her in the different space created by the secret realm.

It is not difficult for a strange beast at the level of Xiaogu to enlighten its wisdom, and it can easily affect its state of mind by preaching. In order to stop the possible sequelae, I did not hesitate to talk about its past and present lives. out.

Of course it was terrified after hearing it, and even trembled instinctively when it saw me at one point, but at least no one will use this matter to spoil its mood in the future.

"One thought of good and evil, if you don't do evil, why do you need to be afraid of me?" I looked at Xiaogu and said.

Xiaogu nodded timidly, and said: "Xiaogu did evil in the past, and he will never do evil again in the future. What Master did was right. Xiaogu was too willful before."

"Well, if you can think this way, it means that you are different from before. From now on, you still need to practice hard. If one day you become a human being, you will be able to blend in and have more friends. And hurt them." I reached out and touched the eyes which took up not much of the body, but were still huge to me.

"Xiao Gu listens to Master." Xiao Gu nodded.

Liu Lisha said from the side: "Xiaogu, you must keep in mind what your master said. He is meticulous in everything he does, and he will not let anyone's temper go."

"Master, such a master is worthy of respect." Xiaogu quickly explained.

"Now, are you satisfied? I'm almost the same as you." Liu Lisha looked at me helplessly.

"That's nothing bad." I shook my head and smiled wryly, then squeezed out a piece of innate luck and threw it into Xiaogu's body: "Before I leave the Liuli Daotian as a teacher, I will give you a piece of innate luck to help you Heaven-defying transformation, if one day you succeed in enlightenment and miss your master, you can come and find me."

"Master! You said you didn't leave so fast!" Xiaogu heard that I was going to leave, and suddenly he was afraid of me at the beginning, but became excited.

"Although the past few years have been spent in the space of being a teacher, the time outside will not be lost, but it does not mean that it is stopped. There are still many things to do as a teacher, and you also have your own time. Destiny, don't be greedy for time together like a naughty boy." I laughed.

"Master... Xiao Gu knows, Xiao Gu will be obedient." Xiao Gu nodded quickly.

With the existence and intervention of innate luck, it is still possible to reduce the dimensionality and avoid the world in a certain space, which can also solve many problems that need to be spent time to solve.

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