Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8239: : Fayan

"That's not it, just dying like this, wouldn't it be too easy? That's a demon..." Duan Muyao couldn't believe that killing a demon was so easy, and he was in the limelight recently.

"It seems that the Demon God Alliance won't trouble us, right?" Dongfang Jin looked at me.

"Let me tell you, since he is the **** of the universe, you are still worried about this? As long as he raises his arms and shouts, won't the two demon gods here listen to his orders? Of course, look for a **** domain that can command the surrounding heavens , to achieve a deterrent effect." Chi Xiao suggested.

"That's right, why didn't we think of it before? We don't know if my husband is willing? We can find a strong confidant and manage several, or even a hundred or so demon heavens on behalf of my husband." Dongfang Jin also expanded his thoughts.

I stretched out my hand, and took the three hundred and sixty-five bead strings of Fa Sheng Demon Venerable, a black lotus flower, and several phantom soldiers that could not be collected into laws.

When he looked at the demon gods around him, they were already showing fear.

In front of strength, they know very well that I am the second Dharma Saint Demon Venerable!

Magical weapons are originally made of laws, and phantom soldiers that are highly compatible with oneself can be summoned directly by using their own laws, and they will even live and die with themselves, which has the effect of enhancing their own strength.

But if it doesn't fit well with one's own laws, it cannot be refined into the body, and in the end it can only be carried on the body. For example, this bead string and the black lotus seat are top-level treasures that cannot be refined.

I looked at some of the demon gods wearing the demon lord's clothes, and said, "I need to know what these things are for, who can tell me?"

"Me! I know the secrets of the Dharma Saint!"

"God! Let me do it!"

Several demon masters scrambled over each other, and the last one picked a treasure to explain.

Needless to say, this bead string is made by Fa Sheng Demon Venerable, who has crossed an unknown number of days of enlightenment, and collected more than 365 kinds of laws that can be restrained and matched with each other. They can be superimposed and put together to form a powerful compound law. A phantom soldier of the demon rank.

The black rosette is the phantom soldier who independently controls the Black Lotus City. With this thing, the Black Lotus City can be included in the rosette. This is also an artifact that combines multiple laws. After all, everything in the world is a law. Such a huge Black Lotus The city naturally compounded hundreds of laws, so it couldn't be accommodated in the body.

As for the other phantom soldiers that couldn't be fused with the Fa Sheng Demon Venerable, they were all top-level law treasures, which were contrary to the phantom **** laws of the Fa Sheng Demon Venerable, so he just carried them on his body and used them according to the situation.

"The Black Lotus City is here for you." I threw the Black Lotus Throne to Chi Xiao.

Chi Xiao was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Shen Zun, this is Hei Lian, a creature with strong innate luck, how can you just give it to Chi Xiao?"

"It's okay, I said I'll take it for you, then I won't break my promise." I said generously.

In fact, after I have gone through the rules of Hei Lian, it is not a problem for me to make this thing, and I can even make it better, and I can still get the money that needs to be consumed.

After all, it was too precious, and Chi Xiao still wanted to decline one or two things, but Dongfang Jin and Duan Muyao persuaded her to accept it, because they knew very well that as long as I said it, I would not renege on my word and get rich.

After being questioned by me, the remaining demon gods who were still alive were all repatriated and left the Liuli God Realm. The Fa Sheng proved that Daotian is currently an important node in the area ruled by the Demon God Alliance. Of course, I have to personally remove them.

So these repatriated demon gods have only one task, which is to make all the alliance organizations with the demon gods surrender before I enter the Taoist Heaven.

The border of the Glazed God Realm.

"Husband, do you think they will really surrender?" Dongfang Jin asked while playing with the beads.

I gave Dongfang Jin the bead string of the Fasheng Demon Lord. This kind of treasure is not very useful to me, and it does not meet the grade of my synthesis rules.

"No, the words are just to start a war. I killed the Demon Lord in one area, and the Demon God Alliance will not sit idly by. If they don't want the alliance to disband, they will definitely send other Demon Lords or gods to rush to the Dharma Sage. Daotian surrounded and suppressed me." I laughed.

Duanmuyao also obtained several powerful phantom soldiers, which together are not weaker than a string of beads.

Moreover, the things used by the Mozun do not affect their control, so the improvement is huge. Even after my transformation, some unreasonable linkages have been corrected.

"Then husband, isn't it dangerous for you to go to the Dharma Sage to testify to the heaven!? Why don't we go with you!" Duan Muyao was very worried.

"We're about to reach the border soon. You return to your respective Proving Heavens, and you don't have to worry too much about me if the enemy takes over their lair. Even if the Holy Demon Venerable is killed by me? No matter how bad it is, I can get out of the battle, right?" I laughed.

"Okay, then husband, you have to be careful, we will wait for your news in our Proving Dao Heavenly God Realm." Dongfang Jin said with some reluctance.

"Actually, with your current strength, you don't need to stick to your own God's Domain anymore. You can expand to other disobedient Demon's Domains and lay a world for your husband. Isn't it also to share the pressure with him?" Chi Xiao smiled and clasped his hands.

"War is not as simple as you think?" Duan Muyao shook his head and said.

"Yes, it will cause a series of reactions, not to mention, it may become a thorn in the side of the Demon God Alliance. When the time comes to be targeted by them, it will become a burden on the husband. It is better to have a breakthrough first. For example, the husband's trip is smooth this time. That's good. Take the initiative to attack." Dongfang Jin said cautiously.

"It seems that your God's Domain has been at peace for too long. After I go back, I will definitely attack Zheng Daotian on the list of the Demon God Alliance with all my strength." Chi Xiao said firmly.

"Then let's just wait for the good news." Duanmuyao and Dongfang Jin were not encouraged by her, and after talking with me for a while, they left the border and turned to Zeng Daotian where they were.

When Chi Xiao and I were left standing in Hei Lian City, Chi Xiao said: "Ask God Venerable these days, and Chi Xiao got a lot of money, and God Venerable even gave me Hei Lian City as a gift. This city has both offensive and defensive capabilities, which is rare. It can be said that God's Mouth has recreated me with kindness, and from now on, Chi Xiao can be regarded as under the command of the God Venerable, I wonder if the God Venerable will dislike it?"

"As long as you are sincere to me, don't do evil, don't do evil, and actively do good, I will treat you as a partner, and vice versa." Looking at her beautiful face, I thought to myself that after all, she is a demon god, so I can't treat her like a sheep Come and see.

"Of course, Chi Xiao will definitely follow the Demon Lord as an example, and will reorganize the Demon Realm after returning, and set an example for the God Lord's Daotian." Chi Xiao said seriously.

"Well, as long as you have the heart, well, I'm about to enter the frontier, and asking is just an excuse for you, right?" I looked at her and asked.

"Nothing can be hidden from God's Fayan." Chi Xiao breathed out, and when he looked at me, his expression was a bit complicated.

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