Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8252: : Daotian

"If these trivial things are not enough for you to die now, I will torture you for a thousand or eight hundred years, and then let you be freed, is there anything else to add? If not, I have to leave Already." I turned my back, as if I was about to leave.

This scared the Great Holy Spirit and immediately shouted: "Your Majesty, don't go away! My Majesty, let me tell you! There must be betrayers in your wife! And there are far more than just one or two! There are many!"

Sure enough, his biting didn't end, and he even brought out what I cared most about.

The loyalty of the Women's Legion was when I was still there, but after such a long time, there may be some who can't bear to betray. After all, they all hold huge power, and it's not surprising that they don't defend the land for me, and some may even be helpless. Tu Keshou will also find ways to get on the stage, who of them can accept condescension in the women's army?

There are also many people who don't have a particularly deep relationship with me, but just hug each other to keep warm, and they may not change their hearts.

"Does it have a name?" I asked.

"No...Even if it's me, I can't tell the difference. After all, among the gods, we are just foreign ministers, and there is still a huge gap with those real gods and demons...We are only under the one-line dispatch of the Demon God Alliance, how do we know? What's the inside story here? And it's said...it's said..." The Great Holy Spirit suddenly hesitated.

"What did you say? Whether to say it or not, you have to think it through yourself. If you want to die happily, what you say now is far from enough." I asked with a frown.

"My lord! I saw it with my own eyes. At that time, the **** named Daotian was holding a witch in his arms. It is said that she was also his wife! She seemed to be a powerful female demon master! You must know that gods and demons are often inseparable. Li, conquering a demon lord can make him willing, how powerful is that? Moreover, that Daotian **** bragged to others that there are many other wives around him, either the devil lord or the **** lord, tell us Don't get involved, or let him meet, there will be no good fruit to eat! Think about it, my lord, we are all gods and demons from all sides, how could we willingly listen to him? At that time, the two demons immediately turned against each other , As a result... As a result, one of them only received a sword, and they were all killed on the spot. The **** of heaven also threatened that he could break the space barrier and travel through the major heavens at will. If we don't believe it, we can easily kill us at any time! "The great holy **** said in fear.

"What does that lady look like? Do you remember?" I asked frowning.

"Please, my lord, loosen my bones for now..." The great holy **** shook his rolled body, I snorted coldly, and casually untied the black threads, allowing him to temporarily restore his human form.

After regaining freedom of movement, he immediately gathered a figure of Miaoman, and I took a closer look, and my eyes widened involuntarily.

It was Xiangling!

At this moment, Xiangling is dressed in the same way as usual, the only difference is that her eyes are blood red, which makes her look a little more coquettish.

Xiangling has a calm personality. Although she is not my wife but my disciple, but as proud as she is, how could she be willing to be someone else's vassal?

Could it be that after many years, she has found her own husband? But this god-king claims to have taken several of my wives as companions, how can this Xiangling bear it?

Since Xiangling became a Demon God during the Cosmic War, it does look different from before, but it is impossible to change that much.

Seeing my frown, the Great Saint God hurriedly asked: "My lord, how is it? I didn't lie this time, did I? It is because of the example of Taoist God that I brag in front of other gods. After all, you also know , Which divine lord under the divine venerable is not the overlord of one party? If there is no way to do it, how can you make them submit? Not to mention, I was learning that celestial lord everywhere at the time. As expected, wherever I went, even if I met the divine lord , the demon lord, all bowed their heads and bowed their heads...but who knows that one day they will bump into the hands of the venerable?"

I snorted coldly, but I felt a little doubtful about this god, if Xiangling fell in his arms, then my wives he said would also bow down willingly, then this possibility is not impossible.

"What does that **** look like? Can you change his appearance?" I asked condensedly.

The great holy **** nodded hurriedly, but he suddenly thought of something, and said: "Your lord, if I transform him, you must let me be reborn. In the end, I have at most occupied some demonstrative days. , but I didn't take action against the wife of the lord...Compared to that **** lord, I am very good..."

"Well, if you can conjure him up, I can make an exception and imprison you here first. When I find something that can prove what you said is true, it will be so difficult to let you reincarnate." I didn't refuse, After remanufacturing, the consciousness will also disappear, and it will be regarded as another person. It is not a matter of whether he can become a **** master in the future, let alone a god-level one.

If you want to become a deity, luck is still very important. There are two ways of gods and demons. Even if the number of deities and demons is lowered by Su Tian, ​​it must not exceed a hundred.

"Okay! Please ask the **** to check it!" The great saint **** was very confident, and quickly condensed the figure of a man. Compared with me, this man was about the same height, but his figure was only a little thinner than mine, but his face was more delicate than mine There are too many, and it looks very handsome.

Moreover, there is a proud and heroic spirit in the eyebrows, which is really a bit like my youth, no wonder Xiangling likes him.

But what about the other ladies?

I tried my best to remember whether I had seen this person, and even wondered if there was a ghost or something else.

However, I went through my memory several times, but there was no information about this person, and even among the three thousand demon gods, there seemed to be no news about this person.

Compared with the strange appearance of the demon god, even if I am not familiar with the fairy god, I can still remember where I have seen it, but I really don't have any impression of this god.

Could it be that the Dao Dao Immortal who suddenly popped up from a certain Dao Dao Heaven had obtained countless lucks in the Dao Dao, so he had such an achievement?

This is not impossible, and it seems to be a decisive and domineering temperament.

"Is this Dao Tian Shenzun? Do you know where he is at the moment?" I asked.

"I don't know! This Heavenly God sits on the Daotian City, and leads his wife who betrayed you to tour the world, and such a horror exists, how can I dare to investigate him? I can only treat him as a guest when he comes. I'm glad you came here." The Great Saint had a flattering expression on his face.

I secretly thought that the way of traveling around the world in the city seemed to be a model, and I was a little speechless in my heart.

And according to this configuration, it might not be easy to find the gods and demons of the Demon God Alliance, so we have to think of other ways.

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