Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8254: : old knowledge

The size of the Great Sacred City is comparable to that of a small God's Domain. Even though the flagship Yuanli Shenzhou is huge enough, it is still relatively small compared to the entire Great Sacred City.

"Why is the Yuanli Shenzhou here? Could it be that sister Shuang'er is going to another God Realm? No, this Shenzhou seems to have been attacked! Many parts have been repaired." When Qing Weixin stood aside and examined the Yuanli Shenzhou, she immediately realized There are some clues.

"Sister Xin'er, has this Shenzhou been repaired? I can't seem to see it." Yue Daoxin said in surprise.

"It's not strange if you can't see it, because it's just the layout and things are missing, and there's nothing wrong with it overall, and don't you think its reaction is a bit strange." Qing Weixin looked at the two gods beside him while concentrating: "You go ask ask."

The two gods immediately went to investigate.

When they got to the front of Shenzhou, the other party didn't fly out anyone to dock. According to the normal process, both sides should send people to contact first, but now it seems that they are directly bumping into each other.

After all, Shenjun was more careful, and immediately began to check the status of the Shenzhou, only to fly back after wandering around.

"What's going on?" Yue Daoxin asked the **** who had gone and returned.

"There is not a single **** inside, and the hull actually moves by itself..." When the Goddess replied, she also showed a strange expression.

"No one controls it? Have you ever tried to subdue it? After all, this kind of Shenzhou also has self-awareness..." Yue Daoxin asked.

The male **** shook his head immediately, and said: "Refused to subdue and communicate. It should have been severely injured. The outside looks good, but the inside is in the repair stage. It seems to be ambushed, because it can't be recovered in a hurry."

"What? How is it possible!" Qing Weixin was surprised, and immediately flew towards the hull.

Yue Daoxin and I also went up together. As the male **** said, although the ship has been repaired on the outside, the inside is a mess.

"Sister Shuang'er may have really had an accident... But who would ambush her here, could it be a lawful beast in the land of divine refinement?" Yue Daoxin raised the possibility.

I nodded and said: "Very likely, otherwise, how could this Yuanli Shenzhou repair itself, but was not recovered by anyone? Maybe it was attacked by an extremely powerful monster, and flew away in a hurry. I didn't care about this Shenzhou, but let it drift here."

"Shenzhou of this level has self-awareness and is not easy to subdue. Maybe she also wants to come back later to get it. What should we do? Should we continue to Yuanli God Realm now, or..." Qing Weixin looked at me.

"What do you think?" I asked Yue Daoxin beside me.

"If it were me, I think we should first investigate what kind of lawful beast it is... After all, there is a Supreme Being, so I am definitely not afraid." Yue Daoxin said.

"Well, let the Great Sacred City be the center, let the demon gods investigate around." I made a decision.

Soon the demon gods of the Great Holy City scattered out, searching for clues.

The Great Sacred City remained where it was, and as for the Yuanli Shenzhou, I had already erased its memory and took it back into my hands.

Looking at the miniature Shenzhou in my hand, I couldn't help but feel a little worried: "At first I thought that Shuang'er might be in Yuanli God Realm, but now that this happened, I'm afraid there is something inside that we don't know."

"Husband, you don't have to worry too much. She is no less powerful than other **** masters, not to mention that there are elites around her who are close to the **** master level. Last time, the gods told me that her Yuanli God Realm is known as a few people around the world. The number one God Realm in the sky." Qing Weixin muttered.

"How do they know what to do when they come to the land of divine refinement?" I asked.

Qing Weixin shook her head in thought, while Yue Daoxin said: "The birth of a strange treasure has caused a dispute, or something else...but in Yuanli Demonstration Heaven, is there any problem that a **** of Yuanli Shenzhou can't solve? "

I glanced at the Yuanli Shenzhou and said, "If this ship drifts from the forbidden area of ​​the Land of Gods to this fringe area, how long do you think it will take?"

"According to this speed, it won't take a month or two?" Yue Daoxin blurted out.

"Then let's go to the forbidden area to have a look?" Qing Weixin stood up.

"You wait for them in the Great Holy City. It will be faster for me to go by myself. After all, the map is in our hands." I stood up, and before they agreed, I left the Great Holy City in an instant, and appeared dozens of miles ahead. at the peak.

As I have the law of compounding, it is not a problem to synthesize a method that surpasses other laws of speed. The current way of moving is just a variant of the law of wind and thunder.

The principle is to quickly reach the area visible to the naked eye by means of the three thousand laws that exist in space.

After a few quick moves, I came to a huge collapsed space.

Everything in front of me made me dumbfounded.

A super black hole like a whirlpool in the ocean was right in front of me.

It looks like a tiankeng that suddenly appeared in the deep mountains. This place is no longer the secret area marked on the original map. It has a radius of hundreds of miles, and it has become an underground world with no boundaries at all. You can only see the endless black vortex in front of you!

I frowned and took out the map to confirm, and found that the surrounding comparable mountains had long since disappeared, and the forbidden area seemed to have collapsed, and even the breath energy was still being violently absorbed by the black hole at this moment.

After approaching, I forcibly pulled out a force from the black hole, felt the law in it, and found that it was actually some kind of energy similar to the law of devouring. Because of its own power against the law of primordial glass, it easily wiped out the law of glass Yes, the mountains, vegetation, and everything here are gradually being eroded.

I don't know what lies under the black hole, but I can imagine the possible consequences of going deep into it.

Although the law of anti-element glass cannot be swallowed instantly, as long as I have this law, my body energy will be absorbed, of course, other laws are not included.

I don't know who made this thing, maybe it was aimed at the Law Beast here, or maybe it was aimed at Li Yushuang.

I originally wanted to fly down to see the situation, but I still had the idea that there might be other gods around me, so I went around. It was this decision that made me fly around for half an hour, at the other end. On a high mountain, a figure was found sitting on the edge of a black hole, as if he was comprehending something.

I approached slowly, and when I saw his face clearly through layers of black mist, I couldn't help but froze for a moment.

It seemed that he also sensed the presence of a new breath nearby, and the other party raised his head expressionlessly, but the moment he saw me, he was also stunned.

"You... why are you here?" My heart froze.

His breath at this moment is already quite close to the breath of the black hole.

Because at this distance, I can at least feel him easily, but because of the integration, it almost seems to be shielded.

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