Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8258: :instill

"What? You don't even bark like your husband?" I raised my head slightly, with a little playfulness in my expression.

Li Yushuang was obviously stunned when she heard this, her face blushed, and she said after a while: "Husband... Husband, I..."

Li Poxiao frowned slightly, looked at Li Yushuang and me, and didn't know what to say for a while, but I knew this title meant that Li Yushuang and Li Poxiao were not as close as imagined.

At least on the bright side, I have a natural advantage over Li Yushuang.

"Okay, if you encounter any problems, tell me." I looked at a group of demon gods, and glanced at the fairy gods present.

The gods present obviously didn't react, and the shockers accounted for the vast majority. After all, Li Yushuang was a top-notch existence in the few nearby enlightenment days, just like in the Three Immortals Realm back then, she still belonged to the biggest force.

She also has this ability.

Li Yushuang is a divine lord, and her husband is of course not a secret. Among all the Daoist heavens and all the gods and demons, Tian Zhan also has a very high-dimensional perception. Everyone knows that it is not a level that everyone can reach. .

It is impossible for Li Yushuang to govern a Zhidaotian without mentioning me, and it is difficult to avoid its inheritance nature.

Everyone knows that the Three Thousand Demonstrating Dao Heavens were brought down by me, and they were also combined into one by my own strength, and there is no existence beyond me.

To be my wife, you don't need how strong you are to be able to respond to everyone.

With Li Yushuang's pattern, such prerequisites would never be wasted.

"The Yuanzhou crystal is in my hands now. They demon gods have been chasing us for several days. We can't get rid of it, so we can only fight and leave." Li Yushuang explained quickly.

I looked at the two demon lords, as well as dozens of demon lords and demon gods, which made all the demon gods present subconsciously make defensive moves.

"Dare to touch my family, do you think that I, the God of the Universe, will never go down to the realm?" Behind me, like wicker, the same number of black threads sprang out, and before any of them could say anything, swish, swish, swish After a few sounds, he rushed out!

These black annihilation laws are like meteors chasing the moon, and the speed is astonishingly fast. By the time some of the strongest demon gods react and escape, most of the demon gods have been penetrated.

The power of annihilation quickly caused dozens of demon gods to scream into smoke, and the remaining dozen or so were all demon lords and demon kings. I didn't show mercy, and let more silk threads penetrate them quickly while moving!

When pulling them back, Li Poxiao also took the opportunity to roll the flying sword and pierced the bodies of several demon lords. The two demon lords were about to struggle, but after a while of screams, they were all rebuilt.

The easy kill shocked Li Yushuang and the gods present. When the absolute strength was in front of them, they had nothing but worship.

Many Goddess Lords looked at me with bright eyes, and many of them had fought **** battles. They knew that these demon gods were difficult to deal with, especially the two demon masters. They probably killed their partners and relatives before.

And how easy it is for me to kill this group of demon gods now, is how enthusiastic their positive views are on me, including Li Yushuang, who was also shocked at this time, and now shows reverence.

After finishing off the demon gods present, Li Poxiao put the sword back into its sheath, took something out of his sleeve pocket, and asked, "Miss Liyu, are you okay? You seem to be expending a lot..."

"This is the fruit of the Fenglan Immortal Tree. You share it with your people. As for the tree, bring it to God's Domain to plant it, and it will bear fruit again in the future." I threw the entire Fenglan Immortal Tree to Li Yushuang, and the fruit on it Fruity and very attractive to look at.

Seeing my attack, Li Poxiao immediately swallowed the rest of the words. He only got some fruits, which were indeed not enough for all the gods to eat. He couldn't do it even if I threw the whole one over.

After receiving the fairy tree, Li Yushuang was stunned again, but the other gods and goddesses were not stupid, they immediately surrounded the fruit when they saw the fruit, admiring each other.

"I used to hear the Lord of the Gods talk about the God of the Universe. After a few years, I still have some doubts... Now I am really blind."

"Isn't it? It turns out that the Heavenly God Venerable is really so kind to the Divine Lord, so I'm so envious."

"The Heavenly God Venerable is really good, of course, so is the Divine Lord!"

Li Yushuang responded with a sweet smile, and then tapped her fingers like jade shoots, and the fruits quickly flew into the hands of the gods present one by one.

Everyone praised again, but I pretended I didn't hear it. As for what Li Poxiao thought, it has nothing to do with me for the time being.

"Shuang'er, there should be a lot of immortals in your Yuanli Daotian, who have been separated in this Yuanzhou space. Now, let's set a reference coordinate, and then divide our troops to let them concentrate. We will set up a large formation at the target place, leave How about this universe space?" I suggested.

Li Yushuang was stunned again, and then replied: "Being chased and intercepted by those demon gods, I did get separated quite a bit, but some gods are here to find treasures, so what should I do?"

"It doesn't matter, since these gods want to hunt for treasure, they should stay here. Presumably they have the ability, and they shouldn't be afraid of not being able to go up, so we will leave it to us." I waved my hand and said.

"Ah? But I still want to..." Li Yushuang didn't seem to want to set up a large formation with me.

"What else do you want to do? Is there anything you can't say to me?" I smiled.

Seeing Li Yushuang's hesitation, Li Poxiao said: "Why don't you go and arrange this big formation, God Master Yuanli should be here and have other important things, so let's do it, I will go with her and do it when the time comes When we're done, let's meet up at your place?"

When I heard this, I wondered to myself, since when did you, Li Poxiao, become so shameless? This is starting to blatantly rob my wife?

"Then why didn't you go to set up the formation, and I went with her?" I asked back.

"Didn't you say this about setting up the formation? I don't know what formation to set up. Isn't this making the best use of everything?" Li Poxiao had a reason.

I laughed dumbfounded, looked at Li Yushuang, and said, "You want him to go with you?"

"I... It's true that I got the Yuanyu crystal before, but I have an appointment with several domain masters and gods. If you help me get the Yuanyu crystal, then..." Li Yushuang didn't dare to look at me, and he hesitated.

I can understand why she is like this. After all, in her mind, I am indeed an overlord. This is also because of Han Shanshan's brainwashing.

Back then, I had gained her as a member of the Women's Legion without knowing it. It can be seen what ideas were instilled in me.

"In this case, then I will go with God Master Yuanli. There is no need to worry about other things. We should go and return quickly. After all, the entrance of this Yuanyu space may not always be stable. Once it expands to a certain extent, there is no reason to support burning. Law, it's not far from being completely closed." Li Poxiao reminded.

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