Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8262: : star drop

When I took a closer look, it wasn't Li Yushuang, but a demon lord who was born in front of me. When the other party saw me, his expression froze. Although he was still in the middle of a fierce battle, he also winked at several nearby demon lords.

Those who dare to come here are not ordinary people, these demon gods immediately led the treasure dragon to attack me, I smiled coldly, a treasure dragon that flew over was penetrated by black silk on the spot, and turned into black smoke with a scream!

"It's the god! Go away!" The demon lord was taken aback, and immediately led the other demon lords to escape.

The black filaments behind me went through the needles, but in the blink of an eye, I grabbed them with the thin threads, and the demon gods didn't dare to move any more, they could only stand there nervously.

There are still giant crystals falling around. The targets of these crystals are not clear, and they are all far away. This place belongs to the position slightly farther from the head.

"Don't hesitate for a moment, I just ask you, have you seen God Master Yuanli?" Murderous intent flashed in my eyes, and I used the annihilation law to wipe out the two treasure dragons swimming over in the clouds on the spot.

"No! We've been treasure hunting here all this time! Didn't do anything!"

"Yes! God Lord Yuanli, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

At this moment, with a bang, a black and white intertwined sword light whizzed over, instantly beheading the demon lord, not only that, but the flying sword chasing after him also beheaded the remaining demon lords one by one!

"Xia Yitian, you should know better than me the principle of eliminating evil and doing everything right." Li Poxiao arrived in a flash with several gods.

"Use you to teach me?" I couldn't help but get a little gloomy when I answered.

Li Poxiao looked to the left and right but did not see Li Yushuang, he immediately asked, "Where is God Master Yuanli? Is he not with you?"

I thought that if Li Yushuang didn't go to Li Poxiao, or if he didn't meet him, I'm afraid there would be some danger. After all, according to the Goddess Lord's guidance, it should be in this direction. Could it be that she came too late?

While regretting in my heart, I also hurriedly searched in another direction, but my judgment was disturbed by the loud noise of falling crystals.

"Xia Yitian, where did God Master Yuanli go? Why didn't you take a fancy to her?" Li Poxiao asked after chasing after her.

"Where did my wife go, why shouldn't you ask the question?" I retorted.

Li Poxiao seemed to understand something, and said coldly: "Shenzun Tianzhou, please face this issue squarely, the relationship between me and Li Yushuang is nothing more than senior brothers and sisters, not the love between men and women as you think. I have known her since the Three Immortals Realm, and we have had a few life-and-death friendships with each other, but I swear to God, that's all, did you do something just now, and where did you leave her? If she is in danger, don't If you say you are a **** of the universe, I will never end with you!"

I didn't answer, this may indeed be the result of my misjudgment, so even if Li Poxiao walked away, I didn't reply to him.

Just when I was able to look at the huge head of the beast of the Yuan Dynasty, a star stone shining brightly appeared in front of my eyes.

This beast of the Yuan Dynasty has a head like a unicorn. The star stone is not embedded in its head, but is clamped by its three huge horns.

And whenever an enemy approaches, its horns will activate the power of the starstone like a tentacle, and this strange law will summon the spar to bombard!

There are already several chrysalis floating in the air, and these fibers are like spider webs, constantly absorbing the law energy of the demon god.

I hurried over and cut open the chrysalis one by one. Some of them had nothing inside, and some of them had half-life of the demon **** inside, but none of them were Li Yushuang.

After questioning, Li Yushuang did come to Zuojin, but they lost contact after they were bound by fibers.

Just as I was looking around the head area, this beast seemed to be beaten by someone, and let out a mournful roar.


A fork on a horn was hit by something, and fell to the ground with a bang!

I thought to myself that this attack power is remarkable. Looking at the opponent's purpose, it should be to smash the tip of the horn, so that the star stone cannot be restrained and falls down.

I hurried to check it out.

In the distance, a figure kept flashing and moving, and attacked the horn area with a sword. It was aggressive, and even cut close to the weapon. The horn that was cut off just now was struck by her melee attack!

After approaching, Li Yushuang radiated blue light, and the image of frowning and attacking appeared in my sight!

"Shuang'er!" I called out from a distance.

As if Li Yushuang didn't hear it, she continued to attack in a dangerous way, only to hear a bang, and cut off another horn!

Although the star stone was stuck by the horns, it somehow connected to the forehead of the Yuanzhou beast, so when it shook its head and attacked Li Yushuang, the star stone was probably still a long way from falling to go!

But Li Yushuang didn't care about it, and kept chopping off the horns. Of course, it also restrained the fibers emitted by many spars on the ground. Every second, she would explode a shield of Yuanli Law to shake these fibers away. !

According to this way of fighting, it is impossible to cut off all the horns to get the star stone.

I saw that she deliberately ignored me, so she could only continue to fly closer, and summoned a black flying sword to divert the attention of this divine beast!

Sure enough, the crystals falling from the rune array in the sky began to pour towards me, and various fibers and threads continued to entangle, but they were all burned by my law of annihilation, and there was no possibility of invasion!

Instead, it was my flying sword that instantly cut off a few small horns on one of the horns, causing the star stone to shake instantly!

This made the divine beast roar again and again, and its body shook non-stop.

Maybe this is a dangerous behavior pattern. In the cloud and mist, seven or eight treasure dragons came from various areas immediately, obediently ejecting beams similar to the space attribute of the universe!

It was easy for me to avoid it, but Li Yushuang didn't know whether it was too much consumption or the beams were too dense. After using the sword to shake several beams in a row, one of the beams hit the shield, and the whole person immediately hit the ground!

"Shuang'er!" I panicked, and the thunder came near her in a flash!

"Junior Sister Liyu!"

At the same time, Li Poxiao's voice also came from the clouds. He and I were facing each other. It seems that he also searched around.

But after all, my speed must be a little faster, a few quick jumps, and before Li Yushuang hit the ground, I hugged her into my arms!

But at the very moment, several light beams from Jumbo Dragon also hit me!

bang bang bang!

The power of the light beam is not small, but it is not enough to penetrate my protective shield!

But at the moment when I was about to forcefully leave, after the divine beast let out an earth-shattering roar, a fierce laser shot out from its mouth!

Holding Li Yushuang, I just feel dizzy!

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