Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8265: : stick to

"I have also heard about this matter. What kind of existence is this demon **** alliance? Where can Daotiancheng find it?" Li Yushuang and I haven't delved into this issue yet. After all, she is also a relatively active **** master. The God Lord should understand something.

"The Alliance of Demon Gods is an organization that has just recently shown its prominence. It used to only operate in the dark. In recent years, it has organized several rounds. Among the demon masters or **** masters, some outstanding ones were selected and bestowed with treasures. There is one treasure that is the most important, called the Demon God Token, which is used to help it become a demon or a god, so we will be more or less cautious when we mention this organization." Li Yushuang said.

"Give the Demon God Token?" I couldn't help being a little more curious about this Demon God Token in my heart. It should be something like a **** stone, which can be powerful enough to change the tolerance of the law. This is a great blessing of luck.

"Well, with the Demon God's Token, you can have strong luck. Generally, you can do anything without disadvantages. It will also have a strong compatibility with different laws. Laws that you could not comprehend before may also have or To use it, to become a demon or a god, you must obey the orders of the organization, and if you don't obey, you will inevitably be crusaded." Li Yushuang revealed.

"So that's it. It seems that the Demon God Alliance has been dormant for so many years, and it should have stored a lot of good things. Then this time, the universe space..." While I was contemplating, I also began to doubt the origin of the formation here.

"Yuanzhou space, I guess, may indeed be a way for the Demon God Alliance to plunder resources, but it's not limited to this, and my Yuanli Daotian is better than other Zhidaotians..." Li Yushuang Frowning.

"Several demon lords worked together to design Yuanli to prove Daotian. If there is no alliance of demon gods to promote it, it may not be enough to make it happen?" I speculated.

"This... I don't know. I did decline to join the Demon God Alliance in the past several God Lord gatherings. Is this the reason?" Li Yushuang asked.

"It's hard to say. After all, there are not many cases and it is difficult to infer. Besides, isn't the core of the laws of the nearby major demon realms in the space of the universe, can it have the conditions for its formation?" All members of the Demon God Alliance will become the target of changing owners.

"Theoretically, there may be other ways for the Demon God Alliance." Li Yushuang seemed to be a little afraid of the Demon God Alliance.

This is also understandable, the space of the universe frightened her, and this time Yuanli proved that the heavenly vitality was severely injured, and the overall strength was probably not as good as other gods.

Moreover, Li Yushuang just won the Yuanzhou crystal, if there is no way to protect it, it may attract competition.

"Speaking of which, how do you plan to use Yuanyu Crystal?" I changed the subject.

"This kind of heaven and earth treasure is often used by gods to make mobile gods, and some people build it into a god's domain. No matter what it is used for, its strength will far exceed that of the general Daotian, so I want to use it to make a god's domain. Because of the activation of the wartime formation, I can use the power of the crystallization of the universe to surpass the existence of gods..." Li Yushuang said.

"It's your style." I thought to myself that this is fine, with this great formation in the domain of the gods, it will not be easy to conquer the domain of the gods, even if the gods come.

"Husband, do you have any good suggestions?" Li Yushuang looked at me cautiously.

I smiled and said: "It's fine according to what you said, but you need to be strong to forge iron. Let me give you a **** stone, which will enhance your luck, comprehend new laws, and combine existing laws. Ability."

"Ah? There is such a fetish?" Li Yushuang exclaimed.

I took out a condensed high-level **** stone and handed it to her.

"This... this breath is a bit like a demon god's order?" Li Yushuang sensed it, her eyes were full of surprise.

"It's all a matter of chance and luck, which contains great fortune. It's normal to have a similar breath. You can mobilize and digest this **** stone now. I will help you refine the second law in the next few days, so that you can have a god-level stone." power," I said.

Li Yushuang nodded obediently, leaned on me and said, "Whatever my husband says is what I say, I will listen to you."

I scratched the tip of her nose and said with a smile, "You'll be obedient now."

"When did I stop listening to you? I just didn't dare, because there is a big gap between you in my heart and reality?" Li Yushuang asked urgently.

"Well, what is it like in reality and in my mind?" I held her hand, feeling the way she ran the law unscrupulously.

Li Yushuang was taken aback by my decisive investigation, but soon relaxed and replied: "In reality...you are sometimes fierce, but sometimes you are so warm..."

My heart, Li Yushuang, has been trained by a big sect since she was a child. She was meant to be in charge of the existence of hundreds of millions of congregants, and her behavior has attracted much attention. Therefore, she is strict in doing things, and even when she calls me, she is very polite.

"What do you think?"

Li Yushuang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Of course you are different from everyone else in my mind."

"With everyone? Including Li Poxiao?" I laughed.

"Of course! He is him, you are you." Li Yushuang replied hastily, for fear of not being able to explain clearly.

"Oh, he's rigid? Am I sloppy?"

"No way! I don't think so!"

Seeing me laughing happily, Li Yushuang realized that I had been teased.

However, she is not the kind of character who is easily infected by emotions. Instead, she said seriously: "First of all, you are a breaker who does not stick to the rules, and secondly, you are the core of breaking all shackles, so you are well received by everyone. A person with a righteous heart? So even I know that you have both immortal beliefs and an immortal heart, of course you are different from others."

"I found that you are really serious about what you do." I couldn't help but say.

In fact, I did have too little contact with her before, so that I had a cognitive bias about her character, which caused so many misunderstandings.

"Is there? I usually...is like this, isn't it good?" Li Yushuang asked worriedly.

I shook my head, straightened my expression, and said, "I apologize to you about Li Shu before, I'm sorry, I was really impulsive at the time, and I didn't know you very well at that time, so I felt that I was not I should give you another life, but I didn't expect that the way you express your emotions is actually just different from others."

"No, it's my fault. I've been reflecting on what I didn't do well just now, especially about Brother Lixiao. When I think about it later, it's also the reason why I didn't grasp the scale, because I feel that since we are friends, sharing emotions seems like It should be..." Li Yushuang had a bit of guilt in her eyes.

"But you don't know the difference between men and women, right?" At this time, Liulisha's voice suddenly came from the clouds.

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