Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8268: : enter the battle

"Based on your level, I also want to know what Yuanzhou City is?" Qing Weixin looked at Ivy Demon Lord vigilantly, which showed that she was deeply suspicious of this new entrant.

My thoughts are similar to Qing Weixin's. I didn't stop Ivy Demon Lord from inquiring, but I also wanted to see how much he wanted to know.

Seeing our suspicious eyes, Ivy Demon Lord immediately said: "Your Majesty has overstepped!"

"Hmph, let's go down first. We will also screen your information. In addition, all the demon gods under your seat will be subject to review. If anyone wants to leave at this time, we will only accept remaking this road." Qing Wei Xin waved his hand to back off.

The possibility of infiltrating spies is all in our plan. Of course, I still hope that the Ivy Demon Lord is just a speculator, and now he has found the right owner to go to.

"Yes! Since we are here, we will definitely not leave!" Ivy Demon Lord looked terrified, and then remembered his identity and hurriedly resigned.

Liu Lisha on the side immediately asked Yue Daoxin: "Sister Daoxin, do you think this Ivy Demon Lord is a spy? Is it so easy for the Demon God to come here?"

"Of course it's not that easy. Although there is a possibility of speculation, it doesn't mean that they are not afraid of death. Look at this Ivy Demon Lord, isn't this kind of existence?" Yue Daoxin said with a smile.

"Well, I think so too, but if he is a spy and he can't just leave, is it possible that the information he sent is false?" Liu Lisha asked.

"I don't know, it depends on Your Majesty's consideration." Yue Daoxin looked at me.

I'm still thinking about whether to directly collide with Daotian Shenzun next, or to target according to the intelligence layout.

In fact, I still want to touch each other, because there is a high probability that the destruction of the layout will be divided into pieces, and besides Qing Weixin, Yue Daoxin and the other demon masters and **** masters, I am the guardian gods and demons around them. Just you.

Calculating it means the number of troops in hundreds. Based on the previous calculation of about 1,000 soldiers in a god-level castle, the number of troops on my side is really too small.

The cards that can be played now are actually the alliance of several cities. These are means against many enemies.

As for one-on-one, or a contest at the level of a demon lord or a **** lord, I can be sure that I will not lose.

"Before reaching the destination, it is possible to fall into the enemy's trap, so I will strengthen it during this time..."


At this moment, there was a violent explosion sound outside, and I waved my finger blankly, and all the purple-black crystals in front of me immediately showed the influence of all angles around them.

The explosion came from the magic cave that was just added below. This magic cave directly blew up half of the dock, countless buildings fell to the ground, and the scene was terrifying.

"The Ivy Demon Lord... seems to have detonated the magic cave!?" Qing Weixin was shocked.

"It doesn't matter, most of the immortals received in the dock are my little beans. It doesn't matter if it is affected, it should be trying to stall the Black Lotus City." I looked around again, and sure enough, the surrounding There seem to be signs of distortion in some areas of space!

"Those distorted spaces..." Liulisha also noticed this, pointing to one of the spaces.

Not only her, Yue Daoxin and Li Yushuang both pointed out the two spaces they saw.

But this is not the most attractive place, Qing Weixin seems to have discovered something, and said: "Look at the Ivy Demon Lord! It seems... It seems that he has changed his makeup! He is wearing the clothes of the Demon Lord! He is not some Ivy Lord Demon!"

"Hehe, it seems that he is either Zhouyuan Demon Lord or Yan Ling Demon Lord. He can't be Daotian God Lord." Yue Daoxin snorted, and then said: "My lord, I will meet him!"

"Husband, I'm going too!" Liu Lisha also said hastily.

"No need, since he came prepared, I guess there are many ways to escape, why don't you see what he's up to, and restore the Black Lotus City first." I said and looked at the three space-distorted areas , Sure enough, three different fortresses have gradually appeared!

The directions in which they appear are exactly as shown in the formation diagram given to me by Ivy Demon Venerable.

The three cities surrounded the wounded Black Lotus City in a siege posture.

The location of the main formation should be Daotian City. It looks beautiful, with mountains and rivers stacked one layer after another. There are green trees there, and you can’t even see a palace. Those who don’t know it think it’s an ordinary place. A mirage of places.

But the reason why it was recognized as Daotian City was precisely because there was a pure appearance of the universe crystal beneath it, which could not be concealed.

As for the other two demon fortresses, we couldn't tell who belonged to them. One of them seemed to be a giant crystal with countless clouds and mist, so we couldn't see the internal situation clearly. It seemed that there was aura hiding in it.

If you let me guess, this should be the mobile demon realm of Demon Lord Yan Ling.

The remaining one is a series of irregular round spheres, which are densely packed. It looks full of technology, similar to some kind of mechanized magic cave, but in fact it should be composed of metal-like laws, and its main feature should be sturdiness. , but still cannot conceal the essence of the crystal composition of the universe.

This may be the mobile demon realm of the legendary Zhou Yuan Demon Venerable.

I looked at where the 'Ivy Demon Lord' was at the moment again, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the image of a beautiful demon Lord had already appeared at this time.

It turned out to be a man disguised as a woman, no wonder her behavior was a bit charming.

At this moment, she was quickly leaving a black text on a giant lotus petal in Black Lotus City, which read: "Thank you for the gift of the Demon God Token from the Yuanzhou God. Yan Ling thanked you here. , Yuanzhou God Venerable can enjoy unprecedented happiness in the Daotian world."

"She's quite provocative. It turns out that she is Yan Ling Mozun. She is very capable of disguise. She doesn't have two or three knives. Sure enough, not everyone dares to show off her prestige in front of her husband." Liu Lisha chuckled.

Yue Daoxin giggled, and said, "Actually, such a skill is not worth mentioning."

"Hehe, I really let her pretend. It seems that if I don't arrest her, I always feel a little uncomfortable." I propped my chin and looked at Yue Daoxin: "You go and try her depth?"

"Okay, but the formation looks like it's about to start, I can't guarantee that we can catch her within this period of time, I can only control the Black Lotus City to intercept it first." Yue Daoxin said with a smile.

"Let's go too." Liu Lisha said, after all, the two of them were considered to be friends.

Li Yushuang nodded and said, "I'll join in too. It's too embarrassing for me not to be able to detect the opponent's disguise immediately this time."

"Husband didn't see it through? I don't believe it." Qing Weixin looked at me suspiciously.

I spread my hands and said noncommittally: "Who knows? It's been tricked anyway."

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