Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8290: : much effort

The time and space around me distorted instantly, and when I reappeared, I was already standing near the battlefield.

Although the city is vast, my use of the phantom god's law is not what it used to be. In a state of rapidity in battle, a distance of more than ten miles is no different from teleportation to me.

Demon Lord Zhouyuan has two horns growing on the back of his head, but his facial features are handsome and his figure is also tall and strong, propping up his pure black clothes, he is imposing.

When I raised my hand, the space dropped instantly, as if some mirror image was directly pressed down, and all the demon gods present were extremely short, as if they were under great pressure!



Even if the demon **** is like this, the other spells present were all compressed and exploded after a burst of noise!

Including flying swords and various chain attacks, they all disappeared in the space technique, which shows the mystery of its laws!

I couldn't help but be surprised by the area-of-area attack with the effect of clearing the field, but Liulisha and the others were not so afraid, because they immediately became full of confidence when they saw me appearing around.

"It's interesting." I looked at the layers of black space pressing down, and with the flick of my fingers, there was a loud bang, and the space collapsed instantly!

This time, not only Demon Lord Zhou Yuan showed a surprised expression, but Demon Lord Yan Ling was too shocked at the moment, which was tantamount to a dimensionality reduction blow!

My attack this time contains the law of annihilation. This is not a law to swallow the opponent, but to make it impossible to form a connection.

After all, the purer the law itself, the more compact the linkage.

If it is an existence at the level of a god, because I use the compound law, and I happen to have this law, I can use luck to control them to strip the opponent's main law.

In this way, the law will collapse. No matter how powerful the law is, once it becomes a mess, it will not have the attack effect.

Therefore, Zhou Yuan Demon Venerable, who was inside without knowing it, was frightened, and hurriedly said: "It's Tian Zhou Shenzun! Let's go!"


A space hole appeared in place, and Demon Lord Zhou Yuan rushed into it without hesitation, including Demon Lord Yan Ling, who was already frightened at this moment.

"Here we come, can we still go?" I smacked my five fingers, and with a bang, the entrance of the space collapsed on the spot, scaring the two Demon Lords to back away immediately. week.

"Leave each other!" Zhou Yuan Demon Venerable's expression froze, and instantly turned into a black light, and the map forcibly broke through from the barrier!

I snorted coldly, and stopped in front of him in an instant, and a large pile of black lines rushed out behind me, directly penetrating his body!

Demon Venerable Zhou Yuan smiled coldly, and said, "Shen Venerable Tian Zhou is very capable, but unfortunately, I am not my real body."


Demon Venerable Zhou Yuan disappeared, only to hear a bang, and the barrier of Black Lotus City was immediately shaken!

Originally thought that there would be a gap, but in fact there was no, even Ye Daoxin was stunned: "No, they seem to..."

I looked at the bombarded location, where there are some subtle spatial folds and distortions. It should be using the principle of mirrors to project the image to another place, and the explosive device is hidden behind the mirror.

As for whether the real body escaped, it is still unknown.

My black line not only intercepted Demon Lord Zhou Yuan, but even went straight to Demon Lord Yan Ling, but even Zhou Yuan was a fake, and so was this seemingly real Demon Lord Yan Ling.

Sure enough, the black thread also penetrated Yan Ling Mozun's body, and disintegrated her on the spot. If it was the Mozun's body, although there would be no resistance at all, but taking them down so easily, even I don't think so. possible.

"Hehe, it's a good thing our body didn't enter the Black Lotus City. Otherwise, Daotian Shenzun was right. If we come in with our real body, we will never return." In the cloud outside, Yan Lingmozun's The voice came, and then she was seen appearing far away.

Demon Venerable Zhou Yuan also appeared right after him. He looked at the place where he fought with me before, and he probably felt terrified in his heart.

Li Yushuang looked at me and asked, "Husband, what should we do now?"

"No wonder Yirong couldn't even find out. It turned out to be just a puppet. Refresh your cognition." Liulisha snorted.

"I think Dao Tianshenzun is still in charge of the big formation. They destroyed our dock position, because they want us to be unable to move out of the big formation area within the specified time. As for now, chasing them is just a waste of time. This is also dragging us into the water. " After I finished speaking, I looked at Yue Daoxin: "Everyone comes into my Cosmos City, I see what they can do to me."

After Yue Daoxin nodded, he shrunk the Black Lotus City with a flick of his fingers, and took the city into his palm in an instant.

I took out the semi-finished product of Tianzhou City, and put Liulisha and the others into it.

Although Tianzhou City is still a semi-finished product, some basic facilities inside are complete, just like a rough house that has not yet been hardcovered.

This Tianzhou City looks like a place where the stars gather. Only I know the mystery. In fact, the Tianzhou Temple inside is much more mysterious than the Black Lotus City. detected.

If Han Shanshan can be found, I believe that it will not be a problem to detect several of the same type of Daotian, because it is connected based on the space of the universe. spy on the outside world.

This is also my latest research method.

Seeing that I had directly collected a few big cities, the two Demon Venerables looked at each other.

"It's useless, our Daotian God Venerable has already figured out that His Excellency will be like this, but at this moment, His Majesty has already fallen into the time and space of Daotian Heaven." Yan Lingmozun didn't seem to be in a hurry.

I put away the Tianzhou City and said, "Do I still have to be afraid of this Daotian time and space?"

"We can't do anything about your lord, but Daotian Shenzun said that as long as you buy enough time, everything can actually be changed. How precious your lord's time is, should your lord know better than us?" God Venerable Zhou Yuan smiled triumphantly.

I thought to myself that this **** seems to know me very well, but he actually thought of using time and space magic to tie me up!

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