Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8289: :lie

"Okay, okay." I thought to myself that you're killing Tian indirectly, but it's not that she has low EQ. After all, she can be a devil lord without any difference.

Xiaojiao saw that my answer was simple, she was silent for a while, and asked with a troubled expression: "Master, did Xiaojiao say something wrong?"

"No, why do I think so? I'm very happy with your answer, which shows that you usually work hard. Of course, you still think of me occasionally. This is my most gratifying place." I smiled as much as possible.

Xiaojiao blushed, and said, "But it's still not enough to be better than other sisters, sisters, or even nephews. Xiaojiao will do better in the future than she is now."

"It's okay, just treat me the way you are used to now. For people who like you, they will like you no matter how much you do, and vice versa, so you don't have to try to please me." I thought to myself that I usually chat with Xiaojiao Not many, she has always been more obedient and doesn't like to do unnecessary things.

She is the body of the dragon king who cultivates human form, and there are a group of sisters and demons under her hands. In fact, she is extremely noble. After being subdued by me, she has been my bodyguard. She is loyal to me and works hard. There is a different kind of intimacy.

This is an absolute trust.

"What does the master mean?" Xiaojiao looked at me suspiciously.

In my heart, it seems that it is too complicated. After all, Xiaojiao doesn't pay much attention to the sophistication of the world, and the rules are almost as if they don't exist to her.

The dragon clan naturally has its own rules.

"I mean, I really like you now, so as long as you do something good, I actually like it." I can only answer honestly.

"Master can really talk, Xiaojiao also... likes Master very much." Xiaojiao smiled sweetly, she was quite tall, and like her, Ao Shuang, who was born in the dragon clan, Long Yue was also a head shorter than her.

So she was wearing a set of silver light armor, and the two slender horns on her head were like tentacles, flowing down with her hair, so she not only looked very heroic, but also had another kind of beauty.

After we entered the depths of the area where the law of green fire was mixed, the corrosion of the shield became more and more intense, and even passing through some areas with strong blue fire, there were blue fire flames rushing towards us like a sun tornado.

When encountering the law of heresy, the law of green fire will actively devour each other, so Xiaojiao and I walked towards the direction of the blue fire **** domain, while quickly avoiding the flame tornado that suddenly burst out around us!

Xiaojiao's speed is very fast, and her dodging skills are not inferior to mine. You must know that I almost teleport by jumping, but for her, she can also easily transform into a beam of light.

She is a rare divine dragon of the light system, and her own cultivation is based on the law of aurora, so the method of turning into light with her body is really powerful.

As long as there is still the law attribute of light, she can even borrow a long way to escape, which is similar to my direct secondment of the law.

Not long after, under the leadership of Xiaojiao, we broke through the abyss of green fire and came to a sky of enlightenment that seemed to be bathed in blue fireworks.

The sky and the earth are all blue, and it looks like an underwater world. Of course, under the effect of light, the visibility here is good, but the whole world looks too weird.

I summoned Tianzhou City and was about to take Xiaojiao back to Yuanzhou Temple, but Xiaojiao suddenly grabbed the corner of my clothes.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xiaojiao's face getting a little more rosy, I was a little more unexpected.

Xiaojiao hesitated and said: "Master, you have been back for so many days, and you have never called a servant. Xiaojiao dare not expect that she can be in front of the ladies, but I hope that if the master thinks about it, I can send Xiaojiao to come..."

"Cough cough..." I couldn't help coughing twice, seeing a big beauty say such words, it's strange that there is no wave in my heart.

But how can I answer such a question?

"I said Xiaojiao, aren't you following the trend?" I asked subconsciously.

"This... well, it seems to be following the trend." Xiaojiao affirmed the question after being puzzled.

"Since it is following the trend, it may not be what I think. I said Xiaojiao, it is not good to follow the trend in matters such as feelings." I immediately persuaded.

But Xiaojiao quickly shook her head and said, "But Master, even if I don't follow suit, I actually want to sleep with you..."

I squeezed the space between my brows, feeling a little embarrassed, but after so many years, I have indeed treated Xiaojiao too special, and I have seldom mentioned my relationship with her.

But this is not the reason for me to persuade her to leave her. In fact, dragons follow their nature. Flood dragons are good at such things, how can real dragons be different?

"This matter, can you...forget it, wait until the voyage is fixed and everyone is busy with their own affairs, how about it?" I compromised.

"Xiaojiao listens to the master." Xiaojiao nodded in agreement, the light of expectation bloomed in her eyes.

In Mingtian Ancient Eternity, everyone actually had the fusion of laws. Of course, that was the exchange of laws between the Daoist Heavens, which is incomparable with the complete three thousand Daoist Heavens now.

So it's no wonder that she expects so much, like Shaozi, Xiangling, Yuan Muying and the others, in fact, also have great expectations for this.

After returning to the Temple of Heaven, Xiaojiao's expression didn't change at all, as if what happened just now was nothing, she followed behind me without letting anyone see the clue.

Shaozi and the members of the Women's Legion were already waiting in the hall. Seeing us entering the hall, he quickly asked about what happened to Qinghuoyuan along the way.

After learning that it was extremely unusual, everyone suddenly looked forward to it.

Of course, Shaozi, with her elf-like temperament, teased Xiaojiao and me again, thinking that nothing happened along the way.

In the end, I didn't intend to answer, but when I saw Xiaojiao was going to speak honestly, I immediately said first: "No, you think too much."

However, there were many sharp-eyed people who saw the change in Xiaojiao's expression, like Yuan Muying, who still took the initiative to stay after everyone arranged tasks to leave.

"Uncle, you lied." Yuan Muying said.

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