Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8299: : egg beat

After entering the secret realm of God's Refining Land, the power of the law inside has obviously increased. Even the blue-black fire lotus not far away gave me the feeling that the temperature of the sun is about the same.

"Your Majesty, my fire-clearing law is the rare sulfur green fire in God's Domain, which can be burned when encountering any law, and this green lotus evil fire is just the opposite of mine. It constantly absorbs and condenses the temperature, so every flame All of them have tremendous power, and your lord once explained the origin of the universe space, so Qinghuo felt that all the fire laws of the surrounding heavens must have converged here, making it achieve today's terrifying power." Lord Qinghuo is very insightful.

"You know a lot, but I remember that I didn't tell you about the origin of the space of the universe. Who told you?" I wondered.

"My lord, it was said by Daoist Shang, but I just used it to show off." God Master Qinghuo said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, you can let Wanqiu talk about this kind of key points. I think you will have a good relationship with everyone, so you don't have to be too polite to me, just say what you have to say." Actually, I also intend to win over. There are, and at least they are all at the level of Li Yushuang, who belong to the overlord of the nodes in the universe space.

"Your Majesty does not know, my real name is Chen Qingxun, and I am a Dao Proving Immortal from the Creation Heaven Force. It is precisely because I was called by Your Majesty in the Cosmic War that year that I got the opportunity to infiltrate into the Qinghuo God Realm and seize the universe. The divine body was able to become the God Lord of Qinghuo later, so although I have been looking for great opportunities all these years, I have never forgotten to repay my lord. Now that my lord has descended to the three thousand heavens of enlightenment again, how can Qinghuo sit still? It is from the same origin that we have friendship with several wives." Qinghuo God Lord explained.

"So that's the case, but it's similar to Yue Daoxin's situation." I thought to myself that in order to transform more heaven gods, Tian Zhan really selected many Taoist immortals from the Creation Heaven and the Dao Heaven, and invested in other gods. Daotian seized the divine body.

Chen Qingxun has the same origin as us, but I don't know it. It's not surprising that I don't know it. You must know that although I am the Overlord of the Creation Heaven, in order to increase the success rate of seizing the divine body, other forces also borrowed a lot of potential demons , although everyone is united as the Creator Heavenly Force, but after the event is completed, they are also eligible to enjoy the results of the battle.

So after I won the victory of Mingtian Ancient Universe, many of these cosmic demon gods did their own thing. After all, I was the only one who stayed in Mingtian Ancient Universe. It's not easy for a **** with the talent of heaven.

"Exactly, but Fellow Daoist Yue's experience can be described as mysterious, and Qinghuo dare not compare with it." Chen Qingxun was very polite.

"After this node, does Lord Qinghuo have any other plans? If you have any requirements, feel free to ask, and I will find a way to satisfy you." I changed the subject.

Chen Qingxun thanked him first, and then said after a while: "Qinghuo wants to lead a few good gods to stay in Tianzhou City. I wonder if your lord will agree?"

"You want to settle in Tianzhou City?" I stopped.

Chen Qingxun said with some embarrassment: "I have been looking for opportunities for a long time, and I find it more and more difficult, and I have even stagnated for many years, but now that I think about it, as long as I have a relationship with my lord, I can go straight to the sky, so I feel more and more like my lord. Because of its importance to Qinghuo, that's why I impudently begged to stay in Tianzhou City, and hope that His Majesty can take him in."

"Actually, Tianzhou City is so big that even if it is compared with God's Domain, it can cover the sky without light, but it is short of talents. If you want to move in, I have no objection, but after you leave, after the Qinghuo God's Domain Where are you going?" I asked.

"Although he is no longer the God Lord Qinghuo, Qinghuo is sure that God's Domain will obey His Majesty's orders." Chen Qingxun vowed.

"That's good." I thought in my heart that Chen Qingxun is well-informed, and it seems that he has already planned this.

Chen Qingxun heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "At first I thought that Your Majesty would have other requests, but I didn't expect to agree to Qinghuo so readily."

"Hehe, what do you think I should ask for?" I asked back.

"Uh... like joining the women's army collectively." Chen Qingxun said awkwardly.

I couldn't help smiling, and said, "Do you know what organization the Women's Army is?"

"Your Majesty! I know that you can enter if you want to, but we compared the wives of your Majesty. Although we can't say that we have a big advantage, we are not the worst-looking ones. If your Majesty wants to Whatever we do, we should fully cooperate, at least we can do it with sincerity!" Chen Qingxun said urgently.

I flicked my sleeves, and said with a speechless smile: "You guys, mixing with those people, you must be giving someone a wrong rhythm. Hurry up and get rid of this idea. What's the point of barely cooperating with things like feelings?"

"It's not forced! My lord is wise and mighty, and his actions are extremely prestigious. He is the overlord of the universe with three thousand proofs. Which woman would not fall in love with you? Qinghuo thinks his eyes are too high, but facing his lord, still Such as Yingchong and Haoyue competing for glory! So it's definitely not forced, but His Majesty's invitations are always accepted..." Chen Qingxun immediately grabbed my sleeves that I rolled up.

I got goosebumps when I heard this, did I run into a little girl? Although it feels good to be praised by a beautiful woman, but I can't walk away when I see a beautiful woman, so I can just kidnap her by the way, right?

"That... God Lord Qinghuo, you will definitely have a place in Tianzhou City, so even if there is no such thing, it doesn't matter." I said hastily.

"No, my lord, you can have it." Chen Qingxun said hastily.

Now that we are getting closer to the Qinglian evil fire, the temperature is already extremely high.

Seeing her pale and rosy skin, and the fine sweat making her oval face look charming, I couldn't help swallowing: "This is not very good, it's okay if you don't have it."

"No, there must be." Chen Qingxun insisted.

I didn't know how to refuse for a while, I was afraid that her self-esteem would be hurt, and it would be unbeautiful to beat the eggs.

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