Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8307: : salute

Although the volume of the universe space is not comparable to that of the three thousand Proving Heavens, its wide area is not comparable to that of any Proving Heavens.

And even if it is difficult for the demon **** to survive, it still gave birth to some stubborn aliens that are not affected by the law of decomposition and transformation, so it is not surprising that some things I have never seen or heard of exist.

"The heart of backlash? What is that?" I took the heart of backlash. Its skin looks like a lump of stone, but it has veins like red blood vessels.

"Your Majesty, it is said that after refining it, the Heart of Backlash has the ability to bounce back against the law. No, you can attack it with any law, and you will be backbited by it immediately. Of course, the stronger the law, the stronger the backlash. This is It was left behind by a terrifying monster called Tianhuang, and Jiu Tianlin hid it in the Treasure Pavilion." Tahe explained.

"Since it's so powerful, why was it still killed by Jiu Tianlin?" After I finished speaking curiously, I sacrificed this heart, and then punched it with an annihilation law.

As a result, after the heart of backlash turned the law of annihilation around, it immediately hit me in the same way!

I immediately brought it back, and after going around in a circle, I was relieved to dissipate this force. I was already shocked in my heart at this moment.

"What do you think, Your Majesty? This Jiutianlin used all his strength to design and kill Tianhuang. Although the body of Tianhuang was destroyed, the backlash was left behind. On the contrary, it gave us an advantage in the end. "Chen Qingxun explained.

"My husband and I presented this object because we have no ability to refine it, but Your Majesty is so powerful, he will know how to use it!" Tahe flattered his face.

Of course the couple can refine it, but the refining effect may not be that good. Giving it to me first is also considered a benefit paid to me during the trip to the Jiutianlin Cave Mansion.

"It's really a good thing, so I'll be disrespectful." I took it away. If this thing is refined into the body, it will be a cheating level ability to bounce back the laws of the world. I never thought that such a fetish can be found here.

Of course, this also means that there are very likely all kinds of similar super rare treasures in the universe space, and any one of them may be able to cross the border and kill the enemy!

"It should be." Tahe saw that several children of his family had a lot to say when they saw him at this moment, so after exchanging a few words with me, he immediately took his wife and children aside to talk .

And Chen Qingxun described to me the details of going to Jiutianlin Cave Mansion this time, and showed me all the treasures of the Yuan Dynasty that he got. Although there are many good things in them, I didn't take another one, and asked When she brought it up, she distributed it to the members of the Women's Legion.

Chen Qingxun happily agreed, and then went to check the situation of the large crystal formation.

I found a mountain where I could look down from a high place, and then took out the Heart of Backlash, and examined it carefully. I found that the reason why this thing is indestructible is all because of the convenience of its laws.

This is a top-level law circuit, so no matter what law hits, it can be accelerated in it and pushed out intact, making it impossible for the enemy to defend against.

However, it is not difficult for me to destroy it. I only need two laws of attraction to enter it in different ways, and then explode inside the Heart of Backlash to destroy it.

Of course, how can I waste such a good thing, so with the sacrifice, I have fully mastered the law array of the heart of backlash, refining it into my body.

After I summoned the Heart of Backlash, it expanded and contracted like an animal heart. It looked very powerful. I tried to hit it with a law, and the law bounced back in an instant. Yes, it is not easy to absorb the same law, after all, after the combination of speed and strength itself, its essence has changed.

So I took over my own law of annihilation, and immediately collided with the same law, triggering something like a small black hole, and even directly involved the surrounding energy, the momentum is terrifying!

The biggest difference between this heart of counterattack and ordinary treasures is that it does not distinguish between enemy and friend, so as long as it is attacked, it will immediately return this force.

I don't know if this thing can counterattack and destroy the actual controller of the Demon God Alliance who claims to be Yuanzhou?

The laws of Yuan Zhou are different from the laws of Sanqian Zhengdaotian, but the heart of antiphagia theoretically does not digest any laws, it just serves as a transit point.

After withdrawing the heart of backbiting, the surrounding Yuanzhou power is sensed, and it is about 70% weaker than when it first came. According to this speed, I am afraid that the next Yuanzhou gem will take at least ten days and a half months to start. Such a long time is not conducive to the rapid changes in the battle situation, so I decided to reclaim the large formation and return to Yuanzhou City.

And when he was about to leave, Tahe seemed to have reached an agreement with his sons and daughters, and came over to explain the situation in person.

"Well, it's best if you can think this way. The mistakes made by your generation should not be passed on to the next generation. If you don't even care about ethics, how can you maintain the family relationship between families? Vastness, even if your generation has not experienced it, but you will know something from your parents and ancestors, and you will have more choices in the future." I was relieved after hearing this.

"What your lord said made me and my wife suddenly enlightened, and the children decided to change their minds. From now on, they will only pay homage to your lord without distractions." Tahe bowed down with his wife and children Yingying, determined to surrender.

And there is no need for me to mention the fishy sand, the two husband and wife have already offered it with both hands, and after I gave them the same amount of **** stones, it can be regarded as taking care of everything here.

Returning to the land of Qinghuo Shenlian, the space here is still hot, but the more than 3,000 Qinglian evil fires have disappeared. Only the huge Yuanzhou City covers the sky and the sun, covering the core area in darkness.

Looking at the huge city above, one can imagine the shock of the Tahe family.

In fact, there is still one Qinglian evil fire, but I have locked it in the golden tower of the dimension reduction space, and I have no time to deal with it now. Next, I have to allocate the Yuanyu crystal and arrange the actions of other women's legion members.

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