Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8310: : purple flower

After being transferred from the golden pagoda, we turned to the palace where Xiao Mengtong lived. Walking under the palace wall, the aisles dotted with various rare and precious trees made people linger. A little curious, I couldn't help reaching out to pick a delicate purple flower.

But before she touched the flowers, the flowers formed crystals because of the high temperature and self-preservation behavior.

Although the dimension here is low, these exotic flowers and plants are not ordinary things, and they will crystallize when exposed to heat.

Seeing that the flower she was about to touch wilted, Qinglian couldn't help being stunned.

Xiao Mengtong shook his head and smiled wryly, and said: "You kid usually doesn't restrain the evil fire in your body, did you burn the tree I planted?"

Qinglian turned her hands behind her back, pursed her mouth and said nothing, with an expression of what you can do to me.

"Everything in the world has its meaning of existence and disappearance. Therefore, those with great powers should not take life and death easily, especially for good people. Of course, those who do evil and disrupt the order of life, when we meet them, we must eliminate all evil. Qinglian is going to kill Which category do you belong to?" Xiao Mengtong's smile did not diminish.

After hearing this, Qinglian looked at the creepy smile and took a step back in fright.

"The second category?" Xiao Mengtong took a step closer, as if she would not give up until she got an answer.

I stood aside and shook my hand, and the crystallized flower just now gained luck and vitality, and became alive again, which made Qinglian's eyes straighten.

"After a lot of destruction, do you also know the difficulty of rebirth? Since life is so difficult, why let it die in an instant?" I smiled, then looked at the two ladies following behind, and said, "Among them, some The fairies are all transformed from the plants, flowers and trees here."

Qinglian looked behind her, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "The strong have the right to kill the weak, if the weak refuse to accept it, then it's only to blame that the weak can't beat the strong!"

"It seems that you are the one who did the evil." After hearing this, Xiao Mengtong stretched out her hand: "Anyone who lives here is probably much stronger than you. If you say what you say, the strong can kill the weak at will." In other words, sooner or later it will be the end of being beaten and killed, it is better for me to kill you now."

When Qinglian heard this, a flash of fear flashed in her eyes, and as Xiao Mengtong's terrifying power was instantly suppressed, Qinglian fell to her knees with a plop, and rolled in pain.

The two ladies hid behind me in fright. They rarely see conflicts. Even though they are actually stronger than Qinglian, they are certainly not as courageous as Qinglian.

Qinglian is no longer the strength of the land of the gods. After Jiu Tianlin was seriously injured and suppressed by the golden pagoda, now it is a problem to maintain Xiao Mengtong's magic skills.

She is typical of being at the top of the food chain for a long time, forgetting that her current strength cannot support her own words.

I saw that Xiao Mengtong didn't intend to stop. I was afraid that she would really burn the little girl to death, so with a wave of her sleeve, a gust of wind blew away the flames, but Qinglian was so hot that she was out of breath, if I hadn't crossed again Some energy in the past is probably enough.

"Look, this is the heat you put on the flower just now. Does it feel good to transfer the heat to yourself? Someone saved you just like the flower, otherwise you would have died just now. Now you are better than Hua'er." So what?" Xiao Mengtong asked.

I wondered in my heart that you educated your disciples, why did you include me in it.

Qinglian finally showed a look of fear, she was aloof before, but now she is a little more fearful.

"Let's not say that your little Xiehuo's strength has declined. In fact, it is the heyday period. I am afraid that she is not your master's opponent. Not to mention that she is much older than you. You are a little monster born after the space war, and we , is an old monster that existed before the space war."

An elegant voice came from the side of the boulevard, and I looked up, Shang Wanqiu, with white hair and childlike skin, came with two ladies walking in lotus steps.

She is also wearing an ancient costume with wide sleeves, but she is wearing a small cape with snow-white fluff. It is the beginning of spring in the palace now, and the weather should not affect her. It is obviously for the sake of looking good, but it makes me feel like I am in winter.

"It's fine for you to come, and the uncle is also responsible for disciplining the disciples." I also included Shang Wanqiu, so I can't let me take care of everything, can I?

"Well, I never thought about not taking on this responsibility? Anyway, the days with you here have begun to be a little dull, and I won't refuse to have a little more fun now and then." Shang Wanqiu said Arriving in front of Qinglian, Ruan wanted to help her.

But Qinglian has a bit of a temper, she can just stand up by herself, she is still the same kind of love.

"It seems that this child doesn't understand etiquette and doesn't know how to advance or retreat with respect." Xiao Mengtong was a little angry, which made Qinglian's face pale in fright.

"No, you can't raise a child like this." Shang Wanqiu hastily stretched out his hand to block Xiao Mengtong, and then said to Qinglian: "In the world, there is no distinction between good and evil in the birth of spiritual things without roots. No matter what mistakes you made, it doesn't matter what evil you have done in the past, but in the end, you can still re-enter the mountain gate as a disciple, and you have earned yourself the foundation of survival. Burned again?"

After hearing this, Qinglian felt aggrieved and said, "I just want to pick a flower..."

"Indeed, it's just a flower, but everyone has their own special definition of good and evil. In your eyes, flowers are probably not that important. In your master's eyes, the same is true... However, in exchange for With such a result, I think she is displeased with your casual attitude." After Shang Wanqiu finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and picked off the purple flower I just rescued just now.

I smiled speechlessly, Xiao Mengtong was stunned, and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Similarly, Qinglian was stunned. If there were question marks on her head, there would probably be a lot of them.

Shang Wanqiu smiled: "Look, I'm fine, so I can only say that you are not as important as a flower to them now."

"Wan Qiu!" Xiao Mengtong became impatient.

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