Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8337: : Hunxian

"That's right, that's not it!" Jing Xuechen's face was pale, her hair and pupils were also white, and she couldn't be serious about being chased by a terrifying beast that could hide from her.

I saw her hiding behind me in a panic, and couldn't help but tease: "You are also a demon master who can use different laws, and you are even afraid of this little monster?"

"It looks so scary!" Jing Xuechen almost buried her head behind me, regardless of whether I could bear it or not.

I could only dodge quickly, dodging this giant white tadpole-like monster with a big head and a small tail.

Seeing that I disappeared, the giant beast locked on me again after checking left and right, and then the pores behind it expanded, and with a bang, it spewed out a strong law of fire clouds. These clouds are blue, and they are very poisonous at first glance.

Dozens of long swords soon appeared behind me, and they rushed towards the giant beast one after another!

The giant beast roared, and the fire clouds came over the mountain, as if it was not afraid of my flying sword bombardment!

"A monster is a monster. It has no brain at all." I shook my head and smiled, and the flying sword immediately sank into a light curtain in front of me. The next moment, the flying sword appeared behind the monster, and there was only a crackling sound, and the flying sword completely sank into its body !

A moment later, the poisonous cloud collided with the light curtain, and all of them moved to the monster again. It was impossible to control the backlash of these clouds, let alone stop the flying sword from running around in the body. In the end, only some things that weighed the law were left.

Such as teeth, strong bones, and the flower used to trap fairies.

"This...so fast?" Jing Xuechen finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the pool of flesh and blood dissipate quickly.

"Don't you want natural treasures? If you don't pick them up and keep them, the laws will eventually dissipate, and they won't be new at that time." I reminded.

Jing Xuechen hurriedly flew to collect the treasures, and filled several treasure boxes. These treasure boxes can store the treasures of heaven, material and earth, so that their laws will not be assimilated or decomposed.

After all, once Tiancaidibao loses consciousness and maintains a stable quality, it will rust or wither like oxidation.

After this time of danger, Jing Xuechen didn't dare to pick natural materials and earthly treasures easily, and asked me carefully how to distinguish such dangerous beasts.

"Hehe, in fact, there is no need to distinguish. Since it is a treasure of heaven and earth, it is like a fairy grass that must be taken care of by fierce beasts. After all, plants can photosynthesize, and the spiritual energy transformed is just what the beasts need. They will guard these treasures and extract them. Aura improves cultivation, and some alien beasts even transplant them on their bodies, so that they can continuously bring benefits to them. As for the alien beasts themselves, they either live in places with natural treasures or they are looking for them. On the way." I explained in detail.

"Senior knows a lot!" Jing Xuechen said enviously.

"It's just common sense." I said while looking at a mountain range in the distance.

After the divine eyes were condensed, more than a dozen gods from the God Realm seemed to be fighting over there, and the news had already reached here.

"It seems that there are gods over there! What should we do? Should we hide?" Jing Xuechen still had an unconscious state of mind.

"I am the god, you are the devil, do you think you need to hide?"

"But... Be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship, isn't that what the seniors said?"

"Well, I was planning to ask the direction of the Daoxuanyunguan on the other side of God's Domain." I smiled.

"Ah, yes, they must know, why didn't I think of it?" After Jing Xuechen finished speaking, she glanced at her hair, and soon her hair and pupils turned dark purple, and she was wearing a snow-white dress. Just looking at it makes people think of a fairy from the God Realm.

In order not to disturb the other party, we approached the mountains at an ordinary speed. After the other party saw us, he was not too surprised because he could not see the depth.

Seven or eight of them are fighting a strange beast, and they seem to come from the same fairyland.

Seeing us coming, although they were nervous at first, but because we had no intention of interfering, they quickly calmed down, and easily joined hands to kill this white beast with the head of a unicorn.

After all, it is a space filled with two kinds of laws, so the monsters here are all albino, but no matter how weak they are, they are far away from the ordinary fairy beasts outside.

Several gods picked up the fallen treasures, and several other identities looked at the tallest one, and immediately came to us.

Without exception, they turned their gazes to Jing Xuechen's face, but they looked at me with disdain.

"What's the matter, fellow daoists?" A middle-aged immortal asked after looking at us.

Seeing that I didn't answer, Jing Xuechen knew that she was asking her to speak, so she asked timidly: "Seniors, we want to ask for directions."

I thought this is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Why are you so unsure of your own strength?

But let’s not talk about it, being called a senior, the middle-aged immortal family really thought that their cultivation base was higher than Jing Xuechen, glanced at the few fellow Taoists around, and then smiled: "Senior, I dare not be a senior, just ask for directions. It’s still possible, but sincerity, you have to give some of it.”

"Sincerity...Of course we have it. How about it? I just came from the Qingtong Demon Realm. There are some magic orders here. I wonder if you will accept them?" Jing Xuechen said hastily.

"Magic Order? We're not going to the Demon Realm, what are we doing here?" The middle-aged Xianjia touched his chin with a strange smile, while the other Xianjia laughed accordingly.

I stared at them with frowned eyebrows. Although there are both men and women in these eight immortals, the women should all come with Taoist couples. The rest who are not in pairs are obviously single. Good-looking, and with an attitude of ignorance of world affairs, it is inevitable to have some thoughts that should not be there.

"No magic order? Then I still have some materials from the road. I don't know how many people want it? I don't know how much it will cost to ask for directions. The seniors just look at it." Jing Xuechen still didn't know, Even naively want to come up with some materials.

The middle-aged man laughed, and said: "Hey, you are being polite, my friend. In fact, we don't even need the materials you got. How about this? We won't take your things, and we will take you back to God's Domain for free. You see how?"

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