Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8384: : Pergola

"Senior, calm down! I didn't know that senior was here, so I will leave immediately! And remind the demon friends who want to go up the mountain on behalf of senior!" The three demon kings said hastily.

I nodded in satisfaction, then waved my hand, and a bunch of magic tokens flashed in front of them immediately. After getting the magic tokens, several of them smiled and thanked them before parting ways and leaving.

However, one day didn't seem to be enough, and by the second night, Ling Yan still didn't wake up.

Of course I won't wake her up, after all, she is still young, and her strength is not up to the level of capturing subtle luck.

So waiting is the greatest support for her.

And I once stole Ling Yan's law, and my sensing ability can be said to have greatly improved. In the early morning, a magic energy law approached from high altitude at an extremely fast speed, and my face suddenly became gloomy. At this critical moment, it was actually a demon The Lord has come.

Seeing that it might disturb Ling Yan's screening of luck, I appeared in front of her in an instant.

"Death!" I waved my hand, and there was a loud bang, just like swat a fly, knocking the demon lord down to the ground with one blow, and the speed of falling was comparable to that of a meteor falling to the ground!


A middle-aged man with a hooked nose and messy hair rose up from the ruins, and was about to struggle again. I didn't give him any chance at all. If he didn't intend to resist, I might spare his life, but now , he didn't know how to advance or retreat, so it's no wonder I!

Chi Chi Chi!

The middle-aged man was immediately cut into seven or eight sections by the space crack, but something unexpected happened, these eight sections turned into eight villains exactly like the middle-aged man, each holding a black long sword , looking at me vigilantly!

"Hehe, it's interesting. No wonder you know that there are tigers in the mountain, so you go to the mountain. It turns out that you have some tricks, but you will pay the price for your recklessness and stupidity!" The Lord is all trapped in space by me!

"Where the **** are you! Do you know that my father is the overlord of the Demon Realm!?" The middle-aged man roared in the space, no wonder he was so arrogant.

I sneered and said: "I don't care whose child you are, boy, you are in a big trouble. I'm afraid you will pass through your demon realm on this way. You are so majestic, so it can be seen that your father is not a good thing. This deity doesn't mind getting rid of evil."

Only then did the middle-aged demon master realize that he was extremely stupid. If he couldn't beat others, he would move out of his parents. If he could beat others, he would definitely crush his opponents. blurted out.

I didn't regret it for even a second. With a flick of my finger, under the pressure of the space, a violent pressure formed inside the eight squares, crushing it into powder on the spot!

Having dealt with this guy, I returned to the altar.

At this time, Ling Yan had already opened her eyes.

Seeing her apologetic expression, I didn't ask about the result, but said: "It's okay, it doesn't matter if we can't find out, after all, the Demon Palace of Absolute Beginning may not have arrived in this demon realm, we can go to investigate after crossing the border."

"Well! Thank you, senior..." Ling Yan nodded, but said: "However, I noticed the gap caused by the impact of the two luck, which seems to be in conflict with the luck of our Demon Realm."

"Oh? And this thing? Is it possible to track its location?" I had a gap in my luck, which meant that this would be out of place.

"Yes, and it won't be too far. It's because the luck gap comes from the Demon Realm. Senior, do we really want to go?" Ling Yan reminded.

"It doesn't matter, I can take you to come and go freely in these three thousand Proving Dao Heavens." After I finished speaking a volume of Ling Yan, I rode on the Thunder Tribulation Flower in an instant, and traveled thousands of miles in an instant.

A few days passed by, and Ling Yan's expression became more and more solemn: "I found it, and those two lucks seem to be nearby! They have attacked the Demon Realm!"

I glanced at the vast mountains in front of me, but I didn't find where the Demon Realm was.

But this didn't bother me, a few strands of space cables shot out instantly, only a few ripples were heard, and the huge demon realm behind the ripples also appeared!

"Go in." After I finished speaking, Lei Jiehua rushed into the Demon Realm!

But as soon as he rushed in, a group of demon gods rushed over, all kinds of phantom soldiers and light attacks poured over frantically!

"Damn it! I can't stop those two brothers and sisters! If you don't believe me, I can't stop you! I really thought that anyone in our Demon Realm could break through!"

"Don't talk nonsense with them, kill those who trespass in my Demon Realm!"

"Kill them all, don't keep any of them!"

A group of demon gods attacked wildly. Although my Thunder Jiehua attacked without fear, but being chased by flies, shouldn't I lose face?

"Anyone who rebels will enter reincarnation!" After my voice fell, the sky and the earth changed color, the space was like the depression before the rainstorm, and the law that fell suddenly was like a huge palm, trying to press all the demon gods to the ground!

Now more than a dozen demon gods are all howling from their arrogance at the beginning!

But without giving them too much time to react, a series of whistling sounds sounded, and the Space Flying Sword appeared above their heads with astonishing momentum, and finally fell with a thunderbolt!

bang bang bang!

The demon gods were nailed to the ground without even screaming!

Now there are no more chasing Leijiehua, I snorted coldly and flew towards the largest main peak in the Demon Realm.

This Demon Realm is like a huge crystal giant leaning against a huge mountain peak. It has broad shoulders and covers a radius of hundreds of miles.

When the long and narrow arms were hanging on the ground, they looked like two mountains, stretching all the way to no end!

The outlines of a pair of legs and feet are also faintly visible, like giant mountains and raised peaks, as a whole, it looks like an ancient giant who can stand up at any time!

There are more and more demon gods following us, and there are even demon lords and demon lords. They dare not speak at this moment, but they are very vigilant.

But in the core area of ​​the Demon Realm, in front of the spacious Demon Palace, a strange scene appeared!

A pergola was set up there, and a handsome young man was lying on the Taishi chair, holding a fluttering fan to fan the wind occasionally.

Seemingly aware of my arrival, he covered the sunlight from his eyelids with his hand, trying to see who I was.

And beside him, there is a beautiful young girl, this young girl is neatly dressed, she is wiping the azure blue flying sword in her hand, she doesn't look at me who is slowly controlling the thunder disaster flower to land at this moment.

"Senior, it was these two lucks that disturbed the luck of the Demon Realm..." Ling Yan explained.

I nodded, looked around, and found that all the demon kings dare not approach the area around the pergola, and there are even demon lord-level existences who meditate around, but most of them are monitoring the pergola.

"Don't worry, they might be in the same group, let's see first." An elderly demon **** coldly reminded the surrounding demon gods.

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