Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8397: :spray

I frowned slightly, and slowly flew into the air with Li Guxian.

At this time, a young and middle-aged Taoist priest with a goatee and dressed as a Taoist priest spotted me, and flew over in an instant: "Father! Mother!"

"What are you shouting for? Surprised." I thought to myself that Lingxian boy is dressed like this now, it seems that my grandpa should also change his image to make himself look more majestic.

"Father! You make your son think so hard!" Hearing my unmasked familiar voice, Ling Xian rushed over, and I avoided it directly.

"Speak well, and don't give me those things that I don't have. You won't be exempted from punishment just because you are acting close to me now." I frowned and said.

"Father! I don't have a son. My respect for Wan Xi has never changed! Over the years, I have not stopped looking for her!" Ling Xian's eyes were bloodshot.

"Don't pretend to be here. If you don't get Wanxi's understanding later, it's up to me to deal with you." After I finished speaking, I looked at Li Guxian and said, "Go back to the Demon Realm first, the children should have been waiting for a long time."

"Well, why don't you teach me a little more? I'm afraid he will lose face when he goes back, and he is also a divine master after all." Li Guxian said with a smile.

"Hmph, your face is as strong as a wall of iron, so what's the difference?" I put my hands behind my back, and before Li Guxian and Xia Lingxian could speak, I was already teleported to the Demon Field Square.

Xia Xinglan, who was resting in the square, stood up instantly, and hurriedly flew over and shouted, "Grandpa! You're back? Grandma! You're back!"

I took a look at him, and he was no longer so casually dressed. I guess he was reprimanded by Ling Xian, including Xia Xingchun, who was much more honest at this time.


"I dare not be dishonest." Xia Xinglan replied hastily.

I nodded, and I stopped training the two brothers and sisters, after all, teaching children to have their own parents, so I don't need to worry about it as a grandfather.

What surprised me was that there was a middle-aged Taoist priest and a young man standing there on the other side, and saluted me from a distance.

"I have met Master." The middle-aged Taoist priest's voice was calm, his expression was even more capable, and he looked like a master of a generation.

"Jin Zhao, I haven't seen you for so many years, have you taken good care of my juniors and younger sisters?" I smiled faintly, seeing my own disciples, I was more or less happy in my heart.

"Master, I can't say that you take care of them. The younger brothers and younger sisters are all very good, and each has their own achievements. Please rest assured, Master." Shen Jinzhao hurriedly said, his current cultivation base seems to be on par with Ling Xian, no difference.

And the young man beside him hurried over and said, "Xiao Yu has met Master."

"Well, you've grown up too, and you think your cultivation and strength can rival your father's? As an outstanding young man of this generation, you have to take good care of the juniors." My heart said that Shen Xiaoyu had a very different temperament from before. Be proud.

"Yes, Xiao Yu has always regarded Master's words as classics, strictly disciplines himself, and treats others leniently, especially the juniors. That's a brother and friend who doesn't even quarrel." Shen Xiaoyu said respectfully.

"Very good, how well have you practiced your sword skills now?" I asked again.

"Better than dad." Shen Xiaoyu said modestly.

Shen Jinzhao at the side didn't react when he heard it at first, but then his eyes turned ferocious, and he kicked Shen Xiaoyu away!

With a loud bang, a hole was directly knocked out in the corner of the palace wall of Demon Realm.

Everyone present widened their eyes, but at the ruins, Shen Xiaoyu stood up as if nothing happened, patted the dust on his body, and said, "Father, do things like sneak attacks less in the future, otherwise it will be difficult to make progress." growing."

"You little wave! I think you're planning to turn the world upside down!" Shen Jinzhao blew his beard and stared angrily.

Ling Xian on the side hurried over to help straighten out the anger behind him: "Brother Jinzhao, Mo Qi, Mo Qi, it's hard to manage children when they grow up. Convince people with virtue, we must conquer people with virtue."

Xia Xinglan couldn't help but put her thumbs up to Shen Xiaoyu, and Xia Xingchun's eyes shone brightly, and she was regarded as a model of the times.

Li Guxian dared to let them deal with the holy city of chaos by themselves. With the strength of the two of them, it was enough to shake a holy city.

Not to mention Shen Xiaoyu, who has better qualifications than his father. This kid has been with me for a while. Back then, I predicted that his kendo attainments would surpass his father. Now this statement is probably not true.

He Caoqin looked at Li Guxian, pointed to me and her, and was relieved when he saw the other party nodding.

I didn't plan to pay attention to He Caoqin either. Isn't it all his fault that this mess happened?

Seeing Yun Wanxi at a loss, I smiled and said, "Did you talk to Ling Xian last night?"

"Father, he was in a hurry to find you, so he said a few words to me in a hurry..." Yun Wanxi looked at Xia Lingxian.

"You kid, why don't you get out of here?" I frowned.

Xia Lingxian came over in a hurry and said, "Father, you've been away all these years, Wanxi and I don't know how much we miss you!"

"You and Wanxi? What's your relationship?" I asked with frowned eyebrows.

"Husband and wife!"

"Doing an act of abandoning a wife and a child is also called a husband and wife?" I asked.

"Father! I was wronged! No, I'm not wronged! It's my fault! It's all my fault!" Xia Lingxian glanced at Yun Wanxi, and his whole body immediately became messy. After thinking about it, he finally knelt down.

Li Guxian pulled me aside, and said softly: "The child has realized that he was wrong. Over the years, he has been looking for their mother and daughter. I heard that the husband and wife have reconciled last night. The child Wanxi just thinks There is no support behind me, and I feel that I have been wronged here, and no one cares."

I was stunned for a moment, and looked at Shen Jinzhao, who was so frightened that Shen Jinzhao hurried over and said, "Master! The matter of Junior Sister Wanxi is our business. I didn't say much about Ling Xian, including other senior brothers. Now Ling Xian is dejected when he sees him, everyone blames him, now he is fine, the younger sister has been found, and I can go back to work, this trip, I was personally supervised by other brothers and sisters..."

"I didn't take good care of my little junior sister. Do you think that as a teacher in the ancient universe of the underworld, you can lie flat and die?" I had a cold expression on my face.

Yun Wanxi cried: "Master, it has nothing to do with the brothers and sisters, it's all because of Wanxi's willfulness, and he didn't take the brothers and sisters into consideration..."

"Hey, no matter what happens in the future, brothers and sisters will be your rear area. Even if you are no longer a teacher, they can't make decisions for you if there are important matters?" I sighed.

"Master, this disciple won't do this again, and he will definitely be considerate in the future." Yun Wanxi cried, Xia Lingxian wanted to go over to comfort and help, but Xia Yunyun took it over.

I looked at the embarrassed Ling Xian and asked, "What's going on with Xingyao?"

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