Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8404: : overkill

Since having Su Tang's child, Ling Yan's maternal instincts have been fully activated. Although she is in a hurry occasionally, she still does her best. This posture seems to be pulling the child up.

I can only be happy to see all this, after all, I found the little trouble myself, and I don't know what kind of relationship she has with Su Tian.

I don't know if it's because of Ling Yan's milk, or because the demon has awakened quickly, and the child has already babbled in less than a month.

However, from the moment she gave Kong Rong the pear, I had already foreseen the possibility.

"Senior, she has started to learn to speak now, what should we let her teach us?" Ling Yan gently pulled down my sleeve with her fingers.

I propped my chin and said, "Call your mother?"

"Ah? This... I haven't been in a relationship yet..." Ling Yan quickly waved her hands, looking at Su Tang who was walking around beside Qinglian with her horns waving, she felt a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter, isn't she raised by you?" I smiled.

"I don't want it anymore, Ling Yan didn't do much, why don't you... want her to call me little mother?" Ling Yan's cheeks flushed slightly.

I smiled and said, "Is there a difference?"

"After all, it's not my own, but I don't want her to call me someone else..." Ling Yan was a little embarrassed, but at this time, Su Tang seemed to understand, and came over shaking: "Little mother, little mother, grandma ,grandmother."

Ling Yan was somewhat excited when she was called Xiaoma, but the following keyword made her blush again for a moment, the child was about to nurse again.

"Hehe, since she already called it that way, what's there to be embarrassed about?" I didn't want to expand on other topics.

Su Tang threw himself into Ling Yan's arms, then skillfully opened the skirt of his clothes with his hands, and found something to eat by himself.

While Su Tang was embarrassed, he didn't mean to refuse, he could only let the child make trouble in front of me.

I was embarrassed to read on, so I could only turn my face away, but hearing the familiar smacking sound always made people feel a little more stagnant.

"Senior, it seems to be getting older."

"Big? It seems to be a little bit, I... didn't pay much attention."

"Really, it's a lot bigger and heavier."

"Eh? Is it because of some kind of secretory function in the body, that's why it's getting bigger and heavier? It's like a fairy, after giving birth to a child, the secondary development for breastfeeding is also normal, so you don't have to worry too much."

"Ah? No, senior, I'm talking about children..."

"..." I was silent for a while, it was really easy to step into the scene of the society's death, it turned out that she was not talking about this.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Ling Yan understood my embarrassment, so she comforted me: "Senior...no, it's okay, in fact, what you said seems to be true, if you don't believe me, look, it's not just that the child is much older..."

Ling Yan suddenly put a hand on my arm.

The two of us sat side by side, giving her such a hug, I couldn't help but my heart trembled, I could only nod and said: "Well, it will recover in the future? Even if it doesn't recover, it will..."

The mood at this moment can be described as messy.

However, just when I thought Ling Yan was going to do something, my clothes were suddenly shaken by my hand, and I looked down and saw that this hand was not Ling Yan's, but Su Tang's little hand was holding my clothes The sleeves are dangling.

It's understandable for the child to use his strength to stabilize himself, but it's too much for me, the Creator of the World, to be frightened by this incident.

When I was thinking about how to overturn this situation, Ling Yan suddenly chuckled and asked with a smile: "Senior, I haven't asked you yet, if the child calls me Xiaoma, what should I call the senior?"

"You can't let me be her father, can you?" I couldn't help but glanced at Ling Yan, her face turned red all of a sudden: "There seems to be nothing wrong..."

"It's not good, and I don't know her real identity now." I quickly refused.

In the end, with a wow, Su Tang suddenly opened his mouth and burst into tears, as if he really understood what I said.

My eyes froze for a moment, Ling Yan seemed to realize something, she quickly pulled down her skirt to cover the conspicuous part, and coaxed the child.

Seeing the child being coaxed again, I also had some considerations in my heart. This child seems to understand very quickly, and can understand what we say. Although she is still a little naive, she must know everything in a short time.

I really don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to keep this little guy. It seems that even if it's just a chat, we have to avoid this kid in the future.

By the time he crossed this demon realm, several months had passed.

Su Tang can already run and jump, about one meter long, her physique is naturally very strong, even without me teaching any spells, she can easily control the way of flying, and she is born with a rare law of space gravity, which makes her I'm also a little curious about what happens when she grows up.

Her luck belongs to the day after tomorrow, and it is a luck without impurities, almost the same as Ling Yan.

Perhaps because she grew up with Ling Yan, and Ling Yan likes to find time to take her to run around on the ground, she looks very lively and cute, and there is a bit of innocence, so even if she looks similar to Su Tian, ​​I even It is no longer possible to combine the images of the two of them.

After all, Su Tian is more radical and also extremely deceptive.

Ling Yan taught her the truth, and occasionally taught her some common sense in contact with other demon gods, which is also an important reason for her lively temperament.

Of course, I also observed her every move when she and Ling Yan went to the ground.

After all, the demon species is a natural creature, and she does have the idea of ​​suppressing ordinary creatures. Not to mention creatures weaker than herself, even creatures stronger than herself, she seems to have no fear when facing them, and even uses her own abilities to suppress them. other side.

This made Ling Yan rush to teach her and correct her behavior.

I saw it in my eyes, but I didn't intend to participate in it. After all, Ling Yan was kind-hearted and raised her with milk, so no matter what, Su Tang was willing to listen to it, which really surprised me.

Su Tang, despite her young age, can feel the pressure brought by an absolute strongman. When facing me, she has instinctive timidity and respect, which makes my mood a little more complicated.

Is she good or bad?

How the Heavenly Demon Seed was born, these are the questions in my mind, so while I was crossing the road towards the Heavenly Demon Realm, I kept asking about Su Tian or the Heavenly Demon Seed from the passing Demon Sect.

It's just a pity that all the news is spread by Erdao traffickers, and it doesn't make much sense at all.

And as the child grows up, this concern will only increase.

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