Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8407: : see mountain

"It's really hard to travel during this period. When the child is a little older, his nature will be liberated naturally. I think you and the child can no longer stay on the space Qinglian." I suggested.

"Senior, are you going to..." Ling Yan raised her head anxiously, but with an 'ah' sound, she was caught off guard that the tentacles were still in my hand.

I hurriedly let go and said: "I don't mean that, I just want you to take your child into a different space to stay for a while, the time there can be controlled by me, it can be slower than here, one month in it, one day here Left and right, you can concentrate on teaching her all kinds of knowledge and principles without being restricted by Qinglian."

"Is it really possible? I can teach the children, can I?" Ling Yan couldn't help being surprised.

I nodded and said, "Every once in a while, I will go in to replenish your luck, and pass on some other knowledge to your children, what do you think?"

Ling Yan nodded excitedly, but soon felt a little more sad: "But... how long does it take for seniors to come in? Ling Yan and the child will miss you."

"It won't be too long. You have your personal space and you won't be distracted. You just need to teach her the principles and knowledge of life. You don't need to teach her the ability to protect herself. I will supervise her personally." I smiled and stroked her During this period of time, her cheeks became plump, and her skin elasticity was much better than before.

With shyness hidden in Ling Yan's eyes, she said: "Understood, Ling Yan will preach the word seriously, and never let the children go on evil paths..."

"Well, it's good that you understand, and I promise you that no matter how the demons exist, I will consider the relationship between you before making a decision." I smiled.

Ling Yan hugged my arm again and said, "Senior is so kind to Ling Yan."

After Su Tang came back, I put away the space Qinglian, and took their mother and daughter into the space of another world.

Standing in front of a brand new palace, Ling Yan's eyes widened. Su Tang was also happy to run into the palace, but was stopped by Ling Yan.

"Little mother! Su Tang wants to go in! Go in!" Su Tang is very interested in all new worlds, and she has a strong desire to explore as long as they are novel places.

"Wait a minute, you haven't got your father's permission yet, you can go and ask if you can go." Ling Yan quickly persuaded.

Su Tang's small face was begging: "Daddy, Su Tang wants to go in and play, can I?"

"Yes, you will live here for a long time in the future, and you must remember that the servants inside are also flesh and blood with you. Even if they respect you, you must treat them with courtesy. You must not treat them like beasts and evil spirits. Communicate with each other like friends." I laughed.

"Can Su Tang make friends?" Su Tang's eyes seemed to light up.

In fact, during this period of time, I have taught her some simple knowledge, and this palace was built on Qinglian while their mother and daughter were playing on the ground by themselves. It is similar to the previous palace, and I also arranged some treatments. A female paper servant of the little things in life.

Of course there is a reason for not using male paper servants. After all, women are more careful in doing things, and gentle maids will also affect children's temperament.

This is also part of my plan.

Su Tang took Ling Yan and me by the hand and walked towards the gate of the palace. After the paper servants at the gate saw it, a dozen smiling maids came to welcome us with palace lanterns.

The infrastructure in this palace is complete, including private schools, which teach books of enlightenment.

In addition, everything in this world, such as trees, stones, mountains, rivers, etc., is collected from all the enlightened heavens passing by during this time, and they are matched according to the principle of mutual generation and mutual restraint. Create ecological destructive power.

After all, with the experience of 3,000 Proving Dao Heavens, setting up such a small world is a piece of cake.

So although the whole world has its own food chain, it is relatively stable, and of course it is extremely magnificent, and there are countless wonderful things to explore, enough for children and Ling Yan to live here.

Leading Ling Yan and the child through the palace road all the way, in addition to the wide avenue, there are many novel things that make the child very excited. The harem, which can be reached in half an hour, took a full two hours to finish the explanation .

Of course these paper servants are very familiar with it, but it's the first time I come here, of course I have to explain it carefully.

Ling Yan listened carefully, appreciating her new residence all the way, the palace here is much prettier than the Demon Realm.

I have gone through countless days of enlightenment, and my aesthetics is still online. Some palaces and pavilions fly through the clouds, while others fall into the fog.

Children are full of curiosity and are more lively than in the outside world.

"You don't have to ask daddy everything, you can try to communicate with the young ladies, they may know the environment here better than your daddy." Ling Yan saw that I was being pestered, and immediately gave a new suggestion.

"Su Tang...is that okay?" Although Su Tang was lively, she seemed to have been with Ling Yan for a long time, and she was naturally timid about some things.

"It's ok, don't you plan to try? They may be your future friends, if you get along well." Ling Yan patted the child's head.

Su Tang breathed a sigh of relief, and boldly came to the side of a beautiful female official who was leading the way with a lantern, and carefully tried to pull her sleeves a few times, making the female officer smile: "Our female officers exist to maintain all the operations of the palace. , so you don’t have to be like this, miss, just ask questions if you have anything, of course, we can’t answer all questions, because we have expertise in each department.”

"Then, what is that?" Su Tang asked hastily.

The female official immediately knew everything and talked endlessly, and told the history of the surroundings. There are hundreds of female officials and female craftsmen in the palace, which are more than enough to deal with the affairs of the palace.

Seeing the child's joy, I didn't stay long. After telling Ling Yan to take care of the child, I went back outside.

I didn't continue to use Qinglian to rush on the road. After all, if I was alone, I would jump faster with space, and after a period of stealing my teacher, I also learned Ling Yan's similar ability.

So more than ten days later, I appeared in front of the Heavenly Demon Realm where I am now.

A group of demon gods saw me wearing a mask in the sky directly above the Demon Realm, and immediately started talking about it, but I didn't leave immediately.

Sure enough, several demon lord-level existences flew towards me with extraordinary momentum under the leadership of a specially dressed demon lord.

"God friend suddenly visited me in the Blood River Demon Realm, what can I give you?" The leader Demon Lord saw that I dared to come alone, although he didn't dare to trust me, but he didn't have the slightest fear.

"Heavenly Demon Seed, do you guys know something?" I cut to the chase and took out a **** stone.

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