Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8410: : hidden

"The next day...wake up together?" Ling Yan was the same as before, completely unable to resist this kind of earthy teasing, and sometimes she would be stunned directly, and the pure breath rushed to her face.

When she wanted to understand what it meant, her face turned red: "Ah! You..."

"What?" I played with the tentacles as soft fingers again, Ling Yan seemed to have been prepared this time, holding my hand and not letting go, at least I would have one less hand to toss her.

And just when I was about to go further and bully her innocence, there was a slight sound of thumping outside, as if someone was knocking outside.

Seeing that I hadn't restrained myself, Ling Yan tapped my hand and said, "Senior! Everyone is surrounding us outside, they must think we can't get out inside..."

"What are you afraid of? I'm afraid you don't know how strong this wisteria fruit is? Since it protects the treasures of heaven and earth like a fruit, its hardness cannot be broken by any law." I was not prepared to stop, and I still went my own way. .

Ling Yan's delicate face is almost dripping with water, but she has nothing to refute me, so she can only let me do what she wants.

There was a lot of movement outside, Ling Yan could only say: "Then we can only... only go out on the night of the full moon?"

"Hehe, don't you want to stay a few more days?" I asked back.

"No... I can do it, but if we only go out on the night of the full moon, shouldn't Su Tang be worried about us?" Ling Yan patted my hand.

I could only helplessly shrug my shoulders: "The child is not young anymore, it's a good thing to let her be independent once in a while. I really don't plan to get bored with me for a few days?"

"Ah? The night of the full moon just passed today, how long will it take until the full moon?" Ling Yan was thinking, but also worried.

"Okay, you don't want to stay with me, then I'll let the fruit open." I snapped my fingers, and the law of space immediately squeezed the fruit away.

The two of us fell directly from the fruit, and Ling Yan is holding my arm at the moment, and everyone can see her initiative at the moment.

"Daddy! Mom!" Su Tang rushed over and hugged us unsuspectingly.

I couldn't help complaining in my heart, what is the difference between the current Su Tang and the Su Tian who is holding a black sickle? It's like a mold you printed out!

But now the child's identity is equivalent to my adopted daughter.

I can't think of her as the Eight Heavenly Kings before she turns into Su Tian, ​​can I?

Ling Yan hugged the child without any hesitation, almost overflowing with maternal love.

"Good boy, are you worried about my little lady?" Ling Yan patted the child's head.

"Hmph, it's just a little bit. Anyway, with Daddy here, I'm afraid that I won't come out right away." Su Tang stuck out his tongue, showing the inspiration of a young adult.

Ling Yan patted the child's hand and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

"It's not nonsense, my little mother thinks about daddy every day, it's just a dream." Su Tang mentioned it in front of me intentionally.

"Really? Besides your little mother, do you miss your father?" I wondered.

This child is so young, but he is still proficient in people's hearts, just like Su Tian, ​​who can see many things beyond Chang Xian's understanding.

"Me? A little bit." Su Tang gestured with his finger, which was the size of a finger.

I couldn't help but laugh, and Ling Yan once again took a picture of the child's gesture: "Don't talk like that, just think about it, don't want it if you don't want it, how can there be so many gossips?"

Su Tang imitated me and shrugged her shoulders. This child actually had some subconscious movements that came from me. He was imitating me.

"Okay, your child is completely out of shape, it's okay, just happened to meet Daddy who took some time off, starting today, you need to start learning with Daddy, if you still can't hold back your petty temper, don't It’s because the whip is too heavy.” I didn’t spoil the child either, sometimes it’s necessary to be stricter.

However, after hearing this, Su Tang was not only not afraid, but also became excited: "Ah? Daddy, you really want to teach me yourself? That's great!"

I glanced at Ling Yan, she spread her hands helplessly and said: "This child sometimes thinks that I can't teach well, and keeps clamoring for you to teach me. I really have had enough."

I was speechless for a moment, it seems that this kid is quite studious to some extent.

In the next year, I began to teach her knowledge regularly, of course, most of it was the ability to control the law, as for weapons, I did not teach, and some principles of life were mixed in it.

It's strange that this child listens to me quite well, and doesn't jump out of line with Ling Yan, which makes me curious. At the same time, I can't help but take the time to meditate and study with Su Tang, and ask about Ling Yan's situation.

"Senior can't feel it, but the child is really in awe of you, and almost praises you to the sky." Ling Yan giggled.

"Is there such a thing?" I couldn't help smiling wryly, it seems that the child will not show his true self in front of me.

"Isn't it? To her, you are God. As for me, it's more like her harbor." Ling Yan looked envious.

"I'm afraid the sky won't collapse one day." I said speechlessly.

Ling Yan hurriedly grabbed my hand and said: "Senior, don't talk nonsense, geniuses don't fall down! You promised Ling Yan! Whatever happens, the child will be considered first!"

I quickly patted her hand and said in relief, "Don't worry, it's just a joke."

"Senior, have you found anything? This time, is there anything you need to ask Ling Yan?" She realized something.

I nodded and said: "After these days, I figured it out. It seems that I still have to go to the Heavenly Demon Sanctuary. I feel that this child is a little different from the previous Su Tian. She may not be what I thought. Su Tian is reincarnated."

"Ah? Senior is sure?" Ling Yan is of course very sensitive about this matter.

"That's right, she has no memory of Su Tian at all, not even the memory of Ling Yan's natal weapon. In terms of law, she is even purer than Su Tian." I said firmly.

But the more this is the case, the more I feel that the hidden darkness in my heart may be bottomless. If the demon species is not Su Tian, ​​what kind of existence is it?

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